
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What's On Your Workdesk # 139: a big announcement

I am so thrilled to be back posting now that my external drives have suddenly reappeared. And on their own, too! Funny how computers work, isn't it? It's great to be joining Julia, Queen of Snoop at Stamping Ground, as we visit desks this week.Link

And because my external drives are accessible again, I can now let everyone know how excited I am about offering my free altered book course. I've been wanting to do this since before my computer started giving me fits in December, but I was unable to make any plans until I was sure I had a way to access my blog, as well as my camera. So on my desk this week is the book I will be altering. You can see the first spread is complete. Now I'm going through my rocking horse images and paraphernalia, planning the first lesson.

Every two weeks, I will upload a new lesson or technique for altered books (ABs). This is for people new to altered books, and those who want to refresh their basic AB skills. I offered this course a couple of years ago in a private class, which was also totally free, but restricted. I've also shared the class with a few of my WOYWW friends, but without a structured plan and no one to help guide the way, I don't think the gals got far on their own. I will now be offering this very same course on this blog. No need for a special password or anything other than a normal visit. We will start the class next Monday on the 6th of February. I hope you will play along and show what you have made, too. Again, these are basic techniques and I will use the same syllabus as when I taught the class before, except this time, I will spread the lessons out a bit, especially the ones that have a lot of talk and few photos.

To get you started, you can begin thinking about a theme for your altered book. Mine is going to be rocking horses, a book I have wanted to make for some time. Remember, I will post the lesson each Sunday night at 12 am (midnight) Eastern Standard Time, which is an ungodly early 5 am if you live in Britain or that time zone. Of course, the post will be around forever, or as long as I have this blog. So don't worry if you don't see it the first day. I'll post a quick link somewhere on my blog (not sure where at this point) so you will always be able to find each lesson. You will be able to work at your own pace, in your pajamas or nightgown, with your supplies around you (no need to pack them to a workshop).

And here is a cute little rocker I got right after Christmas at a thrift store for about a dollar US (0.75618 Euros, 0.63559 British Pound, 1.00125 Canadian Dollar, 1.25049 Singapore Dollar, or 181.212 Slovenian Tolar). It was the last thing I purchased and it was right before the New Year. Since then, I have purchased nothing, nor do I plan to purchase anything unless it's replacement supplies (like glue) until I make a dent in this mountain of supplies I have accumulated over time. Have an awesome WOYWW and I hope to see you Monday for our first lesson.


  1. Whoah... you champing at the bit there in excitement eh E?? LOL
    I really plan on doing this course you have so generously offered... I am looking forward to it!!
    Love your wee rocker... though it seems to have wheels? ;)

  2. Oh, the workshop sounds wonderful! Thanks so much for offering it and making it so easily accessible! Looking forward to it so much! Glad to hear your computer woes are over :)

  3. Hi Elizabeth, As I have been planning to make an altered book and have not yet started, I will gladly follow along! How exciting to have companions on the journey!!!
    That little rocker is so cheap, it's just P42 pesos!! Wow! A steal!
    Patsy from

  4. I cannot wait to join you on the AB journey and I am already thinking of a theme. Now I can't wait for monday and wednesday. Lovely little rocking rabbit?

  5. What a wise girl you are to do the "use your mountain of supplies challenge".

    I need to do the stash is growing and my room is only so big...

  6. I saw the other day you were going to do the altered book course and I will be checking back! It is something I have wanted to try for - a very long time!! I just need to find a book (lol!) Happy WOYWW, 42 but you know you've already dropped by!

  7. I hope to be able to follow your course on altered books! Will be checking in along the way! Thanks for sharing!

  8. hello, Elizabeth! oh yes, i hope to play along with your altered book course. i started an altered book using that class link you sent me but i think it will be fun to have others to do it with. oh goodness, whatever do you mean by being "a bit intimidated by my skills"?! i guess i'll take that as a compliment! ;-)
    happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  9. I do pop in to your 'other page' but because of everything that's happened this month I can honestly say, I haven't been in there this year! I will play along...I have my book already started...but...well...I might have to start again!! No, I'm not showing it! Hope to be home and in my craft room very soon...Happy WOYWW


  10. All the best with the AB course, I may just have to peek in, not altered a book in forever.
    Happy Wednesday
    Minxy x

