
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My 12 month calendar: January and February

The last time we met was when some of us agreed to stay, some of my friends said good bye to the project, and others joined in for the first time. I was having computer problems, which was a terrible burden when you have to show a recap, or your annual review! I'm so glad Kate of The Kathryn Wheel has extended this project through 2012, because I may get the hang of this calendar thing yet.

I actually colored the little blocks for January and decorated the page according to what was happening in my world. As you can see, most of the month was consumed with computer and external drive woes.

For those of you who like to read the minutia, here is the left side

and the more colorful right side. You can see I have circled Feb. 4 because I am going to our local Botanical Gardens that day and didn't want to miss it. I actually like those tiny previous and future months I add to each spread.

And speaking of future months, this one is no longer future, but now current. I free hand cut yellow hearts that I glued over red and pink pages. I will decorate the pages based on what happens this month. Thanks to all for looking. I so enjoy seeing what others create.


  1. Glad you're back in the groove, January looks fab and i love your February hearts! I actually completed mine as well, wonders will never cease!! Mx

  2. Hi there Elizabeth, ah you are having fun with your calendar and yes, Julia, caught a few of us out didn't she? :D
    Ah well half the fun of it! thanks so much for popping over, and for sharing... guess wont take long and that Feb month will be filled up! Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #21
    Oh, and no rocking horses on your calendar, do you ever them on craft things?

  3. Look at that! January done and February ready to go. It must be fun to look back through last years pages.


  4. The calendar is a fabulous idea, love your pages for February with all those hearts!
    Happy WOYWW Debxx #8

  5. I really like the hearts turned different ways! Good idea! Great page!

  6. BeaUtiful- I LOVE what you've done with February!

  7. Beautiful pages! I always enjoy looking at your art!

  8. love how you're decorating during the month! gives it even more difference between beginning and ending a new month :)))

  9. Nice pages! Love the hearts for Feb. I've got my Feb ready, but I haven't taken pictures or linked up yet. I'm looking forward to your AB tutorial.

  10. I'm all about the minutia so thank you for letting me read it. :) Love the hearts for Feb.

  11. Super pages, I love that rich red feb page, looks nice and grungy but in a pretty way x

  12. your pages are wonderful-love seeing everyone's takes on this fab project!

  13. oh this is going to be such a lovely calendar when it's all finished ... Linda F

  14. Beautiful pages! Can't wait to see how Feb looks completed... love the hearts as days.

  15. I LOVE your pages. The colors are beautiful. And as for those computer woes... mine sure is acting hinky this morning. This was my first WOYWW & it was amazing to see how many come to play. Charlene

  16. Love both pages, well done.

  17. I'm so glad you are still in on this challenge - I love to see your pages :-) January and February both look fabulous. Sorry to hear of your computer woes ..... computers - love 'em or hate 'em but can't live without 'em!

  18. I love this calendar! I can't believe you cut all of those hearts by hand - they look wonderful!

    Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
    Katie #31

  19. Beautiful pages, love those hearts and looking forward to seeing what you add.

  20. Great pages, I love all the little painted journal spots on Jans pages and the hearts look fab for Febs page x

  21. I am sorry I am so late coming back to you but this week seemed to have gone way past the speeding limit! Thank you for offering the altered book course - I will join in! I had a look just now but I will be back for more!
    Lots of hugs and thank you again!


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