
Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Smiles 387: the clean-up


I'm getting a LOT of "Failed to Publish."  If your blog has embedded comments, you may not hear from me for awhile.  I also seem to be getting the failures with even those comments that are NOT embedded.  Blogger hates me.  I can't seem to leave a comment to anyone, so I'm headed to bed soon.

It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.   Today is all about the clean-up.

As I was preparing to leave for the church where we meet, I took photos of a few things I saw on my block.

I love how we can dispose of all these large items and not have to pay to get rid of them.

My contribution: four sacks of moldy papers from the basement and a limb that fell in my yard.

The workers who were much faster than I.

They were speed demons and they made me feel old.

They asked me to get their photos and I did.  Note the couch was picked up while I was inside getting my camera.

They were so upbeat.

Then it was time to put my camera away and help as best I could.

A few funnies: 
image tagged in trash | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Bleubeard and I hope you have enjoyed this trash talk.  Bleubeard, Squiggles, and I wish you a very happy and fun filled weekend.  Thanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too. 


  1. That was some trashy-fun post!
    I think blogger hates all of us....
    But: Keep smiling!

  2. It's pure discrimination! If you're not a fan of Google, then they don't wanna know. I've given in long ago. I don't seem to be able to get what I want without Google, so I go with the flow. Aren't there laws agains dominating the market? Google certainly does seem to dominate.
    It's great that they do that clean-up in North Riverside. Sounds like there is a great community spirit.
    I liked your garbage related funnies. Especially the one about the raging alcoholic. I identify with that. I save up all my wine bottles and beer cans, so when I recycle it looks like I'm an alcoholic although it probably has been saved up for months.
    Have a great weekend,

  3. Your yard clean up is such a good idea. Some things are very hard, or expensive to dispose of. We have a similar system but we can put 'large items' such as furniture, beside our bin on the 6th ans 21st of every month, and the council come and collect it, if no-one in the neighbourhood spots it and takes it first. I think it is a great idea. I smioled at all your trash funnies. I don't seem to get your comments very often but it is a very hit and miss affair. Kate x

  4. ...trash is out of hand, we buy too much stuff.

  5. I didn't know you were actually going around helping to collect. That's cool. Even if some people were fast, it's the effort you put in that counts. Nice job!!! Hope your comment start working again.

  6. Hi Elizabeth, hope you've had a nice sleep. I had some problems with my laptop and searched online until I found some help. The guy I spoke to advised me to go onto the settings and remove the part that was a problem and then re add it. He said that sometimes when they are updating stuff it affects the system and deleating and re adding will often be the answer. We used to have a monthly large trash collection but it's stopped now sadly so you are very lucky. Wishing you a good weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  7. Lots of funnies:) And a huge Atta Girl for taking part in the cleanup. Get some rest:)

  8. that is so cool you can put things out and the trash truck comes around.

  9. It's so nice when cities have those kind of big trash pickup days! Saves people a lot of money. Looks like it was a nice day, too, and not rainy or anything. :)

  10. The day was a success for sure! Trashy funnies- they were just that! Biggest chuckle for me was the "golden" trash bag. Fun post.

  11. So much trash! And everything comes packaged in plastic :(


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