Monday, June 30, 2014

Unexpectedly pleasant time during T Stands For Tuesday

Over the weekend, my friend Sally and I were out and about.  We had planned to spend the day shopping for necessities,
but got sidetracked.

I realize I've snapped photos of some of these metal art works that sit alongside the road across from the Zoo in the past,

but I had never seen this one through my lens before.

And even though it seems when I pick up my camera, Sally makes it a point to drive even faster than when I put my camera away,

I just kept shooting and was rewarded with a few shots I've never captured before (albeit a bit fuzzy).

On our way to this place we found last year, Avivo's, where we had a very pleasant dining experience, I told Sally about the photo hunt that many were participating in this year.  Much to my surprise, I found one of the required photos right outside the restaurant.  Now just 20 or so more to go!!

Once inside, I started snapping photos.

I even caught the lantern that was on the column.

Of course, it didn't take long for our pizzas to arrive, even though I failed miserably to show our drink, which is usually water (mine being with lemon, too).  Sally had something with red sauce and sausage,

while I had a veggie pizza with alfredo sauce.  I was in heaven.

I managed to redeem myself when I took photos of the brick oven,

because I managed to get a photo of the drink bar in the background.  As with the first time we were there, we really enjoyed the meal, the service, and the atmosphere.  It was unexpectedly fun, because I also got my first photo I could knock off my list, in case I decide to play in this photo challenge.

What was unexpectedly pleasant in your world this week that led you to think of something drink related?  Was it a scrapbook page you were working on, mixed media art, sewing, surfing the internet, or were you out and about like my friend Sally and I?  Please share your direct link below, so Bleubeard and I, along with the other T Tuesday gang, can visit.

And even though this posts on MY blog on Monday, it's Tuesday in much of the rest of the world by now, and time to welcome in July.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Robyn said... 1

Necessities be d**med. this is making me hungry!
Wonderful travelog!

Ohhh Snap said... 2

Kudos on the photos : ). I really miss the set up I had for my old camera. While I'm getting used to my new one, I haven't figured out a way to get it out easily (but it has extra security against dropping which is what injured the old one).

As for unexpectedly pleasant, Hulu has two new K-Dramas (Joseon Gunman starring one of my favs, Lee Jun Gi and Trot Lovers. I was getting nervous as there hadnt been any new ones for a couple of weeks.

Bridget Larsen said... 3

Wow that pizza made me want to crawl through the screen to eat it.

Tammie Lee said... 4

such a fun post
love all the metal sculptures and your meal looks wonderful!

Julia Dunnit said... 5

Oh I was just enjoying the metal work - aren't those frogs fab...and then you show pizza. Yum! Nothing like a fresh baked pizza, there really isn't! So happy to be slowly regaining some ground E, and intrigued by the photo challenge. Gimme a chance and I'll go back and catch up. No really, I will.

dawn said... 6

Happy T Day! So glad you and Sally had a nice time out. I love the brick oven and pretty lanterns here, wish I could have joined you for some yummy pizza.

We are going on day 3 of hot and humid here, not my favorite kind of weather. Hoping you are cooler then we are.
Happy July first, enjoy your day!

Anonymous said... 7

Great metal art, thanks for sharing it....the gorilla has a real presence. Drinking coffee...alway do when I surf the blogosphere....under the fan surrounded by furry creatures. xox

Darla said... 8

The metal sculptures are really impressive and the pizza looks quite tasty. Looks like you and Sally had another great outing.


~*~Patty S said... 9

Fun to see those metal sculptures anytime!
My Sony Cyber-Shot has a motion setting for doing drive by photos if I remember to set it ;-) The icon looks like a person running.
Nice that you and Sally were out and about and your brick oven pizza looks and sounds yummy!
Hope you do play along with the photo scavenger hunt...I need to get myself organized on that...hoping to check some items off my list over the upcoming long weekend!
Happy T Day to you and Bleubeard and Happy July too...

Halle said... 10

That pizza looks so good!!! I really need to eat breakfast before I visit any more sites...
Happy Tuesday!

Divers and Sundry said... 11

What fun art! Those metal sculptures are a perfect way to highlight your zoo.

We eat pizza every week, and yours looks tempting. Very pretty :)

Dianne said... 12

great sculptures, and that pizza looks amazing! yum....have a wonderful week dear and happy Tuesday!

Linda Kunsman said... 13

I love those metal sculptures! And of course now I'll be craving a veggie pizza until I get out for one:):)

Ariel said... 14

The photos of the metal sculptures look great. The pizza looks so yummy
Have a great week Elizabeth.

Craftymoose Crafts said... 15

There is nothing better than brick oven pizza, in my humble opinion! The metal animals on the zoo fence are a great way to beautify an otherwise dull spot.

I'm putting the finishing coat on the cabinet doors today before I have to run out to an appointment so I didn't get a chance to post for T day--just wanted to stop by and say hello!
Will visit your other posts a bit later!

jinxxxygirl said... 16

Darn darn darn Elizabeth. I managed to post myself twice!!! And on #12 i sent you to the wrong post!! #13 is the correct one!!! I don't know if you have a way to remove #12... i hope so...

Boy that pizza looks GGGOOOODDD!!!

Krisha said... 17

Ssssh! Don't tell anyone I can do this on my phone. (Grin) couldn't completely miss T-day!
G-pa is fishing, son is playing golf, DIL, GDs and myself r going shopping at the outlet.
Cool & overcast here..........loving it!

Cindy McMath said... 18

Great pics of those zoo pieces Elizabeth, and your pizza pictures are making me hungry! :)

Nancy said... 19

Love seeing photos of your travels :) the pizza looks yummy! I would love a lantern or two like that, on my deck.
The metal art on the fence is very cool :)
Happy T day!

Nan G said... 20

Never tire of seeing the metal animals along the zoo fence. They're so cool! Pizza you say?! Hmmm not quite what comes to mind. Do enjoy! Hugs from Baby ( T n Mom are napping :)

Rita said... 21

LOL! You know what the excitement was up here last week. New grandson!!
I do love those big brick ovens and the atmosphere there. Good luck with your photo collecting for the challenge. :)

Ohhh Snap said... 22

Cucumber water is ridiculously easy. Martha Stewart says to make strips in the peel before slicing, slice half a cucumber and put it in a pitcher of water, refrigerate. I think I let it set an hour and a half.

Rebeca Trevino said... 23

you and Sally have quite a life.
i love pizza, especially pizza with friends, and what you two had looks so yummy!

Rebeca Trevino said... 24

ps: i love the metal sculptures