This week is all about love. As we approach Valentine's Day, I am in the mood to share some love. Even though we had another four inches of snow last night, and my heat is still struggling to reach 50 degrees F (10 C),
I've taken my collage inspired altered book to my dining room, where I plan to warm up with
a cup of coffee
in my green depression glass that is called either floral or poinsettia. From what I can find on the internet, it was made by Jeannette Glass Company from 1931 to 1935.
Of course, the cup and book were overshadowed by
the snow that had fallen outside. Why do I feel I'm living in MN with Denise and Halle?
The icy sidewalk was hard to clear, but at least I had already cleaned it from the previous snow. As an aside, I heard a news report that the City could fine you if your sidewalk wasn't shoveled. The report stated that the City wouldn't hassle people or intentionally find sidewalks to ticket unless neighbors complained. But it's better to be safe than sorry. BTW, I have shoveled my sidewalk to the "parking area," which technically belongs to the City.
But, let's get back to the love. Yes, this is a spread in my altered book that shows the love.
I cut the hearts out after drawing one on the back of wrapping paper I saved from Christmas. If I'd had a die, it would have been much easier.
I wondered if scanning the spread would make it easier to see the shiny, shimmery paper I used, but that was not the case. And I MUST remember to clean my scanner, because that red ink is still bleeding onto everything.
However, it's pretty obvious who's going to get all my love this week!
Show us the love, too. Link your direct T post below and we'll be by to share the love with you, too. If this is your first time visiting, please remember, you don't have to drink Tea, you don't have to take photos on Tuesday (although I did this week), but your post should be drink related in some way, please.
Love your heart page, must do one myself soon..... Think I might be getting replacements from Ranger for the off colour and smelly distress stains, will let you know. Good on Dawn nudging me to raise the issues. BJ
oh! i love that sweet cup and its perfect coaster.
i'm enjoying looking at your snow. we're getting predictions of possible flurries, and the stores are packed with people stocking up on milk and bread. snow madness, and there's not even snow. lol
Yep, your snowy street looks exactly like it could be any street here in MN. I'm sorry to hear you've gotten so much snow; all that shoveling really can be a nuisance. But I'm sure that when Bleubeard sees the lovely art journal page you made for him, he'll want to thank you by snuggling a lot and keeping you warm. There is nothing so warm and cozy as snuggling with a cat on a cold day. :)
Your depression glass cup and doily look so pretty together. I'm not sure I would call the contents coffee... more like warm milk.....LOL But with the view of your front walk I would be drinking anything that would keep me warm. The first snows are always pretty, but I know form experience that the prettiness disappears quite fast.
I really like your love letter journal pages. I sure Bluebeard will be cuddling with you all week. Give him a scratch behind the ears for me.
Now I'm off to bed, will make the rounds in the morning cause I can hardly keep my eyes focused I'm so sleepy.
Your depression glass cup and doily look so pretty together. I'm not sure I would call the contents coffee... more like warm milk.....LOL But with the view of your front walk I would be drinking anything that would keep me warm. The first snows are always pretty, but I know form experience that the prettiness disappears quite fast.
I really like your love letter journal pages. I sure Bluebeard will be cuddling with you all week. Give him a scratch behind the ears for me.
Now I'm off to bed, will make the rounds in the morning cause I can hardly keep my eyes focused I'm so sleepy.
A beautiful sentiment is that, dear Elizabeth! Snow day with a warm cup of coffee and a splendid book, designed by yourself. It looks perfect. Gorgeous and warm greetings to you from Erika
Happy T Day!!! I LOVE LOVE this heart page. What a great idea to use leftover paper for your hearts. I love the mix of it and seeing the shiny ones!! The splatters of red look good too!
Your yard looks like mine, I forget what grass looks like, lol. Hoping it will warm up this weekend and start melting. Wish your house could be a bit warmer for you though, my that is cold.
Pretty cup and coaster you have today. Hope the coffee warms you up enough.
I will do my post after the kids leave for school. So happy to finally be sharing again. Thanks so much for your visit yesterday. I was so not prepared for it to work, I had to keep staring it to be sure it worked, lol.
I'll see you back here soon. STAY WARM and hopefully all the beverage posts will warm you up too.
There I was saying I wasn't doing all the challenges and I went and did 4 pages in my DLP Diary last night and have just started my SILENCE page a week last for the Craft Barn but I still wanted to do it and I have an abstract piece pending too. Just need to read a couple of psalms and know me!!!!
