This might also be called late T, because that's how I feel. Early this morning, before the sun came up, I was still working on getting my Christmas decorations in order. In the past, I've always decorated my house the Friday after Thanksgiving, even if I had company. That started when I was in undergrad school, when I had a four day weekend and holiday from work. Friday was always for decorating the house, and the rest of the weekend was for polishing off any term papers or reports that had to be turned in later. But this year, Thanksgiving came late, and apparently, so did my motivation. Yesterday I said good-bye to my weekend guests and headed for the basement, where I drug nine large boxes of decorations and 11 small trees up 14 steps, then a landing, then three more steps. Each box was large and none had handles, so I was one tired puppy when I was finished. I decided it was time to scale back on my tree collection, so that's what I'll do this year. And of course, that's why I need a good, strong cup of freshly ground French Roast coffee with just a hint a decent amount of half and half. Some of you may remember I purchased this tree last year on clearance at the thrift store for less than $1.00 (USD). I have no idea why, because after digging it out this year and adding a tea light, I think it looks tacky. Really, really tacky. I had a hard time getting the candle to show in a photo, although it looked far better when the overhead light was out, as it was in the second photo above. BTW, I decorate my entire house with only trees and tree related decorations (and rocking horses, of course).
Do you buy Christmas decorations that don't really fit your style? Or am I the only one who rushes to buy anything with a tree (or rocking horse) on it? Or do you even celebrate Christmas?
Whether that's the case or not, whether you have started (or even finished) with your holiday decorations, share your T(ea) inspired stories today. You don't have to drink tea, you don't have to drink anything. You can always show art related to a mug, cup, tea bag, or anything else that is reminiscent of whatever you're drinking today. And you don't have to take your photos today, either. But in order to play, you must link your relevant post below.
My decorating usually begins after the first Saturday of December because that is the day of a craft show I participate in. With that (and the room re-do) behind me, I have more time to take my time.
Besides some new garland for our tree, I haven't bought any new decorations for many years. Most of our tree ornaments are handmade (by me and some by our daughter) and follow no particular theme.
Unrelated questions about your crop a dile which I assume is what you made to punch holes in the cds a few posts back. Do you have to heat the cds first or do anything else special?
I like your tacky little tree, but if it rally is an eye sore, then ALTER IT! Your the queen of altering ya know! I'm going to start my decorating as soon as I'm done here and then make the blog rounds over coffee in the morning.
I have tons of decorations and don't put them all out every year. I have been collecting Hallmark ornaments for myself and for our sons for 38 years and have enough to decorate 4 or 5 10ft trees...LOL Now we have started all the GKs a series this year, plus we still buy for the boys and both DILs, and then the 5 series that I have going ( the ones for all the kids now go home with them for their trees)! we need to own stock in Hallmark! Other than that the ornaments that GO ON the tree are "memories on a branch" and the tree is FULL of memories, the boys' first ornaments, ones from places we have traveled, some homemade ones and the only new ones are, of course, pics of the GKs.
The rest of the house gets decorated with garlands, candle sticks and lights. I did buy 2 new sets of candle sticks at Michaels this year for the mantel. Christmas decorations, to me are like Christmas stamps.......I'll NEVER have too many....LOL although I have gotten pickier about what decorations I buy now.
Happy T-day, make sure to show us your trees.....and rocking horses. Please!
I HAVE been known to buy something I'm not crazy about just because it is the right color, or a chicken. But I'm getting better. I have one box of Christmas decorations that no longer fit my style, but I have been unable to part with them. This is the year. I may photograph them and do a little page commemorating their place in my life once upon a time, but they are physically leaving.
Yep I have to agree with Krisha....alter that 'tacky' tree. :) trees and rocking horses huh? Well, My overflowing boxes are stuffed with glass bees, blown glass birds and any kind of handmade Santa! So we all have our collections. :) actually, I was just thinking that maybe this year I would try and put up my tree! Haven't been able to in four years! Have a wonderful day! Hugs
I don't really bother with christmas decorations, since either the cat will play with them or now, of course the puppy will eat them. But I do have them, packed safely away day. I think your tree is cute
I try to avoid thrift stores this time of year because I'd surely come home with decorations I don't need. I do very minimal Christmas decorating and don't start until Dec. 15. Years ago I divided up all the old and sentimental tree ornies and passed them on to my two daughters. We don't put up a tree but we enjoy visiting theirs. I do decorate the mantel and break out the red glass dishes that rarely get used the rest of the year.
