Friday, March 20, 2009

Fancy feast or TV dinner?

My dear friend Halle, who made the book for this project as part of the 12 Days of Christmas swap, sent more pages for it when she realized I was actually using the book to make an altered recipe AB. I love the size of it, because it works so well for recipes. Halle put different colored papers next to each other, so no two pages are the same color. That works well for most things, but I wanted these two spreads to go together. I was glad she sent extra pages, so I could choose the color that would match both spreads.
I came up with this spread when I read something about frozen TV dinners being a product of the late 50s or early 60s. It got me thinking that people sat in front of the TV watching perfect households and perfect wives (who slept in perfect twin beds next to their husbands) who never once considered fixing a TV dinner. Such irony could not go unnoticed. Although I couldn't find the exact images or message to convey my thoughts, I did find some magazine images of Lucy and Ricky, with Lucy fixing a meal and serving dinner with her hair perfectly styled, her dress in perfect condition, and her apron on when she was whipping up a recipe. Thank goodness times have changed and women can now fix meals in our their sweats or even a nightgown now and then!! And the lucky ones have husbands or significant others who have dinner waiting for them at the end of the day.

2 thoughtful remarks:

Halle said...

Great spread. So glad the extra pages worked for you.

Anonymous said...

this recipe AB project is so fun...I remember thinking as a kid that TV dinners were a treat...the novelty I guess. Now we have the "Slow Food" movement...I have news for these people. there are still some of us who have always cooked fresh & "from scratch!" ok, off my soapbox now...thanks for the memories!