Sunday, March 16, 2008

Same, similar, different: swap definitions

There's been some talk on ABC about what is considered the same, what is similar, and what is different. Since I made some beads for a swap this weekend, I decided to show my take on the definitions.
Dana made these for the ABC swap. You can see she made everyone alike, always beginning with the same bead, and ending with the bell. Click on the image for a closer look.
These are mine. The ones on the left are similar. They use the same materials (felt beads, handmade beads, and 20 gauge wire. However the colors are different and I had to switch from copper to silver wire about half way through. I think you can see that similar means the same style and materials, if not the same colors. The one bead on the far bottom right, although it uses a felt bead, a handmade bead, and copper wire, is totally different because it is not the same design, doesn't have the same number of beads, and has other inconsistencies.
I hope this clears up some of the same, similar, different questions swappers might have.

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