Monday, December 30, 2013

T Stands for Reminiscent Tuesday

For this final T Stands For Tuesday in 2013, I'm reminiscing.  Here is a look back at a few of the 52 Teas I shared this year:

It was a good thing we didn't start out with links this year, because I had allowed Firefox to download a program that wouldn't let me see any links, including ones I had created myself.  Frustrating to say the least, because I was planning to join Darcy's Artful Readers Club in January as my first committed collaboration of the year.

I celebrated Valentine's Day by auditioning a few heart mugs prior to hosting a small tea party with out-of-town friends who I went to undergraduate school with.

Last March, Bleubeard and I had to dig our way out from under 22 inches of snow.  As the snow began to melt, I decided to have a snow day complete with tea of course.

In April, I celebrated my bEARTHday with many recycled projects, including this one where I used cancelled postage stamps and tea bags to give life to a couple of ATCs (artist trading cards).

As May arrived, I spent time in my new herbal garden.  I was gifted with empty pots from my next door neighbor, and would soon fill them with half dirt, half compost, then seeds.  These are the plants that survived the previous winter, or that I purchased this year and had pots for.  The black plastic pots are directly behind the fence area that the mug is sitting on.

June arrived with a lovely Artist Trading Card (envelope only shown) from my friend Annette (Voodoo Vixen) who sent me everything (at various times) you see in this picture.

In July, I began hosting T Stands for Tuesday, with linky hook-ups where everyone could share their T(ea) posts.

Also In July, when it was too hot to be anywhere except under the AC, Inspiration Avenue issued a challenge to show something old.  So I brought back this post, one of my all time favorites titled "This Little Piggy Tea."

During the height of August's summer heat, I made Sun Tea on my front porch.

In September, I honored T with a look at an article in a book I had recently reviewed.

On October 28, for Bleubeard's birthday, I honored him with Bleubeard T.

On Veteran's Day (11/11), I made a small wall quiltlet honoring all Veterans.  I used tea and rust stained fabrics for the background, and tea stained tulle over the focal image.

Mid-December, I celebrated Orphan T, when I showed several mismatched pieces.

I hope you enjoyed the look back at this year's T Stands for Tuesday and Tuesday Tea.  Whether you're looking back, forward, or straight ahead, please add your T Stands For Tuesday link below.  Please be sure it links back to your post.  And thanks for joining T this year.  It's been fun and I look forward to hosting for years and T(ea)s to come.

In case I don't see you before the new year, please stay safe, warm (or cool, if you live "down under"), and healthy.  I definitely want to see all of you in 2014!

20 thoughtful remarks:

Craftymoose Crafts said... 1

It has been a fun year sharing T on Tuesday with you--thank you so much for hosting and for sharing so many techniques and fun projects. I have enjoyed meeting so many new, creative people!

All the best for a Happy 2014 my friend!

Rita said... 2

Sweet retrospective! This year has gone way too fast for me. Happy New Year, Elizabeth...and Bluebeard!

dawn said... 3

Hello dear friend, boy do I miss visiting you daily. UUUGGG can't wait till kids go back and my routine is back to normal.

I hurried and linked up but have to go, kids all need me and chores need done. Will be back tomorrow when it's quiet and I can catch up with you and everyone then.

Excited to see your past T Times since I wasn't here all year.
Will read post below too.
Night and and Happy almost 2014!!

Carol said... 4

A nice selection of "T's" Hope you have a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" filled with fantasy and love all year long ♥

Vicki Miller said... 5

Happy new year and thanks for your little retrospective.

Dianne said... 6

I love that tea pot with the mini teapot and cup on it!...great to look back and see all of the things that were going on month to month. ok . now that Christmas is over I am ready for Spring. and hearing about you planting your garden. just sayin'...Happy and Prosperous New Year dear!

Krisha said... 7

Making a quick stop to wish you and Bluebeard a very Happy New Year!
Thanks for hostessing all the T-Days

Janet said... 8

Lovely review, Elizabeth! And thanks for the thoughtful comments you left on my blog. I feel like I have my own personal organizer. GREAT ideas! Happy New Year to you and Bleubeard!

dawn said... 9

How fun this was to read, love all the past ones you shared. How cute that you host a Valentine tea at home, so sweet. I can't even pick a favorite here, will just be happy about all of them. So glad you started this and that we can link up with you. Thank you for sharing Tuesday's with us. Thankful I found you this year and look forward to a brand new year with you!
HAVE A HAPPPPPY AND SAFE New Years Eve and wishing you the best year in 2014! HUGS!!

p.s. Good news for me last night. I won a spot in a class I had been thinking of but not posted about. It's about getting healthy and a jumpstart to it, missed out on it the last 2 years so happy I won a spot for this year, YAY!!

Darla said... 10

Fun review of T's. Thanks for hosting this event every week. It is something I look forward to every Tuesday.


Dawn said... 11

Ooh what fun sweetie, thank-you. I adore your cup/mug collection, you sure have some beauties.
Happy New Year my lovely, see you in 2014.
Huge hugs x x x x x

Halle said... 12

That was a fun look back at your tea throughout the year. You do a nice job of mixing things up with your posts. Happy New Year!!

~*~Patty S said... 13

What a great look back on Tea in 2013 Elizabeth!
Thank you for a wonderful time and for keeping the T fires burning :)
Here's to a new year full of fun and sharing...
Happy Healthy New Year dear friend

Unknown said... 14

A terrific post looking back at some of your T Tuesdays.

Happy and Healthy New Year Elizabeth AND Bleubeard! xo

Ariel said... 15

Elizabeth I'm so happy to have found you through Dawn. Love your T for Tuesday posts and I hope I can take part in every single one of them in 2014.
Wishing you a Happy and Blessed New Year

Anonymous said... 16

fabulous T posts, your Bearthday is my fave. xox Most Happy New Year, looking forward to sharing 2014 with you and playing with our gelli plates! xox

Hettie said... 17

Great review of Ts here Elizabeth. Love that you use a Christmas cup in May!!
I aim to join you in 2014 as long as you don't mind me having tea with my Scrapbook Tuesday posts?
Happy New Year to you.

Jo Murray said... 18

That's quite an impressive collection of 'teas', May you enjoy many more in 2014.

Spyder said... 19

Popping in to wish you a vey Happy New Year. I haven't stopped for tea for ages, I always seem to get in when its dark and not tea time! Fabulous lots of cups of teas, I will try harder to stop for a while and let things catch up on me... have a crafty week!

Nan G said... 20

What a fun post. Thank you for hosting T for Tuesday. All the best to you and Bleubeard in 2014! Hugs from Nan and the Girls