I was still picturing you lugging all those boxes up from the basement when I read about your tack little tree! laughing with you not at you right now. Here is how I would solve that little tea-light tree problem. I would cut off the back part flush with the tree and put it on the wall as a little wall hanging. Maybe in the bathroom on the wall it won't appear as tack as just spreading the joy of Christmas to the loo. Love you Elizabeth, you are always entertaining. Happy T to you! Dawn
Oh, and I find it interesting that you decorate with tree inspired things only. Love that!
Happy T Day my friend, thank you for the laugh this morning. First, why on earth don't you ask those friends/relatives to help you carry up those boxes. No one should carry up that many, that would wear me out for the day. I'm sure your lunch friend would have came over to help you, if we lived closer I'd be right there with you. Just had to say that and get it off my chest.
Ok, now Happy T Day again, I'm so excited to know you decorate with only trees, my favorite thing!! Please do share them SOON!! I think this little tree is cute, not fancy or anything but still cute. Maybe pass it off to someone or alter it like the readers above suggested. I like the heart shape in it too, YAY! That is a lot of boxes and weeding thru them might be a good idea, less trips to put it away this year and haul it back next year. Keep what truly makes you happy. Here's a tip that I do each year, I have boxes sorted by old/new/color/snowmen. Each year I decide on what theme I want and only pull out those boxes. It's still isn't that organized but it's a start. I do buy a few new things each year, if I really like it. I love trees and wish every room could have one and each one a different theme. This year I'm doing homemade and trying NOT to use anything I have. Just making everything myself with what I or my mom has. So far it's going well and I hope to have it ready for next week. We decorate each year whenever it feels right and have time. This year I'm VERY excited and ready which isn't the usual case. Sorry for the long comment but wanted to share since this is our first Christmas as friends.
Thank you for the laugh though, just reading about your tiredness here and on my blog about your long weekend and decorating was too cute. Hope today you can rest a little and do a little decorating each day. Glad you like Sam's mandala, was a nice surprise. I'm linked up and sharing some winter fun today. Thanks for sharing your Tuesday's with us. Love and hugs, Dawn
Up to my neck in decking the halls here too. But I did take out time to join you for T. I agree with the others....Alter The Tree ! You have the skills. Do it. I am so sorry for not participating every week. Blogging becomes a bit overwhelming for me. Plus I have to sit still to write the posts. I am not very good at sitting still. My goal for December is to become a better blogger.
Greetings ... I have missed visiting you E! I think your tree is fun and I salute you for doing some decorating... Mr Magpie has so many things planned this month who knows WHAT I will accomplish art and decorating wise... Happy December T day...I thought of everyone while we were traveling in Colorado... oxo
I am a bit late linking up...and can't believe it's December already! for some reason after all these years following your blog, I never realized you decorate only with trees and rocking horses! well, I knew about the rocking horses...and I love the copper in your kitchen. I have been known to purchase some bargains because I couldn't resist the price, and then realized 'what was I thinking?!' **grin** I suspect you will figure out a way to make it work! I am decorating late this year too...hope your December is merry! Christmas decorations are pretty eclectic...stuff I've made, ornaments that are nearly 40 yrs old...but I am now trying to keep things in a Red & White theme...and have a collection of the holiday, but not necessarily the cold weather!!
The tree isn't bad at all. I haven't decorated for several years since it is just me and Karma--and I have so little room here, anyways. Doesn't stop my holiday spirits which soar like crazy from Thanksgiving till New Year's! I'm a happy, sappy soul. ;) Happy T-Day!
