Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sometimes it's good to be square


Bleubeard and I are back today with another entry using our themes Collage Fodder, Food and Drink, or both at Art Journal Journey.

Sometimes it's good to be square.

Square pans, that is.

We have a few detail shots so you can see everything a bit closer.

The pans are the real stars of the show in this journal page, but the collage fodder takes center stage.  Assembled on 110 lb cardstock, these bits and pieces left from previous spreads, pair nicely with the square pans and recipe pulled from the book on kitchen tools and recipes I've used so often this month.

Although I don't say it often enough, Bleubeard and I are very grateful you take time to visit us each day.  We genuinely hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own take on Collage Fodder, Food and Drink, or both.  

  We are also joining AEDM.

16 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Another very clever take on your theme.

ashok said...

Nice work !

Iris Flavia said...

Cool way of thinking! :-) Wasn´t there even a song with hip to be square?
Even if not: You are hip!

Rita said...

The glass Pyrex are my preferred baking pans. :)

My name is Erika. said...

Nice squares. I like the quilt blocks. They make a great “frame” and stand out. You almost didn’t even need the recipe. Great page today my friend. I hope you’re having a nice weekend. Hugs Erika

Mia said...

I always love your pages, Elizabeth. And this one is gorgeous. I love the quilt blocks. Hugs, my friend.

Christine said...

Lovely page

Sandra Cox said...

You are so clever. Enjoy the remains of your weekend, dear Elizabeth.

jinxxxygirl said...

Love your composition here Elizabeth and the quilt blocks are a nice bright spot! Hope you are warm. Hugs! deb

Debra said...

This is pretty. I have a square glass pan and I use it so much. I always read the info you include with your pages. This recipe looks good!

CJ Kennedy said...

Love it. I couldn't live without my square Pyrex pan. Best pan to bake brownies.

Meggymay said...

Hi Elizabeth, I have missed so many of your posts lately and enjoyed my catch up and seeing your pages with so many interesting additions to look at. Sorry I haven't been able to join in at AJJ recently but I love to visit.
Yvonne xx

Valerie-Jael said...

What a fun page! Great idea and nice colours. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

DVArtist said...

I just can't get over how cleaver you are with your art. Have a nice day.

pearshapedcrafting said...

I love how you combined all this wonderful collage fodder. Feeling quite cheery now! Hugs, Chrisx

Neet said...

Always easiest to marzipan and ice a square cake so I am with you on the square pan although I do tend to use round ones more.
Love the choice of squares of colour to back the claim about the square pan.
Hugs, Neet xxx