Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday Smiles 160: Squiggles the trickster

It's been awhile since I joined Annie at Friday Smiles, partly because I've been so busy, partly because my computer has been on the fritz, and partly because I haven't had that much to smile about lately. 

However, while my computer wasn't functioning properly, and while I was preparing for a visit from my dear friend Kathy, I knew it was time to sweep and mop my dirty kitchen floor. 

However, when I went to the kitchen, this is what I found.   I was shocked and laughed because i thought Squiggles had quit putting objects in the water bowl. 

But feeding Bleubeard was new. 
I couldn't have positioned this mouse any better if I'd tried.  Of course, I had to remove the mouse, allow it to dry, and replace the water.  Someone asked if Squiggles and Bleubeard knew which cat food was theirs and I have always said yes.  I think it's because Bleubeard's food is for an older cat, and Squiggles has food geared for a young cat.  I'm not sure why Bleubeard doesn't go for Squiggles' food, except maybe it's because he's always had that big bowl from the time he was just six weeks old. 

I hope this put a smile on your face, and when you have stopped smiling, maybe you will come mop my kitchen floor for me.  NOW your ARE laughing!!!!

Please join Annie and others who start the weekend with a smile.  And please send some love to Annie, who just lost her beloved 13 year old Rocky.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Thanks for the morning smile before I get off to boot camp, but I can't help you mopping the floor just now! Hugs, Valerie

froebelsternchen said... 2

Makes me smile - and remembers me that I have to to housework now!
Have a good weekend Elizabeth!

Annie said... 3

Thanks for your lovely comment and for sharing your smiles today....I've missed you. I am chuckling about your cats only eating out of their own bowls cos the twins have an older cat and their kitten who like yours have age appropriate food. When I get in from school with the twins in an afternoon I feed the cats. Monty [the kitten] starts to eat his own while watching Milo [the older cat] eat his but then quickly nips over and eats what he can of Milos before rushing back to eat his own!!!!! He's such a greedy boy.
Annie x

Lisca said... 4

Gosh that is so funny! Worth mopping for i would say.
I must admit, while I am living in a work site, I have got out of the habit of mopping and cleaning (not worth it), but when I move into my new kitchen I will keep it spotless.
Happy Friday and have a good week,

Meggymay said... 5

Yes I am having a smile. I think I may have had a squeak myself if I had seen that. I will give the housework a miss if you don't mind, it is never high on my priorities list.
Yvonne xx

Barb said... 6

That certainly did make me laugh. I wonder what was going through his mind when he did it. Animals surprise us every day and they can be so funny.

I'll give the mopping a miss if you don't mind. I spent most of yesterday doing mine and today is just for catching up with friends and crafting. Barbxx

My name is Erika. said... 7

Those kitties are really clever. I bet they knew you needed a reason to smile. It made me smile. Happy Friday:) Hugs and smiles.

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 8

Hi Elizabeth, not seen you for a while. That is so sweet! It certainly made me smile. Big hugs xXx

Sami said... 9

How cute! My cats aren't very playful at all.

Craftymoose Crafts said... 10

I'll be right over to mop your floor after I finish cleaning my house--DD and boyfriend are coming tomorrow till Sunday!

Thanks for the smile today!

Lynn Holland said... 11

That was a great chuckle. Just whats needed today as its cold and we've got that dreaded white stuff so all plans have been scuppered.
Lynn xx

Divers and Sundry said... 12

lol, sharing the food and water with the toys. How sweet :)

Jeanie said... 13

This is great! Definitely a plethora of toys at our spot, too. Funny about the food. Back in the days of Stimpy and my marmelade Gypsy, Stimpy was on special food -- high calorie for his kidney stuff. Gypsy loved it. Unfortunately. At one point he packed on so much he looked like a Thanksgiving turkey from the rear! And of course Stimpy was dying for Gyppy's "normal" food. We tried everything, moving the dish, monitoring the eating. All I can say was they were sneaky boys -- But very sweet!

Laura said... 14

hehe! That really did put a smile on my face :D

JoZart Designs said... 15

That is so cute and reminds me of when I had my two cats. I had to feed Miss Rogers on a high surface in the laundry room and get her started then give Dunthorne his on the floor so that they didn't steal each other's. Ziggy dog had to be fed completely separately as she would have eaten all three meals in 10 seconds flat!!
At least your lovlies have good manners!
Jo x

Sue Jones said... 16

aww how adorable!! Now about to start on my HW

Anonymous said... 17

Cracked me up!!! Funny what the critters do with their toys. Miss Ella never plays with the toys, she walks around the house and whines with them in her mouth, then sleeps on top of them so they can't be picked up by the other dogs. Our furry companions are just as idiosyncratic as we are, ha ha. xox

Dianne said... 18

oh, this is adorable! and I AM smiling...too cute. Squiggles has a sense of humor, and is now trying to 'blame stuff' on Bleubeard?! lol...have a happy face kind of day, dear friend! ♥

Monica said... 19

We have battles over food as MS Kitty eats everything and upsets Xochitl who then scratches the chair or aims for the wall hanging. ms Kitty is into milk rings, Xochitl goes for teddy Bear when she is upset. She also has a pink mouse she hides under the bathroom mat, then attacks the mat! They are such a joy. and greats. I have been missing for weeks. Printer problems and now having to learn a new one.

mamapez5 said... 20

I did smile at your pictures this week! My three cats know exactly which is their bowl, but they will eat from the others if I turn my back! Tango has special food for a urinary tract disorder, and I think it must be more tasty because the other two always try to pinch it. They don't get away with it very often though, because it is too expensive to let them all eat it when they don't need to. Kate x

Rita said... 21

That is so funny!! Some cats are very orally fixated. I've had a couple of them. :)
Yes, it made me laugh!

Halle said... 22

Too funny.... He certainly is a trickster.

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

This is so funny! I do miss having a cat, especially when I am reminded how funny they can be! Mopping the floor? That's a polite "No Thank You!" Hugs, Chrisx

Linda Kunsman said... 24

-yes, lots of smiles here Elizabeth! Our pets do give us so much joy don't they?