
Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Smiles 386: the tree post


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.  One of the things I love about Friday Smiles is I can talk and write about anything, not just art.  Today I have a tree that was cut for a reason I will elaborate on later.

The big news this past weekend is this mess tree.

I admit it's quite a mess I have on my hands.


While I was out back watering my herbs, my neighbor cut the branch off.  I was sick about it.

You can see the tree is already starting to bleed.

Sadly, there is nothing I can do about it now.  Instead, it is time to clean up this mess.

Can you believe this is the same yard?

Everything has been raked and the branches have been taken to the compost dump.

The only things left are the bricks that need to go back where they were before the gas company removed them and the broken tiles removed.

I know you are asking why my neighbor and I did all this.  First, our neighborhood clean up is tomorrow, so I won't be around or near the computer.   Originally, these branches were intended to go in the cleanup.  However, the cleanup requires they must be tied in bundles no longer than six feet and no bigger than 12 inches in diameter.  That would take too long to bundle and would use lots of rope I don't care to give away.

Second, every four years my insurance company comes out and inspects the outside of my home.  The big thing they didn't like was the tree limbs were covering the front of the house and heading toward the roof.

Although it won't affect my insurance, I was informed that if and when I corrected the problem to let my agent know.  These photos will go to her.  At least my insurance company will know I took the problem seriously.  Now I must clean that area on the front of the house (including the top window) before I send her a photo.

Bleubeard, Squiggles, and I wish you a very happy and fun filled weekendThanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too.  This post is long enough.  I'll leave it to others to share their funnies today.


  1. I am so sorry that you had to cut that big branch.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. That makes quite a difference with the tree being gone like that.
    And ohhhh, your house looks so beautiful!
    If I had a porch I think all summer I´d "live" there...
    Nice, too, your neighbor helped. That sure made me smile, too.
    To a great Friday full of smiles

  3. Yes, made a huge difference. I hope you can save on your insurance now. :)

  4. It seems a shame to cut a tree but sometimes it is needed. It always amazesme how much debris you get from anything like this. But you have done a good clean up job and your house looks lovely. Kate x

  5. You are going to get a lot more sun in your front yard now. That is good and bad I guess, depending on how you look at it. The insurance companies do that here too. I know they checked my mother-in-law's garage roof and said it had to be replaced or they wouldn't insure it. Your house does look nice with some more light getting to it, but it is always sad to cut down a tree. Good luck with your neighborhood clean up. hugs-Erika

  6. We love our trees, but they do require lots of maintenance. Your house and yard look very pleasant now.
    best, mae at

  7. It looka like you did a lot of work! But it was worth it, it looks much better. And tree limbs are dangerous! Have a happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  8. It's sad when trees need to be trimmed back or cut down. I hope you get a huge reduction on your insurance.

  9. I know it's sad about the tree branch, but what a difference! Your house looks amazing and I bet you get a lot more light into your windows now.

  10. I have a huge tree over the road from the front of our house that is now smothered in ivy and needs attention but the council wont touch it sadly....We just pray it doesn't fall down in the gales. Yours looks much better for you now and you will have so much more light.
    Annie x

  11. It's a shame, but insurance companies do frown on big limbs over houses. I hear they're using drones to check things these days.

  12. Yikes. Why did the neighbor cut off your tree limb? Did he do it for you? Insurance companies are getting pretty rigid these days!

  13. the city did this to every tree lining the streets and common areas between subdivisions, and not only was it sad, and the wildlife has no place to go, but
    how they cut the trees along the streets is ridiculous looking🤬🤬🤬🤬
    happy weekend to all 😺wavez two ewe bleu and squiggles 💙🐟💚

  14. Hi Elizabeth I'm back. It does initially seem a shame to chop the branch off but sensible really as big branches can break off which is what happened to a house near us and it smashed through one side of the roof and into the bedroom, luckily there was no one in there at the time. So I'm pleased as I do not want to visit here and see you squished lovely Elizabeth. Hugs Angela xXx

  15. ...trees can be a lot of maintenance, but I sure love trees.

  16. This is not something we think about when enjoying the lovely shade of trees, but they do age. You were proactive. Isn't it amazing how much clean up there is with one branch! You did a great job.


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