I L♥ve your green depression glass cup, and your ♥ spread! You should be getting a postcard from me this week...I forgot to scan it before I sent it, so maybe you can take a pic & post it?...hope you stay warm today and get some lovin' from the reserved Mr. Bluebeard! :)
Elizabeth- I would like to note that if Google Chrome on someone's blog is asking for additional info in order to be able to leave a comment, I will not leave one! especially my birthday...just sayin'. Not sure if there is a way for the blog owner to change their settings and turn this off?
I'm not sure you will ever see this, or if you ever return to see replies to messages, but I cannot find where to leave a comment on your G + blog. Since I'm not a member of G + and never intend to be, I apologize that, even though this is your first visit for T, I wanted you to know I visited, I tried to find a way to leave a comment, and left frustrated.
IF ANY T visitor knows how to leave Nikki (number 7) a comment, please do so and let her know I tried. Alternately, ask her to return here and see the message I left for her, something I simply do NOT do as a rule.
guess I had better get my cuppa... love that photo... with the window in the background.. back lighting the table and your cup.. lovely... and so glad you are snug inside!! xx
your glass is especially pretty with the soft green coaster Elizabeth. I feel like I am in MN too-and now we're hearing another 6-12 inches beginning Wed. night- oh will this ever end??? Your heart pages are wonderful-love the touches of shine! Stay warm.
Those hearts make my heart happy! The snow is headed here by Thursday so I am taking the opportunity of a freezing, but sunny day, today to go out for awhile. Try to stay warm--this can't last much longer, can it?
You have the loveliest cursive handwriting Elizabeth, we Brits are just not taught to write in a style. your coffee looks positively too milky and pale for me...but I love the depression glass cup. I didn't get a chance to play today, I've been in the big white van battling some vile rain to make deliveries.....but, better that than the snow. Can you get to a library and spend a day using their heat whilst erm 'researching' must be horrid knocking about the house in the cold whilst the boiler struggles. Lots of layers OK?
Yes, it looks like it could be Minnesota (or North Dakota)! Even though the sidewalks belong to the city really, you have to keep them cleaned in front of your house here if you have a sidewalk. I think if you don't after a certain amount of time they do it for you and send you a bill. I'm not sure about private driveways, though. I don't think they care about those, but don't quote me on that. I think I've heard of them doing the same thing on yards that have become an eyesore. You get official warnings, I think, first.
Anyways, love the green cup and doily coaster. I would think you would definitely need some hot coffee to warm your bones on such cold mornings!! ;)
sorry to miss T today "officially"...I had a deadline and am happy to report I got that monkey off my has had me out of whack for some time now...whewww
L♥ve your tea post today and your he♥rt pages and more E!
That green glass cup sure is pretty... guess it is hard to drink enough hot drinks to keep up with the cold cold temps out there!
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
26 thoughtful remarks:
Love your green doily and I always love scenes of snow only if I am no in it. Love cooler weather but have never lived in snow my life
Love your heart page, must do one myself soon.....
Think I might be getting replacements from Ranger for the off colour and smelly distress stains, will let you know. Good on Dawn nudging me to raise the issues. BJ
oh! i love that sweet cup and its perfect coaster.
i'm enjoying looking at your snow. we're getting predictions of possible flurries, and the stores are packed with people stocking up on milk and bread. snow madness, and there's not even snow. lol
Yep, your snowy street looks exactly like it could be any street here in MN. I'm sorry to hear you've gotten so much snow; all that shoveling really can be a nuisance. But I'm sure that when Bleubeard sees the lovely art journal page you made for him, he'll want to thank you by snuggling a lot and keeping you warm. There is nothing so warm and cozy as snuggling with a cat on a cold day. :)
Your depression glass cup and doily look so pretty together. I'm not sure I would call the contents coffee... more like warm milk.....LOL But with the view of your front walk I would be drinking anything that would keep me warm.
The first snows are always pretty, but I know form experience that the prettiness disappears quite fast.
I really like your love letter journal pages. I sure Bluebeard will be cuddling with you all week. Give him a scratch behind the ears for me.
Now I'm off to bed, will make the rounds in the morning cause I can hardly keep my eyes focused I'm so sleepy.
Your depression glass cup and doily look so pretty together. I'm not sure I would call the contents coffee... more like warm milk.....LOL But with the view of your front walk I would be drinking anything that would keep me warm.
The first snows are always pretty, but I know form experience that the prettiness disappears quite fast.
I really like your love letter journal pages. I sure Bluebeard will be cuddling with you all week. Give him a scratch behind the ears for me.
Now I'm off to bed, will make the rounds in the morning cause I can hardly keep my eyes focused I'm so sleepy.
A beautiful sentiment is that, dear Elizabeth! Snow day with a warm cup of coffee and a splendid book, designed by yourself. It looks perfect.
