Saturday, July 6, 2024


I'm back today with another spread for Halle from Halle’s Hobbies who is hosting this month at Art Journal Journey.  Her theme for the entire month is I've got a notion. 

I've entitled this Stretch for reasons that will be evident in the detail below.

I rotated the message so you wouldn't have to turn on your side to read it.
I've been using dressmaker's tissue from this package, and decided to scan and print it so you could see where I got the focal image.  I had planned to use two images, but after fussy cutting the first, I decided one image was enough.
I started by adhering dressmaker's tissue to a substrate using The Ultimate adhesive.  As mentioned, when dry, I fussy cut the focal image and stood him on some tissue tape I thought went well with the spread.
Bleubeard and I are quite pleased you joined us and hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey as you share your own interpretation of I've got a notion.


19 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Another clever take.

Iris Flavia said...

I loaded down a pic to print out to remind me to STRETCH!
It shows a woman that does not and one who does - what a difference!
Clever approach, we need to stretch (I should get back to yoga, but, ohhh, the lazyness!)

Tom said...

...sports wear is the rage.

Mae Travels said...

I love those old dressmakers’ patterns with the sketches of imaginary humans wearing the garments that you were supposed to make. I had a huge box of them in the attic for years but finally threw it out in some cleaning frenzy. I could never make the clothes with stretchy fabric because my sewing machine was too old, and didn’t have the right capability.

best, mae at

My name is Erika. said...

It's fun to see old patterns. I love the guy with the tennis racket on the pattern cover. I suppose some day those styles will be back (and I did see someone running with an old head band the other day). And of course patterns always work great for making a cool background. Fun word for the day too. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

Halle said...

I love this!!! Pattern paper provides such awesome texture for art journaling. Love the pun as well.

Jeanie said...

Nice use of the patterns, Elizabeth. They do make for wonderful vintage looking collage elements and you rocked it!

CJ Kennedy said...

A good reminder for me. What I was told to do at urgent care yesterday because of knee and hip pain from inflammation of tendons due to old age. Deep sigh.

Christine said...

Creative page.

Rita said...

Looks like a pattern from the 70s maybe. Fussy cutting...yes, one was enough--lol! Not my favorite thing to do. Cute take on stretch. :)

sirkkis said...

Your cretive page brings memories of the style from some decades back 😃
Stretching is needed in my age, and I've a video of 30 minut "Dance of Dragon", and I'm stretching with it once a week 🧘‍♀️
Happy Sunday to you Elizabeth 😘🐈

Divers and Sundry said...

I wear stretchy clothes but mainly in the wintertime, and I can't sew well enough to make my own clothes.

Let's Art Journal said...

Such a fun page using the old sewing pattern! I'm impressed with your fussy cutting too 😊. Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

craftytrog said...

Great page Elizabeth! I love that vintage paper pattern.

Lowcarb team member said...

This is so good.
I remember those Butterick patterns :)

All the best Jan

Jenn Jilks said...

Those sewing patterns sure take me back!

Karla B said...

Great take on the theme! We still wear stretch jeans here.

Neet said...

I am not at all surprised you gave u after fussy cutting one of those figures. Enough is enough.
Great page and playing to your strengths with this challenge. I half expected to see some machine sewing but instead we got a pattern and it looks fabulous. Great idea and fits in so well with 'stretch'.
Hugs, Neet xxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a brilliant page. I love the way the image is added to the pattern. A great addition to Halle's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx