Monday, July 7, 2014

T Stands For Tuesday: a retrospective

One year ago next week, T Stands For Tuesday was born.  Several of you have been here from the beginning, some joined recently, and some visit when time allows.  That's perfectly acceptable, because I'm not about rules, but about sharing a common theme: our drink for the day.

So much like my friend Seth Apter hosts a Buried Treasure each year, I'm going to ask you to Dig Deep into your T Tuesday posts, and pick ONE POST you consider a favorite.  Then, we will share our favorites from this past year when we link up next week.  

I realize some of us have been sharing tea and other drinks for more than a year, and had it not been for Divers and Sundry saying how much she wished this weekly tea event  was a bit more organized, the linky might never have been born.

I have Kimmie to thank for starting this ritual many years ago: in fact, long before I joined.  At some point along the way, she created a lovely piece of art she painted that we could add to our sidebars.  My dear friend Halle was kind enough to write the code for my art.  I went with mixed media, because that's more my style.

Today I'm bringing back an old post I made several years ago: October 11, 2011 to be exact.  I called it Blooming Tea and you are welcome to revisit the post.  However, today, I've updated it, because I have a much, much better camera, and can now share the beauty of the blooms with you.

Like before, I started with my supplies, including the heat resistant pad to protect my wood table, the tea, and my 3-minute egg timer.  This time, instead of using a clear heavy drinking glass, I found a bowl that would allow the blossom to expand to its full capacity.

A close-up of the tea blossoms shows what they look like before boiling water is added.  If you've never seen these before, like I had not until my friend Cath in Cyprus sent this box to me, they are, in my opinion, more beautiful before they bloom.

I don't know about you, but I don't have any wine glasses I would trust with boiling water.

Instead, I heated my water in a pyrex baking dish, and dropped the blossom in the heated water.  Then I waited.

And waited!  In fact, I was in the process of taking this photo of my "timer" where the hourglass sand had definitely passed through to the other side,

when I completely missed the opening of the blossom.

A few close-up shots show how it opened as I continued to take photos of its progress.

It took nearly 20 minutes for the tea to get dark enough to drink it.  And before you ask, I think the real appeal is in the blooming of the blossom, because the tea is not very palatable at all.  In fact, even though I had enough for two cups, I only had part of one cup and threw the remainder away.  I'm trying to decide if there's a use for the spent blossom, though (other than the compost pile, of course).

It's time for you to link your T Stands for Tuesday post.  Remember, your T Stands for Tuesday post can be about anything drink related, as long as you can tie it back in some way to a drink, a drinking vessel, or something wet.  And as always, your photos do not have to be taken on Tuesday.  After you link, Bleubeard and I will be by to visit, as well as other Tuesday Tea participants.

And please don't forget to dig deep and find a favorite post for next Tuesday when T Stands for Tuesday turns ONE.  I look forward to our first birthday party.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Bridget Larsen said... 1

We have a tea shop here called T2 and they make this blossom tea in a glass/plastic jug with hot water, they also add other teas to it and its just wonderful, hope you find a solution to make this tea palatable.
Bridget #1

Linda Kunsman said... 2

what a beautiful presentation of tea Elizabeth! I wasthisclose to ordering a special glass tea pot along with blooming teas from QVC last year but was good and didn't get it. I was actually supposed to be internet shopping for b'day and other gifts. I still want to try it sometime. Happy T day!

Robyn said... 3

I got some of these as a gift once and I think my kids ended up using them as a science experiment! I do remember them being nicer to look at then to imbibe!

Ohhh Snap said... 4

Beautiful tea! And kudos on your upcoming anniversary : D

dawn said... 5

Hello and Happy almost T day. What a fun post, have never head of these before, SO COOL!

I like the idea of digging deep into our old T posts! Can't wait to see everyone's. So glad I found your blog dear friend and can visit with you and the others each Tuesday. Some weeks it seems hard for me to get here but I do try and enjoy them so much.

I just linked up too, YAY, got home early from bible study and have to wait till Renee gets off work, so I've been up pretty late 5 nights in a row. My eyes are so tired they are hurting.

I loved reading how T day came to be also, so awesome how all these friends helped you. Thanks for sharing that since I didn't know.

Have a good night.

jinxxxygirl said... 6

I have never seen that before although i have heard of them. Somehow i thought they would open into something a little more beautiful...hmmm...lesson learned. Thanks so much for sharing! Hugs! deb

Carol said... 7

Interesting tea...beautiful even though there isn't much color...just unfortunate that the flavor is not as nice.

Dianne said... 8 captured the moment very well with your new camera! great idea to put it in a bowl...the flower is really lovely, both dried and opened!

Krisha said... 9

So great to be back in time for Tea!!
That is a beautiful tea blossom, I've never seen anything like it. But then I'm fairly "new" to the whole tea thing.

Too bad it didn't taste very good, it might have made a good dye though.

