Sunday, June 2, 2024

Second on the 2nd: What makes me happy


As most of you know, whenever possible, I like my Second Look to somehow reflect what our current host at Art Journal Journey is featuring.  That means I had to look for something that reflected What Makes You Happy, the theme given us by Matilde from 100% Handmade/Craftowanie.   A long time ago (OK, back in the late 80s), I decided to design my first kitchen. It would be white with copper and blue accents. Not just any blue, but cobalt blue. Sound familiar? That was another century, a different city, and a huge and spacious farmhouse style kitchen. It was also a time when blue kitchen accessories could not be found. So to meet my cobalt blue requirements, I had to settle for that enamelware found everywhere in Mexico and at camping stores. I bought every piece I could find, including a coffee pot, ladles, pots, pans, plates, bowls, and lots of silverware.  At that time, I had a red Chesapeake Bay Retriever, the rarest color of the breed. I also had a Russian Blue cat that was gray. I bought these Taylor and Ng pieces, the only ones I could find in this design because of my cat and dog and their special relationship. I also thought the baskets looked like  my blue enamelware dishes and cups. Fast forward to today (October, 2010), and I've once again got a white kitchen with copper and cobalt blue accents, but this time, the blues are cobalt glass, ceramics, china, and such. The enamelware has been retired to shelves and cabinet tops and are now considered "decorations." Today I am putting these pieces to use once again. They still make me smile every time I see or use them.  In case you don't know what these pieces look like, here is a closeup of the mug under a rather harsh early morning kitchen light bulb. Well, the water is boiling, so I'd better be on my way. Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to let me know what makes you happy today.  I admit things have changed quite a bit in my kitchen since the above photo was taken.  The phone is no longer on the wall, but now part of my computer system.

Now it's time to share your own Second on the 2nd.  The rules are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back.  All you have to do is bring back a post that you are especially proud of, or perhaps one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.  Any post, any genre, any artistic endeavor is acceptable, as long as it's been published sometime in the past.  Then link below (direct links only, please) and Bleubeard and I, along with other Second on the 2nd friends, will be by to visit. Please be aware, this link is only good until 4 p.m. on Monday, June 3 (that's tomorrow) when T Stands For Tuesday goes live.

9 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

I am not surprised they make you smile. I smiled at them too - even on screen.

Tom said...

...often I live in the past.

Christine said...

Very nice memory.

Jeanie said...

Blue, white and copper. A combo I find difficult to resist -- it just works together!

Divers and Sundry said...

Fond memories of the pets ❤️

Pretty. I like your color choice.

Rita said...

I went through a copper phase in the 80s.
The blue speckled enamelware reminds me of camping.
I can see why they both make you happy. :)

CJ Kennedy said...

Such a great color combination. The cobalt blue makes me happy, too.

My name is Erika. said...

Copper and cobalt do work great together. and that would be great in a kitchen. I don't remember this post, so it is fun to read it. I like the blue spoons and ladles hanging on this big piece of copper. I had lots of baskets hanging back when we first bought our house, which are now gone. I hope you are not feeling too terrible and are having a lovely weekend and start to JUne. It's beautiful here too so it will probably be a screen porch afternoon. I did too much yard work over the last couple of days to be ambitious today. hugs-Erika

Sami said...

Blue and copper a great combination. My favourite colour is blue, various tones of which are in every room of my house. When I got married in 1980 my kitchen was orange which was the in colour at the time, lol.
Have a lovely week Elizabeth.