Thursday, September 5, 2024

August, 2024 is complete and September is decorated



For those of you who like to read my boring calendar and my boring life, August was mostly filled with frustration.  One good point was I voted on August 6.  I love the stickers they gave us this year.

I decorated this spread several days ago.  It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.  I'm sharing this at Art Journal Journey and Aimeslee at Paper-Paisleys Art Adventures who is our host this month.

I thought you might enjoy a closer look at the various stickers I used for Aimeslee's Anything Goes theme.

As always, I am thrilled you dropped by today and hope to see you soon at Art Journal Journey.

12 thoughtful remarks:

Tom said... it's time to fill it up.

My name is Erika. said...

I like how you used a variety of stickers for this Anything Goes challenge. I like your voting stickers too with the sunflower too. Ours had the Old Man of the Mountain on it, which is the state symbol. We vote again on Tuesday for our state's primary for governor and Congress people. I wonder if I'll get another sticker for my calendar. Have a great Thursday my friend. hugs-Erika

Neet said...

I had a mental block too when I sat down to think what to do for Anything Goes. `Not as easy as you first think bu you have managed to give us an assortment of images to begin the challenge this month.
Just waiting to see if Wendy posts or not (with her just moving house)
Hugs, Neet xxx

Rita said...

The way the months have been flying by it won't take long to fill up September--lol!

CJ Kennedy said...

I like your calendars. September will be filled with so many possibilities

peggy gatto said...

Very nice designs!

Elephant's Child said...

Your calendars are packed. Which often makes me feel that MY life is boring. All I can cope with though.

Sandra Cox said...

Yay you for voting. I always enjoy your calendars:)

Lowcarb team member said...

Nice to see your calendars.

All the best Jan

Let's Art Journal said...

Such fabulous calender pages! Loving the different images that you added 😊. Wishing you a very Happy September! Hugs, Jo x

Divers and Sundry said...

My life is much more boring than yours. I couldn't fill a calendar no matter how hard I tried 😂

Aimeslee Winans said...

Oh, hun, I did not realize you have Lupus. I know a lot about it as it's often lumped with arthritises and fibromyalgia (which I have). You apparently just have to do what I have to, which is to rest and recover after any little *fricking* thing you do (like neighborhood clean up, that would have flattened me for a week so you did well!). I like both calendars and I thank you for linking to AJJ! I'm sorry your dill got eaten and I hope you no longer have the commenting problem. XOX