Monday, June 9, 2014

T Stands For Catch Up, Part 2

Once again I'm playing catch up by showing photos that had been on my SD card.  These photos were taken a mere two days before my friend Sally went to the hospital to have her infected big toe removed.

I bet one of the T Tuesday group recognizes this book!  Yes, it's a gift I received in time for my birthday from Krisha at Krisha's Keepsakes.  And it is filled with many lovely pockets filled with art supplies, along with lovely sentiments, and other goodies.

You can see that Sally is looking at the page Krisha created with her in it.

And talk about TEA!!  From stamped images of tea bags, tissue tea bag holder, a darling tea cup charm, and TEA, too, this page is ready for T(ea) this Tuesday.

More tea, this time tucked into a wonderful die cut, and accompanied by a tea pot charm and some awesome flowers.

I thought this was one of the best photos of Sally I had ever taken, and was so pleased to be able to show this printed copy to her.  Instead, she said how bad her hair looked!!  Unlike me, she doesn't like bangs on her forehead.

The back of this gorgeous book

is complimented by the front,

which holds a darling tea bag charm.  Krisha, you will never know how touched I was to receive this beauty.  It sits in my living room for all to see when they enter.  "Thank you" doesn't seem grateful enough, but for now, it will have to do.

A few days earlier,  Sally and I had gone to Byblos, a Lebanese restaurant we really enjoy.

I can't believe I didn't get a photo of our drinks (which of course was water with lemon), or my appetizer, which was also hummus.

Please share your drink related post this week by linking below.  It can be anything drink related, such as art, scrapbooking, cards, sewing, digital, or a lovely handmade book like the one given me by Krisha.  It can even feature a mug or cup.  Whatever makes you happy.  And remember, photos do NOT have to be taken on Tuesday.

And because many of you love journals and poetry, I thought I would tell you about a new blog you might enjoy.  It is run by Robyn from WOYWW fame, and I'm trying to get the word out.  Here is the direct link:

Also, don't forget Seth Apter's 6th Annual Buried Treasure.  I've participated for the past five years, and plan to do so again this year.  Read about it here.

25 thoughtful remarks:

Hettie said... 1

Wahoo I am first!! I was just writing my post tonight instead of waiting til tomorrow, and I thought I would see if you were up! Yeay!
I just LOVE your book. As you know, I am fond of making lickle books myself and this one is divine. I also love your gumball machine! Want one full of peanut butter M&Ms now!
Happy Early Tuesday!
Off to see the new challenge now.

pearshapedcrafting said... 2

Love your book! I've never eaten Lebanese food - I am putting it on my 'to do' list as yours looks so good! I would be honoured to be in your side bar! I may be back later as I actually remembered to take a photo the other week - just need to find which file it's in!!! Chrisx

Denise Price said... 3

That book is great. Good job, Krisha!!!

I don't think I've ever eaten Lebanese food, although I like Middle Eastern food in general (esp. falafel, shwarma, and biryani). Would you recommend it?

Robyn said... 4

Beautiful book! Lovely to share it with a friend in need. Love and healing light to Sally in her recovery.
Thanks for the shout out!
Robyn 3

Dianne said... 5

what a lovely book! pockets and tags are so fun... I've never had Lebanese looks good! nice to have a good experience at a restaurant...

Vicki Miller said... 6

The hummous looks lovely! And what a lovely gift the book is. So full of yummy things!

Krisha said... 7

Your making me blush!!!
Glad you liked it.
Hope our gal Sally is recovering quickly. I know it has been a while now, but you haven't said how she is doing.......??????
Happy T-day

Eliza said... 8

Hi Elizabeth & Bluebeard,

Just popping in to see you as I have the night off and I have posted early for tomorrow. Love that book you have received filled with loveliness and tea too and such pretty charms and bits, lucky you. Anyway happy Tuesday.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda

Eliza said... 9

OK not popping in anymore I have joined in as I have a few hours spare. LOL Now that was a quick decision.

Hugs Eliza

dawn said... 10

Happy T Day!! What an awesome gift, I love it! The tea pages are so cute and creative, just right for you.
The picture of Sally is a good one!

How lucky again to have so many places to eat out at. I only have two favorites here.

Thank you for hosting us again this week. Seems quite a few linked up early, YAY!!

Have a great day!

Ariel said... 11

Hello Elizabeth so Happy to be here early Hope Sally is feeling much better. That book is so beautiful, such a wonderful gift! Love the colors and the pockets and do tell Sally that her photo is a very good one.
Wishing you a great Tuesday.

Darla said... 12

What a great book Krisha created. Sally must have enjoyed finding herself featured in it.


my cup of tea said... 13

Hello! I made it! Love the tea book! It is awesome! Thanks for inviting me! Keeps me motivated! LOL
Happy Tea-day!

Linda Kunsman said... 14

Happy T day! I hope Sally's surgery and recovery go well. That is such a beautiful book from Krisha! And that hummus looks SO good. I could eat hummus every day:)

Divers and Sundry said... 15

What a beautiful book! I hope Sally is healing nicely. I've never had Lebanese food. There are Middle Eastern restaurants here, but I'm not sure if there's a specifically Lebanese one. I'll have to look around.

Happy T(ea) Day :)

~*~Patty S said... 16

Please give Sally my continued good wishes for her recovery.
The book Krisha made you certainly is a did a nice job of showcasing the pages E!
Your hummus looks very tasty...I just had some over the weekend with Mr M and my sister.
Happy T Day to ya...see you on Thursday for Buried Treasure :)

Bridget Larsen said... 17

hahaha I didnt know there was a competition to be the first to comment but good on Hettie for the excitement. love that journal, I have a journal on my to do list. I love Lebanese food especially that hummus you are eating. yay more people joining your meme
Bridget #13

Halle said... 18

What a gorgeous book. I think that was a great picture of Sally as well.
I've never had Lebanese food either but I do love hummus. Sometimes it doesn't love me though. :)
Happy Tuesday!

Craftymoose Crafts said... 19

What a beautiful gift from Krisha! So thoughtful to make it tea themed!
I agree that is a terrific photo of Sally with a big smile!

I love hummus but have never tried Lebanese food. No local restaurants but perhaps next time I am in NYC I'll search one out.

Crystal Komara said... 20

Hi Elizabeth, what a beautiful book Krisha made and thanks for sharing it. It looks like Sally is really enjoying it too. Happy T-day and yes, it's far cooler here in New England than it hot OK!

Rita said... 21

That is just a gorgeous little book from Krisha!! Sally looked like she was quite impressed also.
Happy T-Day! :)

Anonymous said... 22

What a sweet little book. Full of treasures.
Hope Sally is doing well in her recovery.
I love me some HUMMUS!!
Happy T to you!!
(can you believe I am joining you today???, lol)

Halle said... 23

I should have said thank you earlier but thank you for correcting my link. Hate it when that happens. :)

my cup of tea said... 24

Thanks for having me for T today! It was really nice! I think I will be a regular if that's of with you! LOL
Happy T-day!

Ohhh Snap said... 25

What a beautiful book! I hope Sally is feeling better soon (my toes are curling up in sympathy).