Gorgeous and warm greetings to you
from Erika
A beautiful, calming post. and like Bridget, said, it is lovely to see snow. I had forgotten about valentines day and you have reminded me, thanks
Happy T Day!!! I LOVE LOVE this heart page. What a great idea to use leftover paper for your hearts. I love the mix of it and seeing the shiny ones!! The splatters of red look good too!
Your yard looks like mine, I forget what grass looks like, lol. Hoping it will warm up this weekend and start melting. Wish your house could be a bit warmer for you though, my that is cold.
Pretty cup and coaster you have today. Hope the coffee warms you up enough.
I will do my post after the kids leave for school. So happy to finally be sharing again. Thanks so much for your visit yesterday. I was so not prepared for it to work, I had to keep staring it to be sure it worked, lol.
I'll see you back here soon. STAY WARM and hopefully all the beverage posts will warm you up too.
There I was saying I wasn't doing all the challenges and I went and did 4 pages in my DLP Diary last night and have just started my SILENCE page a week last for the Craft Barn but I still wanted to do it and I have an abstract piece pending too. Just need to read a couple of psalms and know me!!!!
It is starting to look like MN there! The piles need to be a bit higher though. :)
<3 your valentines page.
Pretty cup but where's the coffee? Are you sure there is more than a drop in there?
Great pages for the upcoming Valentine's Day.
I L♥ve your green depression glass cup, and your ♥ spread! You should be getting a postcard from me this week...I forgot to scan it before I sent it, so maybe you can take a pic & post it?...hope you stay warm today and get some lovin' from the reserved Mr. Bluebeard! :)
Elizabeth- I would like to note that if Google Chrome on someone's blog is asking for additional info in order to be able to leave a comment, I will not leave one! especially my birthday...just sayin'. Not sure if there is a way for the blog owner to change their settings and turn this off?
Brrr the snow made me shiver but a least it is prettier than all our horrid rain, I could see the shiny paper it all looks 'lovely'
I'm not sure you will ever see this, or if you ever return to see replies to messages, but I cannot find where to leave a comment on your G + blog. Since I'm not a member of G + and never intend to be, I apologize that, even though this is your first visit for T, I wanted you to know I visited, I tried to find a way to leave a comment, and left frustrated.
IF ANY T visitor knows how to leave Nikki (number 7) a comment, please do so and let her know I tried. Alternately, ask her to return here and see the message I left for her, something I simply do NOT do as a rule.
guess I had better get my cuppa... love that photo... with the window in the background.. back lighting the table and your cup.. lovely...
and so glad you are snug inside!! xx
your glass is especially pretty with the soft green coaster Elizabeth. I feel like I am in MN too-and now we're hearing another 6-12 inches beginning Wed. night- oh will this ever end??? Your heart pages are wonderful-love the touches of shine! Stay warm.
i don't see a way to leave a comment on nikki's post, either, but her cup surely is pretty
Those hearts make my heart happy! The snow is headed here by Thursday so I am taking the opportunity of a freezing, but sunny day, today to go out for awhile. Try to stay warm--this can't last much longer, can it?
I'm enjoying seeing the snow...just glad I don't live there. Looks like Bleubeard's getting plenty of cuddles these days,
Love your shiny hearts Elizabeth. I am yet to do something for the 14th.
Warm Hugs
Love, love, love your heart page! Also; your green cup looks amazing on that beautiful green doily! Great post! xo
You have the loveliest cursive handwriting Elizabeth, we Brits are just not taught to write in a style. your coffee looks positively too milky and pale for me...but I love the depression glass cup. I didn't get a chance to play today, I've been in the big white van battling some vile rain to make deliveries.....but, better that than the snow. Can you get to a library and spend a day using their heat whilst erm 'researching' must be horrid knocking about the house in the cold whilst the boiler struggles. Lots of layers OK?
Yes, it looks like it could be Minnesota (or North Dakota)! Even though the sidewalks belong to the city really, you have to keep them cleaned in front of your house here if you have a sidewalk. I think if you don't after a certain amount of time they do it for you and send you a bill. I'm not sure about private driveways, though. I don't think they care about those, but don't quote me on that. I think I've heard of them doing the same thing on yards that have become an eyesore. You get official warnings, I think, first.
Anyways, love the green cup and doily coaster. I would think you would definitely need some hot coffee to warm your bones on such cold mornings!! ;)
sorry to miss T today "officially"...I had a deadline and am happy to report I got that monkey off my has had me out of whack for some time now...whewww
L♥ve your tea post today and your he♥rt pages and more E!
That green glass cup sure is pretty...
guess it is hard to drink enough hot drinks to keep up with the cold cold temps out there!
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