
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Honored to be a co-host this week and great news

Have you been to Inspiration Avenue lately? If so, you have probably seen this sign at the top of their left sidebar. Shelly (Shelinwa) of Pics by Shel chose me to co-host a challenge and I was thrilled. Because I had a plumbing leak that was streaming faster than video, I had to wait until my friend Scott came by to help at least try to slow the leak this weekend. Without a major overhaul and a rather expensive and time consuming demolition and remodel, the leak will continue, but at least now it is manageable, something it was not for nearly two weeks. Of course, all that might be TMI, so lets skip ahead to all the good and wonderful news I have to share.

First, because I am co-hosting with Shel, I get to choose this week's Inspiration Avenue challenge and create the post, as well as supply the inspiration photos. Since Shel won't put it on the IA blog until later this morning, I will let you consider what the challenge might be this week.

Now for some more really great news. I once again have my external drives showing on my computer. Please don't ask, because even my computer (and plumbing) guru friend Scott has no idea why they came back when he started playing around on my computer. But because he got my external drives to show up again, I can now let everyone know how excited I am about offering my free altered book course. I've been wanting to do this since before my computer started giving me fits in December, but I was unable to make any plans until I was sure I had a way to access my blog, as well as my scanner and camera.

Every two weeks, I will upload a new lesson or technique for altered books (ABs). This is for people new to altered books, and those who want to refresh their basic AB skills. I offered this course a couple of years ago in a private class, which was also totally free, but restricted, since only 99 people could join, along with me, which made 100. I had to turn people away. I will now be offering this new course on this blog. No need for a special password or anything other than a normal visit. We will start the class next Monday on the 6th of February. I hope you will play along and show what you have made, too. Again, these are basic techniques and I will use the same syllabus as when I taught the class before.

To get you started, you can begin thinking about a theme for your altered book. Mine is going to be rocking horses, a book I have wanted to make for some time. Thanks and I'll see you next week when we get started.

I'm also linking with Creative Every Day (CED), since it is Monday. On Wednesday, the CED theme for February will change from NEW to NIGHT. I hope you consider joining this NEW altered book challenge before NIGHT falls next Monday.


  1. Congrats, Elizbeth, on grabbing the #1 spot this week - and also for hosting the Inspiration Alley challenge! I can't wait to see what you're doing - and I am VERY excited about your Altered Book class!

    Will have to poke my nose in... let me know if there is more to do than just show up!

    Have a fabulous week and I miss seeing the Bleu one!


  2. Kudos to you on hosting Inspiration Ave....I will be checking it out. Glad to hear that your problems are getting resolved. Have a great week!

  3. Hey there This is so exciting isn't it!!
    Your Intro is AWESOME!!!
    I am going to add a link back to your blog as well
    I am also stoked about this class HOW FUN!!

    See you tomorrow

  4. I've always wanted to do an altered book. Will be looking forward to the first lesson in a week. (Found you through CED.)

  5. So happy to hear that your computer issues are getting worked out and all great news coming from you!!--so glad that you're able to share your creative way with us--but you've always been so generous with your techniques.

  6. Love the rocking horse! How generous of you for the IA challenge and for the altered book free course! Wow!

  7. Looks to BE a wondrous adventure. Thank you so much for offering this as I've been waiting and wanting to embark on Altered Book~ing, was just hoping for a guide!!

    I, too, found you via CED, and I loved your sharing TMI as it is often [too often] what I slip into. It let me have a good chuckle.

  8. Yay for Scott - he fixed things even if he isn't sure how he did it.

    Fun to hear you are hosting this weeks IA challenge, I'll be watching to see what the theme is.

    An altered book class sounds great too. You'll have lots of followers for that I'm sure as your tutorials and posts about altered books are great.

    Marvelous news!


  9. Oh what fun! I'm glad you decided to co-host a challenge, you'll really enjoy doing it! I'll check back by later to see what theme you chose, I know it will be a great one!
    And hooray that your computer is working properly again- I missed seeing your regular images!

  10. Who knows why things happen the way they do but take full advantage when the happenings are happy ones. :) I will be continuing with the altered book you kindly helped me start last year. The good news is I have a bit of a head start so I should be able to keep up even with a slightly full calender. Thanks so much. Elizabeth

  11. Hello! :-)

    I have never tried working on an altered book and I think that it would be a very fun project. :-) It must be cool to be hosting challenges and sharing it with everybody. :-) It's nice to share what you know with others! It makes crafting even more fun and enjoyable!


    Come over my blog for a My Memories Suite Scrapbook Giveaway. :-)

  12. How timely! I've been planning to tackle learning how to make a book or alter a book, etc. this year - it's one of my major goals. So I can't WAIT to participate in your class. I'm SO excited!

  13. you did a fabulous challenge!
    Loved the pictures, always my favorite part, to see the inspiration!

  14. a book about rocking horses?! that sounds like such a good time. enjoy creating and thank you for stopping by my blog today xoxo

  15. Congrats on co-hosting this week! I already saw the post (I'm won't give it away here!), and I am really excited! I've got my thinking cap on.

    You are so generous to offer the altered book course. I hope to be able to take part in that, too! I'm a total newbie, so we'll just see how it goes!

  16. Oh Elizabeth, your plumbing goes and your hard rive comes back...what's going on!!! After the basement episode, I bet you couldn't believe your eyes! Haven't been to IA just yet, but am thrilled for your invitation, was it scarey, IA is sooo well known!

    Your generosity over the class is wonderful. And if you promise not to laugh, I'm going to join in!

  17. WOWEE Elizabeth
    this post is jam packed with excitement and good news (sorry about your leak, but how lucky to have Scott come to your rescue!)

    I will miss the first couple of your AB classes it looks like...we'll be going on a winter vacation beginning 6 Feb..woot woot

    It will be fun to come home and catch up with you...if that's possible as you seem to rolling this year already! :)

    and I {heart} altered books SO much

  18. Ah, thank heavens for Scott... both for the leak (what is it with you and leaks)? and getting the external hard drives to show up again!! Yay!! Back in business!!
    Altered book class? Yes Please indeedy!! I'll be there with bells on!! :)

  19. There was a children's book called Rocking horse moon which was one of my daughter's favourites when she was little... so it is a topic with great associations... just have to make time to tackle it... as to a course on Altered books... sounds really interesting and I look forward to seeing that first lesson go up...xx

  20. Look forward to the techniques :)


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