  11. Great space! Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  12. Hi there. Great to have a peek into your crafty world this morning thanks to the wonders of WOYWW! Hope the rest of your week goes well too. Your AB course sounds good.
    Neil #48

  13. I have Always wanted to do a 'proper' Altered Book but never really knew where to start. You can be rest assured I will be looking in and hopefully joining in! :D Thank you , :)

    Take care and Happy WOYWW

    Jackie x

  14. Ah I have never made an altered book so I will be back Sunday to check it out. I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #87

  15. Ohhh, Elizabeth you did make me giggle, all I do is copy nothing to be intimidated about. I shall return Sunday/Monday to copy once again. What fun.

  16. Computers are a law unto themselves - there is no rhyme or reason as to why they sometimes work and often don't! I call mine get the picture??
    Good luck with the altered book course, looks like you've already got some willing accomplices :)
    Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

  17. Computers well, they do there own thong!!happy woyww hugs trace x no53

  18. Hi hun
    lovely to be back joining you all i did miss playing, computers like blogger are great when they work like they should!!!
    The AB course sounds exciting i will take a peak, cute little rocking horse,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x(54)

  19. Well, I am looking foward to Sunday to come back and check out the class, I have never made a altered book so exciting, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  20. Yes it is funny how computers work - not so much when they don't so I bet you are glad yours is OK again. Looking forward to the AB course - I have one ready to start and have been waiting for inspiration and the....there you are. Thanks
    ann B

  21. Loving your rocking horse and hoping I can find time to join in your fab course. xx

  22. Love the crafty space, fab, Happy WOYWW Hun, hoping this posts as I have had issues all week!!

    Lou P

  23. The AB course sounds great and I know from reading that your are good at tutorials. I hope to join in. I've thought about an AB before but get stuck right at the start when I try to find the right book.


  24. What an amazing generous offer, i can't begin to imagine the amount of work you must be doing to provide such an amazing offer i will be back, not sure if i will manage to join in but I will so enjoy reading and learning, I have never altered a book before, well once stuck some paper on the front of a notepad and then some stickers but that doesn't count. Thank you for your visit to my blog, i love the sakura pens and use them all the time so they have to be within reach Hope that you have a great week Lou @ # 26

  25. Hiya hunni ,Im so dissappointd my wee prezzie hasnt reached your craft desk fingers crossed still could be time!I will certainly be back to see you on the 6th i love altering books so thats a date !Happy wednesday and have creative week hugs judex55

  26. I wish you every success Elizabeth with your new class, I am sure it will be great fun :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

  27. That is a sweet little rocker, I love the bobbins. Don't tell anyone, but 'm quietly excited for MOnday, it will an awesome experience I know. Although I don't have a book or a subject just yet!!
    My shopping has stopped too; have had a busy January on so many other ways that the craft shop browsing hasnt occurred. My pocket book likes it!

  28. Pretty cute 'last purchase'! I should only buy necessities myself but as one of those gals who didn't get too far, I'm ready for next Monday. Thanks so much. Your rocking horses aren't the only things that ROCK! LOL

  29. I'm very excited about your class. You're always very inspiring, so I know it's going to be great. Thank you.

  30. Ooh - Welcome back! I'll try and have a bit of a go at the AB course, but seeing as I only ever managed one page of my 52 page art journal last year, I'm not confident I'll have time to join in. I need to retire.....

    Thanks for stopping by!

  31. I haven't been shopping either.

    Ohh I might pop along on monday if that's ok. I am looking forward to dipping my toes into something new lol

    Laura #86

  32. Your workshop sounds fun! Thanks for making it easy to access.

    Happy WOYWW #22 Danielle

  33. exciting news about your class! have a great time--I know you will get lots of participants because your tutorials are glad your computer is back on track and lovin' your 'rockers!'

  34. I always find it best not to question computery things and just keep everything crossed! It seems perfect you are making an altered book of rocking horses. I think I will pass by your Ab journal class. Have a feeling if I can get down some stuff about what happened it will be a good thing. Thanks for the explanation the other day :)

  35. thanks for this week's crafty snoop ...that is one creative space and oh yes the mysteries of computing...hugs kath (63)

  36. Great! I'll be here on monday morning. Our time zone is +2 GMT so it will be at 7am. :)
    Have a nice week!
    Tuire xx

  37. your workshop sounds like fun. It's been a long time since I have played in an altered book. Perhaps I will follow along.

