Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Smiles 392: Childless Cat Ladies explained


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.   

Last Friday I was unable to leave a comment on any blogger/blogspot blog.  I wasn't going to play this week because I had/have no idea if I'll be able to leave comments.  However, after reading comments from my international readers last Friday, I became aware I broke one of my rules for writing: know your audience.  My international audience, for the most part, was not familiar with the phrase Childless Cat Ladies.

I'm sure even the most sheltered person in the world knows who Donald Trump is.  He is a former U.S. president and running for that same office again this year.  However, many of you don't know who J.D. Vance is.  He is Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate.  That's him above.  In my opinion, he believes anyone old enough to procreate should do so about every 10 months.  To him, family values is how many offspring you can produce.  Now you want to know where I got Childless Cat Ladies.  Here is what he said (and I couldn't make this up even if I tried):

In a 2021 interview with Tucker Carlson, Vance said, "We're effectively run in this country, be it the Democrats, be it our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies, who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they've made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too."

He verbally attacked Kamala Harris, who is also running for president of the United States.  Harris doesn't have any biological children, but she has been the stepmother of her husband Doug Emhoff's two children (who call her Mamala) for a decade. 

He went on to say:

"It's just a basic fact — you look at Kamala Harris — the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children.”  “And how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it?"   

The quote, "basic fact" that Vance describes is actually not factual.  For years, Vance has promoted policies that incentivize families to have children and penalize those who do not.  He's called the drop in birth rates in America a "civilizational crisis."  He's even suggested that people with children should get more votes in elections than people who don't have children.

He supported another senator, Josh Hawley's child tax credit proposal from a few years ago.  Hawley called it a marriage bonus, that married couples at the same income level as single parents would receive what he called a 100% marriage bonus.  And I suspect that's very much in keeping with Vance's focus on the ideal family as being one where mom stays at home with the kids, Dad goes to work, and they're getting by on a single income.

One final claim by Vance:

When you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power. You should have more of an ability to speak your voice in our democratic republic than people who don't have kids.

Now you know where Childless Cat Ladies first appeared.  And you see where women of all ages, childless, cat ladies or not, are rearing their heads against Vance's beliefs. 

I think you get the gist of crazy cat ladies.  I'll comment when Blogger lets me.  Until then, please join Bleubeard, Squiggles, and me at Friday Smiles.  And be sure to start your weekend with a smile.

17 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Sadly I do know about this man and his crazy (and offensive) statements.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I have seen this man on TV though I prefer not to listen to either of them as I consider them both dangerous people. I think I would be considered The Crazy Dog Lady. Not everyone wants children and some might but can't, many probably shouldn't have had them from my experience teaching and dealing with parents. I am a bit surprised at their attitude as I thought we had too many people in the world and were being encouraged to reduce birth rates but maybeI'm wrong. However, I hope you are keeping well and fingers crossed people make good choices in the election. Hugs Angela xxx

mamapez5 said...

Your countries polotics make UK's sound quite 'normal'. I siled at all your cat memes. I had seven at one time when my cat had kittens, but I was a busy mum, not a crazy cat lady! Hope you have a good week. Kate x

Annie said...

Having a cat/cats is very much a choice and so is whether you have children or not. My life wouldn't have been complete without them so I am blessed...not everyone feels like me. Your polititions sound even madder than ours.....and they run the world????
Annie x

Iris Flavia said...

He seems as sick and incompetent as his "boss"... I have no more words but: To cats!

Tom said...

...I hope that Trump/Vance keep alienating potential voters!!!

Lisca said...

Oh my! This man is just as mentally unstable as his blond colleague! No, I didn't know him. Thanks for the explanation and explaining about the cat lady.
I'll tell you a 'secret'. I haven't published it yet but after I come back from Portugal, I'm having a kitten. White and grey. She's only 7 weeks old at the mo, so a bit young still. I'm so looking forward to having her. I will also be a cat lady (crazy or otherwise).
Loved all the cat lady funnies, especially the first one.
Enjoy your weekend,

Mae Travels said...

Remembering that our election madness may be unfamiliar to people in saner parts of the world is challenging. Good that you explained at least one of the major issues about who should be the leader of the so-called Free World. If I lived in a different country I’d be worried. I’m worried anyway.
best, mae at

Debra said...

I don't understand why hate and dividing people has to be the mode of operation in this election. The whole thing is scary and I'm so tired of it.

My name is Erika. said...

Vance's personal opinion may be that families are important, but there are plenty of reasons why people don't have families. I'm sure I don't need to go into them, but it goes to show how insensitive and how unaware of life he is. He definitely isn't qualified to be a vice president, if for nothing else he doesn't have a broad enough view of what American life is. Hope you can comment. hugs-Erika

Birgit said...

This nut job my next say for the Haitians of Springfield to visit the crazy cat ladies and eat their cats.

CJ Kennedy said...

J. D. Just Dumb Vance. He's such a putz. Especially because the Rabid Republicans are only worried that the white population is declining. They don't really care about other races.

Rita said...

I agree--they are only concerned about more white babies. It's all a part of the 2025 Agenda. *shudderrs*

Jeanie said...

Don't start me. He scares the heck out of me.

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm appalled by their attitude towards women. That anybody can still support Trump at this point is horrifying and just not understandable. Scary. Very scary.

Melissa Baker said...

I am crossing more and more crazy cat lady (and men) blogs and blog hops lately. My boy is 13 next month, I aim to post him more often for those whom love seeing happy cats!

Sami said...

Oh golly! Where does Trump discover these loonies? I'm surprised they have any women supporting them! Loved all your "cat lady" funnies. I was a crazy cat lady, at one time with 10 cats.... sadly no more cats. Keep well Elizabeth and hope your computer issues get resolved. I have issues uploading photos to Blogger, can only do it via Microsoft Edge. It also just happened and don't know how to solve it, even though I've downloaded an update, it still doesn't upload photos.