
Saturday, August 10, 2024

Annual Neighborhood Clean up

  Today is our annual neighborhood clean up.  I participate every year.

I often roll my eyes when people talk about Canadian geese.  I even poke fun when you share those nasty Canadian geese on your blogs.  I guess you can see why.  For the life of me, I have no idea why we chose this goose as our logo for North Riverside Neighborhood Association.  Those geese took up residence here and refuse to leave because people fed and continue to feed them.  Now they are everywhere in our neighborhood.  And the slime they leave us in return!

Back to the clean up.  Below are photos from the past. Long time viewers suffered through me removing my bamboo in 2021.
  Last year I cleaned my garage.  And in 2022, I cleaned and organized my Rubbermaid shed.

Let's see a few action shots from the past.

  Old and young alike come out to help for this event.  Lots of volunteers were needed for this home.

  You were allowed to get rid of up to four tires, the tire truck came around for those.  Normally, people have to pay to get rid of tires.

I used to ride in one of the packer trucks.  It was my job to read the map and point out where the driver needed to go and which streets had trash out that day.  Trash had to be out the night before so another volunteer, the co-chair and I could create the maps after 9 p.m.. image was taken from the packer truck.  It always looks like people are standing around, but that is not the case. With this many people, you can only load so much into the packer at one time. That means you take your turn. People who don't volunteer for the clean up are asked to help when the packer truck gets to their house. It's all about community.  Although the people hadn't moved much, they were in line with their trash and ready to go.

[Cleanup-25.jpg]  This is a different year I mapped out the area for the packer truck driver.  It was always my job to ride in one of the packer trucks and lay out the route for the driver.  What takes up all the room in the packer trucks are couches, mattresses, and kitchen stoves.  The committee seems to run it differently now, with the driver having the route he was to take merely given to him and no association member is allowed in the truck.  He goes up and down every street whether there is trash or not.  Seems a bit foolish to me, but since I am no longer co-chair (or even a member) of the committee, I have no say in the matter.  I DO still participate, though.

I'll definitely be talking trash today, but I won't be near a computer till late afternoon.  Hope you have a trash free day.  Bleubeard and Squiggles will be hiding in the AC.


  1. Our "worlds" are so different!
    Here we have clean-up day,too.
    It goes like this: You walk through the city and grab cigarette butts, thrown away Mc Donald´s left-over, stuff like that.
    Rubbish people just drop cause they are too lazy to bring it to the next bin.

    For what you do we have to pay. It´s called "Sperrmüll". If you don´t have a car to bring it in they get it - for more money.
    Right now we have a 26-inch TV, 20 years old, but works perfectly. I now will ask kindyies or schools if they want it - other I have to pay money to get rid of it, same as the Teufel sound system. Still good, but we don´t need it anymore! These things weigh a lot, so no e-bay or such.

    Books, DVDs and stuff I put in cartons, write on the lid "for free", this is tolerated. But the bulky stuff... not. Lucky you.
    I would help in your case, not here!!! What do you teach people here? Drop your stuff, someone will pick it up for you.
    Look at Singapore, you get a fine for that.

    Sorry this was a long one. Butt picking up ciggie-butts is not the way I want to spend my time. And bet those who do it watch and laugh.

    Your volunteer-work makes sense and bet you meet nice people on top and make make friendships.
    So: Have fun! :-)

  2. Good morning-early, we have never lived where the city provides this service-what an awesome service that they also take the large pieces-furniture and appliances. My brother in Indiana used to live in a city that they did this but it was only for large vegetation etc no household goods Happy weekend

  3. I think this is a great idea. We don't have trash pick up in my town, and some things you have to pay to dispose of at the dump/recycling center. Some things you don't? Do they charge you for this pick up at your house? Don't work too hard. hugs-Erika

  4. So many solutions to this ubiquitous problem! Each county/city/neighborhood has its own approach. Your set up with everyone helping looks really great. I understand about no one being allowed to ride in the truck: commercial insurance companies are getting stricter and stricter.

    My last trash problem had a good end. I thought I would have to pay $200 to have some yard furniture carted away, but since it was in a condition that could be repaired I listed it on Craig’s List and a person came in her truck and took it. She said her husband could fix it up and she seemed quite happy.

    best, mae at

  5. Here we have clean up day once a year, too. The town gives us blue sacks to collect the trash, and afterwards there is often a bonfire by the Rhine to celebrate. Here we concentrate on cleaning up the meadows along the Rhein, so you are walking by the water and it's always fun! Hugs, Valerie

  6. ...everyone has plenty of stuff to get rid of.

  7. We have big pickup days here, too. Since I've lived in apartments and don't have a car the 25 years I have been up in this area and didn't have big items or excess trash, I am not positive if they have them in both the spring and the fall, but I think they do. They are a really wonderful thing!

  8. I'm always impressed by your neighborhood cleanup day. There's nothing like it here.

  9. I love that your neighborhood does this. Don't see that in our area, either!

  10. Great for the neighborhood. I agree with you on the Canadian geese. I never like them as they make a BIG mess, and they are aggressive too.

  11. This is such a highlight event and so good that your city comes to you for the convenience of clean out. I like how you have a focus each year so that one thing gets done fully. You can really see your progress.

  12. Neighborhood cleanup. What a grand idea. Hope it went well. Enjoy your weekend, my friend.

  13. One of those little things that irk me - they are Canada Geese not Canadian Geese. Great to see people pitching in with the neighbourhood cleanup. Seems like people have lots to dispose of!


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