  38. ooh, thanks for comment on my blog about your AB class, I havent altered a book for ages (since my V. cheap supply went AWOL) so this sounds fun. Also love your 366 journal enteries...and am with you on computers, our has just died...thank goodness for my netbook!!!

  39. I have never done an AB so this should be fun ...and very interesting. The Rocking horse is of course perfect for you ....must have a think as to what i would do. Thanks for letting me know.

  40. Thanks for a great crafty snoop this week. Good luck with your new venture, what a good idea!

  41. Quick visit...
    Hope you had a happy WOYWW !
    Hugs Marleen #50

  42. Love the cute little rocker. Hope your altered book course goes well -(Hazel, WOYWW #10) x

  43. ...thanks for dropping by today :) wonderful of you to share your skills, roll on next week...Mel :)

  44. I've never attempted an altered book and I find them fascinating! I'm anxious to see it! :)

  45. Looking forward to seeing your altered books- I shall come have a look. May be able to get over my horror of 'damaging' books, lol.Have a great week, Shaz

  46. Your AB course sounds like fun. I might have a peek at it. Have a good week. x Jo

  47. Love the new rocker - I always have problem with books and alternating them I have brought some really cheap but still struggle lol - have a great week

  48. Sounds like great fun, hope you have lots of creative fun and thanks for the peek! Kim

  49. Hi Elizabeth, I'm glad your computer sorted itself out ... they do behave in the most mysterious ways sometimes. Your AB course sounds interesting - although I was brought up not to deface/damage books and it's a hard lesson to break. Love your latest rocking horse and good for you deciding to use up your stash, I've pledged to do the same and so far, so good :) Hope you have a wonderful week. Elizabeth x #78

  50. How exciting for you to be offering this lesson. I will definitely be stopping in for a peek or two! I have a hard time "messing up books" because of how I was raised but I am getting better and have even made an altered book or two. I find I do well with the library freebie books. The library sells off old books to raise money for new ones, but some books they offer for free because they think there is no interest in them. So I figure if they are free then better I make art with them than having them sit there unloved and unused.

  51. Oh fun...maybe I'll finally finish my book from your class! Shameful I know.
    Good for you pledging to not buy any new supplies. I too am doing the same. I have plenty to keep me in business for quite some time. Adhesives are my only crutch...I have to buy them every once in a while.

  52. aha Elizabeth i did bomb out on my comment on your Wednesday post - that is where is threw me you see it was your Wednesday post - and did not think to look down below to Tuesday!! and my query was a worthy one. as it turns out - you are using rocking horses - would love to pay along with you - but maybe at a later date as snowed under with this calligraphy at present and finding it hard to get long periods to really stick at it - out too much Happy WOYWW an thanks for letting me know about this - it looks so much fun and so glad for you too that your computer hard drive decided to behave like you say they are a puzzle, love Shaz in a SUNNY(yay) Oz.x

  53. Sounds exciting! I'll maybe have a peek. I don't really do altering, but maybe this is just the thing to get me into it!
    Cute wee bunny thing!
    I'm attempting to visit everyone on the WOYWW list this week. t'is a daunting task but at least I'm trying, more than I've done before!


  54. AWESOME!!! Lessons by the queen of altered books herself! Can't wait.
    Love that little rocker and at R* (South Africa) a real bargain I would say!
    Happy belated WOYWW

  55. look forward to seeing your blog class, hopefully i will be able to play along, the litle rocker looks great
    janet #6

  56. I too am having serious computer issues but not sure mine will work themselves out so I will be borrowing others and fingers crossed for an electromic miracle, though it sort of sounds like you had one. Your class sounds fun I hope you have a good turn out and and keep to your guns of using your stash, thanks for sharing your space

  57. A Wheeley Wocker! Hi and WOW, that's really great of you to offer this course, I hope I can join in when I get back from my vacation so it will be a later start and will have a missing week here and there but hopefully I will be able to play catch up.
    Love to Bleubeard.
    Hugs, Neet 151 xx

  58. Cute rocker... how sweet! Thanks for the peep into your crafty space... Sorry am late, doing a mahoosive catch up today :O))

  59. That rabbit is just so adorable
    Bridget #72


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