Off to bed with me, I'll make the rounds in the morning.
Happy T-day

~*~Patty S said... 10

One year ago already...
Time truly is flying by...
You and your new camera sure are taking some lovely photos E!
The blooming tea pods in the box are is such an interesting idea for tea and very interactive too.
Just ONE favorite tea post hmmmmm
Happy T Day to you and Bleubeard

Darla said... 11

You documented the process so well with your new camera. I had some of these as well and was pretty much disappointed in them. Great in theory but not so great in action.


Divers and Sundry said... 12

Happy T(ea) Tuesday Anniversary! I can't tell you how much I enjoy visiting your posts and linky friends. I've learned a lot and gotten to know such fun people. Thx!

I've never heard of blossom tea. That's a beautiful unfolding you've demonstrated! I'm just sorry it wasn't as good to drink as it is to look at.

Craftymoose Crafts said... 13

I always wanted to try one of these--I somehow thought it would be more dramatic or colorful. Too bad it wasn't good for drinking, and since it took so long to brew, it probably would not have made a decent dye either.

I am looking forward to next week! Can't believe it is a year already. Thank you so much for hosting and keeping me inspired!

Linda Kunsman said... 14

Hi Elizabeth, I'm leaving another comment because you have "do not reply" when you comment to me so I'm not able to respond. Thank you for sharing your experience with that tea -and saving me money that would have been wasted.I guess the cost is not about the quality at all but the novelty of it.

Nancy said... 15

Love the look of these, the one I had tasted ok, but not something I would use....but they are pretty and entertaining to watch :) My post from 2009 is on the sidebar of my blog, 'Flowering Tea Ball'
I don't have a post today, but will visit around :)

Eliza said... 16

You are game I wouldn't drink it, no way in hell, it does look pretty when open but that is it for me. I am not much of a Tea drinker I love Barista Coffee, I will drink tea but only as a last resort.

Happy Tuesday (just scraping it in)
Hugs Eliza 15

Kirsty Vittetoe said... 17

OH wow, sounds fun, looks fun, I might join in when I have time, the flower tea looks awesome!! And thanks for stopping by my blog! : )

Halle said... 18

I remember you showing these before...and yes MUCH better photos this time! Looking forward to searching my archive for a favorite post.

Rita said... 19

I've never repeated a post. Maybe I'll put in a link next week--if I can remember.
I have a couple of those flowering tea balls and I agree with you--mine were fairly bland, too. Luckily, I prefer bland tea--ROFL! They are really fun to slowly watch open. I have a glass teapot that works perfectly for them.
Congrats on year one! I can't believe it's already been a whole year. Happy T-Day! :)

Ariel said... 20

Happy Anniversary to T for Tuesday Elizabeth. It feels so good to come here and add my blog link as everyone is so friendly and positive.
This whole bloom process if new to me. I think it is marvelous.
Have a lovely week

creatorme said... 21

Happy T-Day!
I have seen these but never bought any to try. It looks wonderful but too bad the tea does not taste good. Wonder if maybe it's just that particular one.
This is going to be interesting to see how and when I started visiting you. I am pretty young (ahahahhaha wish I were age-wise) to the T-gang!

Vicki Miller said... 22

Thanks, Elizabeth for you kind comments. Winter blues is a polite way of saying SAD, which is what I have. I also have a daylight lamp, but forget to use it. You and Dianne have reminded me, thanks. It is actually pouring here and has been for nearly 24 hours, which just makes it worse. Anyway, We are nearly half way through winter, so it will be uphill from now on I hope. Thanks for being such a friend to me.

Nan G said... 23

Yes there was a time when I was an advid tea drinker. Loose tea mind you not this tea bag stuff of today. I agree these are prettier in the box. Didn't really care for the ones I tried and used them as a dried arrangement instead.

Robyn said... 24

Re next weeks anni- I've only been joining y'all for a few weeks- is distant past ok? or should I try to do a special b'day post?

Cindy McMath said... 25

Really cool photos Elizabeth - I have seen clear glass teapots used for this tea. I have never tried it. I bought a single one for my son as he is a tea drinker - he also ended up throwing most of it out. It seems that the visual appeal outweighs the flavour - although someone mentioned mixing it with other teas which might work.

As to what to do with the bloom after... I wonder if you could dry it back out and stamp with it using light paint? If you dried it out so it is splayed out like that it would make a cool blossom stamp. :) I will be interested to see if this shows up at a later date!

Denise Price said... 26

Hi again! Just skimming thru to catch up with you. Oh bummer, I missed blooming tea. I always feel bummed when I have to miss T Day. :(

I already know what my fave T Day post has been so far, so I know what I'll be linking up next week. :)

Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend!

Unknown said... 27

Your work is amazing!!! Your blog, so very inspiring!!! You get a lot done!!! I am just in awe...everything is so beautiful!