I have enough Christmas decorations to open my own store.... For 8 years I worked in a Christmas department which is not a good thing for a Christmas addict. This year I can't get in the mood to decorate with any of it :(
You are too funny about your tacky trees. I think it's cute. Not all of us can be Martha Stewart, thank God!!! It is late...I did a small tree and some paper stars hanging from out 12 foot ceiling and decorated my ficus tree with paper decorations....No outside lights this year with cords and puppy....I am keeping it strees free! xox
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Bleubeard and I welcome you
Art, including the journey, background techniques, sewing on both paper and fabric, new experiments, photos, failures, and successes will be shared on this site. I have removed my e-mail address until such time as I can get it to work again. Thank you for understanding. You can always leave a note on my blog and I will visit you.
Please check out my Previous Collaborations link above to see what projects I have been involved in over the past 12 years. Current and ongoing projects only are shown below.
Occasionally, Silent Sunday will showcase photos of my home, neighborhood, or community. A picture is often worth a thousand words.
Feelfree to drop by every second Thursday of the month for my Second Thursday Tutorials. They are interspersed with my other Tutorials found at the link page above.
Click on any lesson you might have missed or want to review
Click on the above image daily and help feed hungry dogs and cats. You can donate cat litter, too. You simply answer two questions (one about cats and one about dogs), and whether your answer is correct or not, you have just donated kibble to help feed both shelter animals and those in need.
I will create the art, critique things I feel are important, and put pen (and sometimes glue) to paper, or fingers to keys, while Bleubeard will mostly watch, supervise, or sleep.
Music that inspires me: my steel drum friend, Joseph Peck
15 thoughtful remarks:
My decorating usually begins after the first Saturday of December because that is the day of a craft show I participate in. With that (and the room re-do) behind me, I have more time to take my time.
Besides some new garland for our tree, I haven't bought any new decorations for many years. Most of our tree ornaments are handmade (by me and some by our daughter) and follow no particular theme.
Unrelated questions about your crop a dile which I assume is what you made to punch holes in the cds a few posts back. Do you have to heat the cds first or do anything else special?
I like your tacky little tree, but if it rally is an eye sore, then ALTER IT! Your the queen of altering ya know!
I'm going to start my decorating as soon as I'm done here and then make the blog rounds over coffee in the morning.
I have tons of decorations and don't put them all out every year. I have been collecting Hallmark ornaments for myself and for our sons for 38 years and have enough to decorate 4 or 5 10ft trees...LOL Now we have started all the GKs a series this year, plus we still buy for the boys and both DILs, and then the 5 series that I have going ( the ones for all the kids now go home with them for their trees)! we need to own stock in Hallmark! Other than that the ornaments that GO ON the tree are "memories on a branch" and the tree is FULL of memories, the boys' first ornaments, ones from places we have traveled, some homemade ones and the only new ones are, of course, pics of the GKs.
The rest of the house gets decorated with garlands, candle sticks and lights. I did buy 2 new sets of candle sticks at Michaels this year for the mantel.
Christmas decorations, to me are like Christmas stamps.......I'll NEVER have too many....LOL although I have gotten pickier about what decorations I buy now.
Happy T-day, make sure to show us your trees.....and rocking horses. Please!
I HAVE been known to buy something I'm not crazy about just because it is the right color, or a chicken. But I'm getting better. I have one box of Christmas decorations that no longer fit my style, but I have been unable to part with them. This is the year. I may photograph them and do a little page commemorating their place in my life once upon a time, but they are physically leaving.
Yep I have to agree with Krisha....alter that 'tacky' tree. :) trees and rocking horses huh? Well, My overflowing boxes are stuffed with glass bees, blown glass birds and any kind of handmade Santa! So we all have our collections. :) actually, I was just thinking that maybe this year I would try and put up my tree! Haven't been able to in four years! Have a wonderful day! Hugs
I don't really bother with christmas decorations, since either the cat will play with them or now, of course the puppy will eat them. But I do have them, packed safely away day. I think your tree is cute
I try to avoid thrift stores this time of year because I'd surely come home with decorations I don't need. I do very minimal Christmas decorating and don't start until Dec. 15. Years ago I divided up all the old and sentimental tree ornies and passed them on to my two daughters. We don't put up a tree but we enjoy visiting theirs. I do decorate the mantel and break out the red glass dishes that rarely get used the rest of the year.
