
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Blue Footed Boobies

Today I'm once again joining Jo from Let’s Art Journal, our host this month at Art Journal Journey, with her Wonderfully Wild theme.

I absolutely adore blue footed boobies.  I ran across them years ago when I was working in my 7 Continents altered book.  I have detail shots below.

Note the booby on the left has bluer feet than the one on the right.  It all depends on their diet and how many fish they consume. The female is always larger than the male, which gives her the advantage when diving for fish. 
The blue footed booby lays its eggs in a shallow depression on flat land.  Both males and females take turns incubating the eggs under their big blue webbed feet.  The feet carry a blood supply that warms the eggs.  When the eggs begin to hatch, they are transferred to the tops of the feet. 
I printed the boobies on my color laser printer and the words on my black-only laser printer.  I sewed the boobies to a green background using blue variegated thread.

Below is the page I created several years ago's+Blue+Footed+Booby.jpg  in my 7 Continents altered book under Mexico (North America).

Bleubeard and I want to thank each of you for visiting today.  We would also love to see you at Art Journal Journey and see your take on Wonderfully Wild.


  1. Never heard of them before. How interesting to learn about them and to see them was brilliant (on here I mean - would love to see irl)
    Thanks Elizabeth -this is so good
    Hugs, Neet xxx

  2. I love them, too - Mother Nature is a clever artist!

  3. With any luck, I'm going to see some of them soon!
    best, mae at

  4. They are definitely fun birds. I love their blue feet. I'm glad you shared not only your new page but also your page from your 7 continents book too. It was fun to see. Have a super Thursday. hugs-Erika

  5. I just saw a video of them walking around what a treat

  6. There's something about them in the way they stand that makes them always look young and innocent...and they are unique and cute with their blue feet, too.

  7. cod...dont let mackerull know I said this, they ARE awesome !!! :) ♥♥

  8. Such fabulous pages! Those birds look wonderful with their blue feet and I loved your interesting facts too 😊. Thanks so much for joining Art Journal Journey and inspiring us! Hugs, Jo x

  9. Such fabulous pages! Those birds look wonderful with their blue feet and I loved your interesting facts too 😊. Thanks so much for joining Art Journal Journey and inspiring us! Hugs, Jo x

  10. I love these pages Elizabeth! The blue footed boobies are beautiful birds.
    Happy new week.
    Alison xx

  11. I have loved these birds since I first discovered them. Those feet! Those bright blue feet! :)

  12. Ghananeem Hey there! 🌟 Just read this awesome article and couldn't agree more with the insights shared πŸ“š✨

    Happy reading!


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