
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rework and tea

Remember last week when all I had was the use of my scanner for tea time? And remember the mess I made of this piece? Most of you who thought of ways to change it, suggested gesso. However, I was hesitant to do that, because I love the gossamer look given off by the tea bag.

This week, as I join Kimmie and friends for Tea Tuesday, my external drive is functioning and I am once again able to download photos. I decided I really wanted to keep the tea cup because I loved how the tea bag blended so well on top of the watercolors. So I printed out a much smaller tea pot from the one I had last week, and used it as a stencil on another tea bag. This time I drew the tea pot before I glued the tea bag to the background, thus assuring I would not kill another ink pen like I did last week. Now I'm not really all that happy with this piece, especially the composition, but I will set it in my basement studio for a few days, contemplating what to do next (I tried adding a spoon, but it didn't fit the configuration or the composition).

Until the spirit moves me, I will enjoy a bag of Yves Rocher

Abricot du Verger, which according to Babel Fish means "Apricot of the Orchard." Don't you just love that label tied to what appears to be a crocheted string?

Why I thought you would be able to read this, full well knowing how my camera doesn't take close up photos for any reason, is beyond me. However, I do think the entire place looks dusty, but I assure you, that is just the sunlight steaming in on my dining room table. Have a great Tea Tuesday everyone, as this day starts out sunny in my world.


  1. oooh la la... Yves Rocher tea no less!! ;) I am going to miss the string and tag on my teabags when I go home... we don't have them on our teabags... they just come as bags!!
    Love the teapot on the teabag square and the colours showing through. Happy Tea Tuesday to you and Bleubeard!!

  2. I like the addition of the teapot. Never tried Yves Rocher tea but I'll bet the apricot is a great flavor.


  3. Yves Rocher makes tea. Who knew! The Twinings organics tea come in a fabric type bag -- no string attached. I usually just let mine keep steeping and I refill with hot water at least a couple of more times before I toss the bag. It is windy and cold and cloudy and rainy here today. Have a good one. Tammy

  4. sometimes you just have to let a piece sit and talk to you a little bit :)
    time for a tea break!!! right!?!
    your tea sound lovely and elegant and so french :)
    oh, and dust? what dust? (lol)

  5. Art is forgiving. There is a good metaphor for LIFE in there somewhere but I don't want to figure it out right now. I would rather tell you how lovely your tea sounds and that I adore that blue (you and Kimmie are on the same blue wave length, I think).
    Happy T on T

  6. Yeah!! You can do photos again!! I know what you mean about setting something aside for a while to see if there is something else you want/need to do with it.
    Love the cobalt blue mug. Love that color...esp in glass bottles.

  7. your Apricot tea sounds and looks wonderful

    I also find that letting a creation sit for a bit can reveal where I might go next and sometimes I find it's finished afterall :)

    we are expecting a couple of days in the high sixties...most unusual and warm January we've had!

    I'll miss you while I'm away!

  8. ahhh...E it's always nice to drop in either for art or the art and the theme...happy Tuesday!!!

  9. yup just let it tell you what it wants... happy t day! x

  10. Sunny in my world too :) I love the sun streaming in!
    happy tea day, your picture and tea look great!

  11. After a yummy tea like that maybe an idea will reveal itself. I love the tea bag cup very much! Nice piece. xox Corrine

  12. Rain, sun, then a bit of rain again for me here. We'll take it! Your tea sounds wonderful. And as for your art, this one is full of color and happiness for sure, I love it.

  13. Safe to have tea here today , I've dusted! Not a lot of sunshine on my table though, unluckily. Doesn't apricot du verger sound fab.....see, this is why I'm drawn to these has nothing to do with the taste, though! Most of the time its the triumph of hope over experience...I can't help but think its like drinking perfume!!!! Oh I WISH I was sophisticated!!

  14. I guess that is part of the fun of making art...I spend a lot of time trying to "save" pieces I don't want to give up on. I love the colors you've use but I have no ideas on how to save the tea cup, short of making the whole cup black! You'll think of something.


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