I was still picturing you lugging all those boxes up from the basement when I read about your tack little tree! laughing with you not at you right now. Here is how I would solve that little tea-light tree problem. I would cut off the back part flush with the tree and put it on the wall as a little wall hanging. Maybe in the bathroom on the wall it won't appear as tack as just spreading the joy of Christmas to the loo.
Love you Elizabeth, you are always entertaining.
Happy T to you!
Oh, and I find it interesting that you decorate with tree inspired things only. Love that!
Happy T Day my friend, thank you for the laugh this morning. First, why on earth don't you ask those friends/relatives to help you carry up those boxes. No one should carry up that many, that would wear me out for the day. I'm sure your lunch friend would have came over to help you, if we lived closer I'd be right there with you. Just had to say that and get it off my chest.
Ok, now Happy T Day again, I'm so excited to know you decorate with only trees, my favorite thing!! Please do share them SOON!! I think this little tree is cute, not fancy or anything but still cute. Maybe pass it off to someone or alter it like the readers above suggested. I like the heart shape in it too, YAY!
That is a lot of boxes and weeding thru them might be a good idea, less trips to put it away this year and haul it back next year. Keep what truly makes you happy. Here's a tip that I do each year, I have boxes sorted by old/new/color/snowmen. Each year I decide on what theme I want and only pull out those boxes. It's still isn't that organized but it's a start.
I do buy a few new things each year, if I really like it. I love trees and wish every room could have one and each one a different theme.
This year I'm doing homemade and trying NOT to use anything I have. Just making everything myself with what I or my mom has. So far it's going well and I hope to have it ready for next week. We decorate each year whenever it feels right and have time. This year I'm VERY excited and ready which isn't the usual case.
Sorry for the long comment but wanted to share since this is our first Christmas as friends.
Thank you for the laugh though, just reading about your tiredness here and on my blog about your long weekend and decorating was too cute.
Hope today you can rest a little and do a little decorating each day.
Glad you like Sam's mandala, was a nice surprise.
I'm linked up and sharing some winter fun today. Thanks for sharing your Tuesday's with us.
Love and hugs,
Up to my neck in decking the halls here too. But I did take out time to join you for T. I agree with the others....Alter The Tree ! You have the skills. Do it.
I am so sorry for not participating every week. Blogging becomes a bit overwhelming for me. Plus I have to sit still to write the posts. I am not very good at sitting still. My goal for December is to become a better blogger.
Greetings ... I have missed visiting you E!
I think your tree is fun and I salute you for doing some decorating...
Mr Magpie has so many things planned this month who knows WHAT I will accomplish art and decorating wise...
Happy December T day...I thought of everyone while we were traveling in Colorado...
I am a bit late linking up...and can't believe it's December already! for some reason after all these years following your blog, I never realized you decorate only with trees and rocking horses! well, I knew about the rocking horses...and I love the copper in your kitchen. I have been known to purchase some bargains because I couldn't resist the price, and then realized 'what was I thinking?!' **grin** I suspect you will figure out a way to make it work! I am decorating late this year too...hope your December is merry! Christmas decorations are pretty eclectic...stuff I've made, ornaments that are nearly 40 yrs old...but I am now trying to keep things in a Red & White theme...and have a collection of the holiday, but not necessarily the cold weather!!
The tree isn't bad at all. I haven't decorated for several years since it is just me and Karma--and I have so little room here, anyways. Doesn't stop my holiday spirits which soar like crazy from Thanksgiving till New Year's! I'm a happy, sappy soul. ;) Happy T-Day!
I have enough Christmas decorations to open my own store.... For 8 years I worked in a Christmas department which is not a good thing for a Christmas addict. This year I can't get in the mood to decorate with any of it :(
You are too funny about your tacky trees. I think it's cute. Not all of us can be Martha Stewart, thank God!!! It is late...I did a small tree and some paper stars hanging from out 12 foot ceiling and decorated my ficus tree with paper decorations....No outside lights this year with cords and puppy....I am keeping it strees free! xox
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