September was a very busy month. Although I was busy making art, I was also dealing with real life. Here is a single evening caught on film. I could have called it Scott and the hot water heater, but it's more about tree trimming over the Labor Day weekend.

I'll begin with my friend Scott cutting back branches that hang over my house. It's late afternoon when he arrived, so he wanted to cut the branches before heading to the basement to relight the pilot light on my hot water heater, something I have been unable to do twice before.

As my neighbor looked on, Scott got to work on the tree limbs, while I got to work taking photos.

While I was busy cleaning up the fallen branches, this ice cream truck/van stopped by. Not the colorful truck from years gone by, but still blaring that annoying music over and over.

As I was cleaning up, I noticed there were actually some flowers blooming in the flower bed.

I have no idea what these white flowers are, but there are certainly lots of them all over my yard.

These purple flowers appear every autumn like clockwork. They bloom out of these clumps of plants I was given years ago.

I really must replant them once more, because they have gotten so thick again.

These hosta were in full bloom too, but were apparently on their last leg before I even noticed.

Of course, this rose bush just kept on giving all summer long. It's never been so prolific before, so I had cut it back at just the correct time this spring.

While I cleaned the limbs from the front, Scott got to work on the tree on the side of the house. I asked him to cut it away from the roof, but I guess I expected something different than this. Beggars can't be choosers, though. Thankfully he picked up the branches he cut because their sap gives me a rash.
To end this saga, it was late by the time we finished and Scott headed to the basement. That's when he discovered that the hot water heater had finally died. He returned the next morning with the one I had picked out the month before when I thought I needed one then. Thankfully, all that hard work I did in the past was put to good, quick, and efficient use the next day.
Thanks for dropping by. I truly appreciate your visit. More life in review tomorrow.
18 thoughtful remarks:
At least you had some help with trimming the tree branches and the installation of the water heater. Here in Perth we still have the old fashioned ice-cream vans - pink ones with annoying music!
Have a lovely weekend Elizabeth.
Glad you had some help in getting rid of the branches etc, kind of Scott to help you. Gardens are a lot of work. I am not good gardener, I even have problems keeping up with my balcony boxes! Have a great day, Hugs, Valerie
Scott is such a help to you, how fabulous to have a friend like that who can put his hand to so many things. those little white flowers are very pretty. (Took another Kew trip on Thursday btw!)
A lot of wonderful greenery you have surrounding you Elizabeth but a difficult job to keep them under control I imagine. Looks like you got the right man for the job--did you buy an ice cream for him?
Love Chrissie xx
just popped back to answer your question - the new lens is another zoom, this one goes from 10 mm to 18 mm then the original ones that I got with the camera are 18 mm to 55 mm and the final one 55 mm to 250 mm ... so I have most things covered! next on my wish list is a macro lens for extreme close ups but they cost several hundred £ and will have to wait a bit longer!
Scott looks very happy in his work and I'm sure you really appreciate his help with those big garden jobs. We've had to have someone in to help cut back some trees this week. Your garden looks so green and still you are finding flowers in the borders, your photos are lovely.
It was good you had a plan B and a new heater picked out, what do we do without hot water, something we all take for granted these days.
Yvonne xx
Scott did a pretty good job I think! Always good to have a helper on hand for such work!
Your garden still looks so green and summery-
here the hosta blossoms died weeks ago.
Happy Saturday dear Elizabeth!
oxo Susi
Scott looks like he's a really good friend and a really nice guy. That was a lot of tree branches to bring down, but I think he was right. If you got a lot of ice on them or something they could make a big mess. Houses and yards always require so much care, don't they? i hope to get out later this weekend and clean up my gardens a bit, along with about 15 other things on the list. Lets see if I actually get to it though...:) Enjoy your day. I hope its a nice one. Hugs-Erika
I love your garden posts :) It's encouraging to see flowers still making an effort on into the fall. Trimming trees always saddens me, but sometimes it just has to be done.
Whew! I'm glad you were ready to roll with the water heater!
Your garden is luscious.
The purple flowers look like Monkey Grass.
Enjoy your weekend:)
There is always work to do in the garden. Glad Scott cut your trees for you.
A LOT of work for you ans Scott. Glad you will have hot water now and not have to worry about that for some time now with a new water heater! :)
How wonderful to have someone so dependable as Scott. Glad all went well with having to replace the water heater:) Beautiful greenery abounds still around your place.
Finally back to correct internet service here:):) Been a crazy week but more on that in my next post.
Scott is a good friend to you. Bummer about the water heater but at least it was on your radar for a while...
Nice that your friend Scott helped you out -- and lovely garden/yard you have there. An ice cream truck? How fun. Did you get an ice cream? Lucky you had that extra water heater in reserve......
Gosh! That is a very tall tree right by your house - great that Scott could help! Glad to hear that your water heater was sorted too! Chrisx
Scott is a treasure, imagine sorting out your tree AND your water heater. Everyone should have a Scott in their lives. How fortuitous that you had already chosen a replacement.
I was fascinated by all the photos, this was a great Real Life post.
Great friend you have in Scott.
It is nice having someone that can lend a hand now and then.
You should be all set now with a new water heater.
Glad no flooding was involved.
Your mystery flower reminds me of a wild aster that grows in my garden. It is called Fleabane.
Your purple blooms are Liriope. We cut ours down at the end of the summer using the lawnmower and it comes back like crazy.
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