Monday, December 9, 2013

T Stands for Tuesday Tree Mugs

If you were here yesterday, you saw I used the clear glass items as part of my mandala.  Today, this tree collection now acts as an extension of my coffee bar.  The cups/mugs and glass, all with trees, are ready whenever visitors stop by.

And even though the temperatures are frigid, I've chosen to drink eggnog, something I love, but only get at this time of year.

Since I've become addicted to showing close-up images, I thought this would show the creamy goodness and flakes of nutmeg floating in my mug.

And if you want to see the mug up close, here it is.  

Share your drink, weather, art, down time, up time, whatever.  If you link below, Bleubeard and I will be by for a visit.  And stay awhile if you like eggnog.  I can just hear Julia (of WOYWW fame) saying how much she LOVES eggnog (NOT!!!!).

21 thoughtful remarks:

Silvia said... 1

Oh I love your Christmas Mugs...actually I am loving your Christmas everything!!! :)
I am so out of the loop with posting for Blog hops....hope I can join again.

Marianne said... 2

I love eggnog too. I drink way too much of it. I am always happy to see it on the shelves.
It makes me smile to see you having so much fun with your new camera. Your photos are so crisp and clean.
I'll be back in the morning with my post.

Nan G said... 3

I lurves eggnog.! Now I'll have to go to the store and get we can can share a cup you come visit. :) looking round for something worthy of T day post. Hugs

Vicki Miller said... 4

It looks very yummy and all the christmas stuff is so uplifting. I won't be able to link today as I've had one of those days, but it in nice to see your things. Thanks for you comments on my collages

dawn said... 5

Happy T Day!! I do love these cups, so festive and pretty. I haven't had eggnog in a long time, might have to go get some now after seeing yours.

Thank you for the comment yesterday. I'm glad you only looked at the mandala and can still be surprised today for the T time part of it.

If I had known about the pear tree in the summer that would have been great. Only stumbled upon it at this late time though and they were all on the ground and mostly rotten. I never knew we could grow pears here either. Yes, those berries had me working hard for sure but I had to use them.
Have a wonderful day!

Darla said... 6

Your Christmas things are so cheerful. You are way ahead of me, I haven't pulled my decorations out yet - do it on the 15th.


~*~Patty S said... 7

So festive and yummy coming to visit you dear E!
Love the eggnog bubbles you captured...
you and your camera are getting along famously with so many nice photos!!!
I really must get into Christmas gear here...
Happy T Day (wondering if I will ever get caught up with everyone!)

Dianne said... 8

I love the close-up too! yummy photo...and adorable cup! I can almost taste that eggnog. so glad you let us visit every week. hope you will re-visit my post today. I had it scheduled to automatically post, but then didn't get everything added to it before it went up...sheesh. so much to do, so little time. so there is another madonna added that wasn't there when you visited early this morning. warm hugs to you dear...enjoy your day!

Denise Price said... 9

Yum, thanks for the eggnog. It's my first cup of the season. :)

Krisha said... 10

Love the mugs and they made a great Mandala, and that plate is adorable. I'm not a big fan of eggnog, love the smell of it, but not the taste so much, but thanks for the offer....LOL

Thanks again for visiting my blog and always leaving wonderful comments. I really enjoy reading them.

Linda Jo said... 11

Everything is better in a Christmas mug.... especially one with a tree!!! Looks delicious!

Linda Kunsman said... 12

Love your tree mugs-AND eggnog-I must get some this week we too only have it during the holidays!

dawn said... 13

Hello again, saw your comment about the Grinch and totally agree with you. Was surprised they didn't pick that one. It was so COOL in person!
I do love my tree and looking from outside in makes even me HAPPY!!
Thanks for visiting again.

Halle said... 14

Hello!! It's been a while but I made it here!! I didn't remember that you had tree mugs as well as a tree collection.
That egg nog looks so good. Makes me wish I had bought some at the store today.

Halle said... 15

Use my second link...I realized that I screwed it up after getting a comment.

Janet said... 16

Thanks for the eggnog! Sweet of you to offer!

Craftymoose Crafts said... 17

Nice collection of tree glasses and mugs! I do believe I will share a glass of eggnog with you, too!

I am itching to get my decorating started, but hope to tackle the cards tonight first!

Happy T Day!

Unknown said... 18

Wonderful collection of glasses and mugs! I'm not a fan of eggnog - but these are perfect glasses for it! xo

Ariel said... 19

Your Christmas mug is so pretty. The close up photo looks so yummy.

Anonymous said... 20

Oh that does look good. I let myself have one glass of eggnog a year.....maybe this year I will have two. xox

Rita said... 21

Goodness! I forgot to compliment you on your pretty holiday cup! Now it's a very belated Happy T-Day! ;)