Monday, November 4, 2013

Cold T Tuesday

It's the start of November, and it's cold.

My friend Sally and I are at Neighbors, a bar and grill in our neighborhood we have been to before, albeit, it's always been so dark in here because of my old camera, you couldn't see a thing.  Note that Sally and I are the only ones in the place who aren't bundled up like it's freezing outside, which it almost is!

This time, you can see everything through my camera lens, including the fact that Sally had a beer to go with her water.  We came because it is "Steak Night."   I usually just get something healthy like a baked potato and salad, but Sally always orders a filet.

Our salads looked better than they have in times past.  We even commented that they had included tomatoes for the first time in a long time.

Now even though I'm at a bar and grill, it doesn't mean you have to be out and about.  Take a photo or six, tell your tale this T Tuesday, then link below.  You KNOW you want to!  Remember, photos don't need to be taken on Tuesday and (it's obvious), you don't need to drink tea.  Please leave a direct link to your T post so we can find you easily.

Today is also Day 5 of Art Every Day Month,
or AEDM.

29 thoughtful remarks:

Craftymoose Crafts said... 1

It's cold here, too! We are getting a small reprieve tomorrow & a little warmer even on Wednesday, but I think, that's it--Winter is coming!

Those are really bright clear photos--the salad looks good!

voodoo vixen said... 2

Is this a restaurant? Cos the ladies at the table behind Sally sure look like they are playing cards... LOL!! The salads look good.. and I agree, a tomato is necessary... otherwise it isn't really a salad!

Krisha said... 3

Well, Sally is MY kinda gal!! Beer and a steak are ALWAYS GOOD!
Cold here at night, only 48' when I went for a walk this morning......well, 48' is cold for HERE!!
Happy T-day to you and Bluebeard.

Nan G said... 4

Wow! What a diff a new camera makes! Yum, steak! Would love a beer too but not allowed anymore. Salad does look good. Hope to join in again once updated iPad and blogger work things out. :/ Hugs

Anonymous said... 5

Those salads look yummy! And a steak sounds like just the ticket!

Hope you have a great week!

Marianne said... 6

I am so happy that you and your new camera are getting along so well.
I love the restaurant sign. It would work so well in a collage.
Happy Tuesday my friend !

French Nanny said... 7

Yes, voodoo Vixen is right - those ladies are definitely playing cards!!! What kind of a resturant is this?


dawn said... 8

Hello and Happy T day to you!! The new camera sure is working nicely for you and making us see things more clear. I love that your friend doesn't mind being in the pictures, that is a friend indeed. Now I'm hungry after reading this, those salads look good. The cold weather is here too, had the furnace on all day yesterday and probably will today. Wishing some of our October weather would come back.
Thanks for sharing with us today and letting us share our Tuesday's with us.
Stay warm and enjoy your day!
p.s. Happy you enjoyed my back yard photo yesterday, there is another one today. I think that's my best one too and will frame it.

Anonymous said... 9

Okay next time tell Sally a joke and then snap her picture, I want to see that lady smiling and excited about her filet and beer! LOL
Happy T to you today!

Lisa Graham said... 10

It's a great place to eat...I love their fried chicken! Isn't this fall beautiful? I have been walking a lot and the other evening I took a bunch of photos in Oak Park...gorgeous.

Darla said... 11

I'm reading this kind of early in the morning but offer me a beer later in the day and I'll accept, LOL!

Looks like you had some good food.


Halle said... 12

Cold here too...expecting 3-6 inches of snow today. That should make for a messy commute for Mr. G tonight.

Linda Kunsman said... 13

Linking up for the first time since discovering your challenge thru Patty S. I'm cold just looking at you guys without sweaters! It's gotten really cold here too so I am now fully into hot tea mode!

Caterina Giglio said... 14

Just turned cold here E... and leaves are finally starting to change color... happy t day to you and I adore your mandala, the rose hips are a perfect flower center.. well done!!

Carol said... 15

It's on the cool side here too ! I lit a fire yesterday to take the chill off and it felt so good :) The food looks yummy :)

Anoeska said... 16

It's cold here as well... And rainy... I don't like it. But I do like your photo story!

Unknown said... 17

I enjoyed T-Tuesday with you and your friend. Those luncheon dates are the best!

Rita said... 18

Cold here, too. Only in the 30s today and supposed to hit the teens tonight. Has been feeling like December already for weeks!
You guys look like you had a good time. Love those little local restaurants. :)

Dianne said... 19

Sally always looks so serious! always a delight to join you for lunch...and whatever project that you have going. The food looks yummy! glad your new camera is working out better for you...stay warm!

Judy Hartman said... 20

Love these photos - I feel like I'd like to sit and join you and your friend! Chilly here in New England but not too cold today! Hope you're enjoying AEDM!

darlene said... 21

I cracked up when I saw your photos. Initially, I thought they were for Creative Every Day. And I thought - Well - that's creative eating out and showing the food.

You also made me laugh with the post that you left on my blog.

Julie Jordan Scott said... 22

What an awesome place! I would love to hang out with you two at "Neighbors" and guess what? I even put on a sweater this morning (before I read your post!) It is finally cold enough here in Bakersfield for that!

So glad for your new camera so we get to go on new adventures with you!

creatorme said... 23

Agree that the "Neighbors" sign looked awesome. Your photos are making me hungry. Leftover curry for me. I don't mind it being leftover. Curry is actually better the next day.

Denise Price said... 24

Happy T Day! It's cold here, too. The forecast says snow tonight--eep!

Spyder said... 25

I'm reading this at 6 minutes to tomorrow... and I still have my Tea and a lump of bread left! but John has beer.... he doesn't it looks like coke but it probably has gin or rum in it!! Happy T Day!


janice smith said... 26

Nothin' better than a lunch date with a friend. It's still warm the 70's today but plenty of rain which we desperately need. I'm a wimp...when temps fall below 55 or so I don't go anywhere without a coat! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier! Nice to meet you! xo, janice

Eliza said... 27

Just checking in to say hi and then read that you had a salad on your plate that included tomatoes, how can you have a salad without them it wouldn't be the same, it is like a salad without lettuce ha! Glad to see you out and about regardless of the weather, we have had a fantastic warm day today.

Hugs Eliza

Unknown said... 28

I like this 'slice of life' style of photography. Sally was a good sport to let you capture her while enjoying her meal!

BJ said... 29

Sure you can use my photos, I am intrigued as to how though LOL. Glad you like the poppies, check out the giveaway blog for the papers to print off too - BJ