Monday, July 21, 2014

T Stands for Thank You Tuesday

It's time once again for T Stands For Tuesday, this time with a big

thank you to everyone who linked up last week.   It was an awesome week,

where some chose to show a favorite post, and others chose something new.

It didn't matter to me, as long as you joined this event.

As promised, if you linked last week, your name was automatically placed in this cup.  Since I'm not a big fan of, because, statistically speaking, the randomness follows a normal bell curve, where the most numbers are in the center of the curve, while the outliers, or those numbers at the ends of the curve, don't often stand a chance of winning.

I tried to get Bleubeard to choose a name, but all he managed to do was dig around in the cup.   That meant it was up to me to reach in and grab a name.  In the past, NO ONE could read names when I didn't use  This time, I hope

you can see the name.  Look for something soon in the not-too-distant future, dear Krisha.

It's a new year, so let's get started making new memories: T Stands For Tuesday memories, that is.

To learn more about T Stands for Tuesday, I'm planning to add a tab at the top soon.  Right now, all you need to know is: your photos can be taken any time, you don't have to drink tea, and your post can be anything as long as it can, in some way, be relevant to a drink.

20 thoughtful remarks:

Bridget Larsen said... 1

Love your WOYWW block, I want one LOL. Congratulations KRISHA. So Beth what are you planning for next years anniversary?
Have a happy week
Bridget #1

jinxxxygirl said... 2

Congrats Krisha!!! No thank you needed Elizabeth it was great fun! I'll have my tea post up soon! Hugs! deb

Divers and Sundry said... 3

Last week was fun. Of course _every_ Tuesday is fun :) My post is ready and scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll be back then.

Oh, and I appreciate you having your post up and running (for what to me is) early, because it gives me plenty of time to add your link to my post. Handy ;)

Ohhh Snap said... 4

I love that you did the drawing from a tea cup : D. Beautiful card! Congratulations to Krishna : ).

Robyn said... 5

loving those pansies in that cup.
Congrats to Krista! and all!

dawn said... 6

Hello and Happy T Day! It was so much fun to see all the posts last week! CONGRATS TO KRISHA!! What a gorgeous card that is! I may need to skip T day tomorrow, busy times here right now and not sure I could make the rounds to everyone.
My dad is in the hospital and having bypass surgery later in the week. My best friend here is having health issues with her mom and her FIL is on his last days after just finding out he has cancer. So not a good time and mix with all the kids stuff.
Thank you for hosing this week, sorry to hear you had computer issues again, what a pain that is I know.
Hope your enjoying the summer and your garden and fresh air. I am out on the deck sitting every chance I can and soaking it up. Hoping it will keep me warm once winter comes back.
I do have my last SOC posted if you can peek at that. Will let you know when I post again.
Have a wonderful week my friend!

Dianne said... 7

The T Tuesday anniversary was indeed fun! enjoyed everyone's posts...and lucky Krisha :) beautiful card you've shared, and our thanks to YOU for being such a marvelous hostess! ♥

Krisha said... 8

Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!!!
Woot! Woot! I never win anything, or haven't in a very looooong time. Thanks for the congrats everybody, and thank YOU Elizabeth for throwing a great birthday bash!

froebelsternchen said... 9

congrats to the lucky winner...
your post is beautiful Elzabeth!

Linda Kunsman said... 10

congrats to Krisha, and thank YOU dear Elizabeth for T Tuesdays-here's to another year of "T"ogetherness:)

Darla said... 11

Big smile for Krisha. It was a year of interesting and fun posts. Happy to see we are doing it again.


Craftymoose Crafts said... 12

Congrats to Krisha! Thanks again Elizabeth for hosting, and I am so glad that you plan to continue!

Hettie said... 13

Well done Krisha. We all like Happy Post don't we.
Have a lovely Tuesday Elizabeth.

~*~Patty S said... 14

Oh THANK YOU dear E ~♥~ and here's looking forward to another fun year of sharing together!

BIG Congrats to Krisha too...

Happy T Day...your post today is so pretty!

Halle said... 15

WOW! I just love your new camera.
And we should be thanking you for Thank you!

Krisha said... 16

OMG, wrote the post, left you a comment and totally forgot to link up! I guess I was more tired than I thought.....LOL

Ariel said... 17

Congrats Krisha for winning. Hope we have a great year of sharing new things here and Thank you Elizabeth for having us all here every Tuesday.
Elizabeth, I tried looking for your mail id but couldn't find it Can you please send it.
Have a lovely week

Jackie said... 18

As you had stopped for tea I thought I would stop by and say hello and check you and blue beard are doing ok!
I have missed you on WOYWW recently so just wanted to know all is ok in your crafty world

Rita said... 19

Congrats to Krisha!! And name picked out of a cup--LOL! ;) Happy T-Day!

Kirsty Vittetoe said... 20

Awesome wooden block there, glad that I "met" you through SOC, and thanks for your visits, I am going be away this coming week and next, but i will sure be back soon! : )