My beloved Bleubeard was such a great co-host last month at Art
Journal Journey, I knew I had to honor him for my second look today.
is from October 27, 2012, and, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm using the
camera that takes lousy photos. Here is the post in its entirety. I called it
A party for the birthday boy

It's time to throw a party. In fact, a very special party. It's a party for the special guy in my life, and I wanted to share photos of his big day.

Not your normal cake ingredients, but Bleubeard is not your normal party honoree.

It was time to replace his regular food bowl with party pieces. As an
aside, when he was a kitten, he used to stand inside that food dish and
eat his food because his head was too small to reach over the rim. Just
to give you an idea of the size, it is the largest dog bowl you can

You can see how small his party plate is in comparison. His "table" is
set, although I chose to lose the napkin, and it was time to wait until
he woke from his nap to sing happy birthday to him and give him his once yearly treat.

Fancy Feast is on top, and was a mess to try to get out of the can. The
can of Friskies is on the bottom and I think he prefers it. The
Greenies are swimming in juices around the edge of the plate, while the
Omega 3 holistic treats are pushed into the top. I added the candle,
but had the good sense not to light it.

I managed to get him to turn toward the camera so I could get a photo of
his face, rather than the other end. I admit, that collar has seen
better days. First one side of the plate, then

the other, proved he was hunting for the best food. Note that several
of the Greenies were already gone, but none of the Omega 3 treats had
been touched.

While Bleubeard took a short break, I managed to remove the candle so he could eat without putting his eye out.

All that excitement and eating took about thirty minutes, during which
time I took over sixty photos. It was fun seeing him have such a fun
time at his birthday party. But he was soon full and went off to clean himself and do
other business, while I

wrapped his leftovers, which I then refrigerated. It was a special treat, because I used Press and Seal, a
hoarded product I don't normally allow outside my craft room.
(As an aside, after viewing these photos, I can't imagine why my floor looks so dirty in the shots. Could it be that old camera, or am I just that bad at housecleaning?)
Now it's your turn to add your Second on the 2nd post. The rules
are quite simple and everyone is welcome to join the fun look back. All
you have to do is bring back a post that you are
proud of, or possibly one you shared before anyone knew your blog existed.
Anything you choose is acceptable, any subject, any genre. Then
link below. Once you link, the birthday boy and I, along with other Second
Look participants will be by to visit.
Please be aware this link is only open for five days, so it's best to post sometime on the 2nd.
Thanks for joining Bleubeard and me today to celebrate Bleubeard's special day a bit early, which is October 28.
21 thoughtful remarks:
LOVE those photos of Bluebeard's party, and watching him eat his cake, you had such great ideas to give him a birthday treat! I used t enjoy watching my animals feed, too - the dog was always greedy, and my Kitty always so delicate and picked the best bits out first! Loved the last sentence today, made me laugh - are we supposed to clean floors? Have a happy Sunday, hugs, Valerie
He is a prince indeed- never lets you make a really paparazzi photo of him- he seems to be so clever! What a fabulous party this was- Happy cat!
The floor is clean - the light and the camera change it -don't mind!
Mister Bleubeard was indeed a fabulous host assistant in September!
Thank you Bleubeard!
Thank yo Elizabeth!
oxo Susi
Early birthday wishes to Bleubeard. He's so handsome and seems like he enjoyed his party very much. What a great companion he is for you.
Ok, managed to link myself Elizabeth. Thought I had. I'll need you to link me for Tuesday's post though. Thanks for keeping up with things for me my friend.
So sweet...I'd forgotten about that post. We certainly do love our kitties. :)
Wonderful to see Bluebeard having a special day with treats. I hadn't seen this before.
Love Chriisie xx
I didn't know your blog in 2012 and just realized Bluebeard just had a birthday! Hope he got a special treat. My cats certainly don't take half an hour to eat, more like 2 minutes!!
Happy Birthday to Bleubeard! He's such a calm presence, the perfect host for a laid-back gathering :)
That's a perfect birthday cake for Bleubeard. He even looks like he was really enjoying it a lot. I like how you added the candle too. (And I didn't even notice that the floors look dirty. Of course with 2 dogs in the house everything is either covered in dog hair and muddy paws, no matter how often I clean, so I wouldn't have noticed it anyhow.) Hope its been a great weekend. Hugs-Erika
Happy Birthday month to Bleubeard.
Very fitting that you gave him the royal treatment for his special day. I know he lives the good life with you dear E each and every day.
BTW I only saw a handsome kitty in your photos with no spots on the floor ;-)
Happy to finally be playing along (mine mentions birthdays too).
Happy October oxo
Aww, what a sweetie. And how young will the birthday boy be this month? You can tell his mom loves him very much.
thank you E for stopping by my blog. yes i've slowed down on the 'posting' part, but i've been busy making art . . . this has been a busy year art wise.
i did start a FaceBook Art Page, and it seems a bit easier to post images there, and it seems that more people see the work, so i have been doing that instead of my website. i do want to get back to it, but like everything, at this point i am so far behind, that i would need to devote a month to blogging, just to get caught up.
but i will do that, soon, i hope.
how are you? and that gorgeous Mr. Bluebeard? I hope you are both happy and well. thank you again for stopping by.
What a lovely second look! Bluebeard knows what he likes obviously! I have left you a comment on the 'other' blog! Hugs, Chrisx
Hello Elizabeth, gosh I'm glad I stopped by today, wouldn't it have been awful if I'd missed this very important post, especially as Bleubeard was so good at helping you last month (or maybe it was the other way round?). Yes cats know which bits of the food are the best, they can avoid the bits they don't like quite easily. If ours didn't like the particular food in his bowl he wouldn't even sniff it, he would just look at the bowl for a long minute and walk away. I laughed out loud at the bit where you took the candle out, he did look as if he was trying not to poke his eye out.
Happy days, Bleubeard!
Great birthday goodies for your boy! He's so lucky. Ella our dog acts like Bleubeard with her food, but usually a sprinkle of cheese works. xox
Bleubeard is such a lucky cat, to have had his special Birthday treats. I am sure that he is much loved, there will be many treats go to his bowl on the ordinary days as well.
I think if we'd had a candle in Megs bowl it would have been eaten when she was young and daft, or spat out to get to the goodies.
Yvonne xx
Bleubeard is clearly a lucky cat -- especially lucky to have a celebrating mom like you!
Cats know exactly what they like and don't like...even if that can change from day to day or minute to minute--LOL! :)
AWWWWH, Happy Birthday big boy!
Thank You for the lovely comment on my card. Sorry just couldn't make the 2nd on the 2nd this month....more about that for T-day *grin*
So cute! Happy Birthday Bleubeard! When my Scottie dog had a birthday we gave her chicken macnuggets and beer! LOL. Then she'd have a nice nap.....
What a special biy to have such a special birthday!
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