
Monday, July 15, 2024

T Stands For Tuesday Turns 11 Today


It's time to party and celebrate because T Stands For Tuesday turns 11 today.

I'm not sure I have much to party about, though.  Out of 34 people who either joined the swap last year, or linked for the 10th anniversary, many of them no longer visit on T Tuesday.   I blame myself for not reaching out better.  I feel like I have let many former T Tuesday participants down.  For that I am deeply sorry.

My drink of choice is lemon water in my newest PBS mug.  Please don't let my depression affect any of you.  

I want to thank CJ and Lisca for participating in the swap.  Seems no one wanted to swap an ATC with me this year.
It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

I really want to thank those of you who have joined me for T Tuesday most weeks.  You have NO IDEA how grateful I am.


  1. Congratulations on eleven good years. Don’t blame yourself if people move on., if their lives change, and if they do different things.

    best, mae at

  2. Many congratulations and Happy 11th T Day Anniversary! I've had my page waiting for a while to celebrate with you and I hope you like it ☺️. I also want you to know, after reading your post, that it is no fault of yours that I haven't been participating in TSFT every week. I've been finding that life and my responsibilities have changed (what with travelling, home and family commitments and also illness), which means I have time to unwind by creating pages but not for posting them on my blog or joining challenges. As you may know I dropped out of two design teams because I knew things were getting too much, so please don't feel responsible especially as you do such an awesome job administering and hosting all the challenges that you're involved in. Wishing you a very happy 11th T-Day anniversary my dear friend! Take care and sending you big hugs, Jo x

  3. Wow..11 years! That's so amazing. I'm sorry that you are feeling let down. I hope that you will take a moment to look at the amount interaction and commitment that comes along with 11 years and rejoice in it.
    Happy Anniversary my friend.

  4. Eleven years is a really impressive anniversary. Please don't beat yourself up. It is NOT warranted.

  5. I think people are just busy, and 11 years is impressive so I wouldn't beat yourself up. It doesn't make the anniversary any less important. And if you notice on blogging, people come and go, and come back again... it all depends on what's in their life. I hope you have a great celebration. 11 years is very impressive. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

  6. Happy 11th birthday! Actually this is one of the fun link UPS. When I see a shot with a drink in it I get extra excited. Thanks for hosting. Have a nice day. Aloha

  7. I've been AWOL from T Tuesday. I admit to feeling like I have not much in the way of drinks or art to share 😢but I do still visit folks and enjoy that kind of participation.

    You have accomplished so much by offering this weekly blogger gathering over so many years! It has been a blessing to me 🫂

  8. Happy 11th Anniversary T for Tuesday, Elizabth and Bleubeard!! I'm sorry I forgot or missed reading the post reminding us! I'm up for a swap of anything crafty! And for once I'm here earlier than I usually am! I must admit, I've been quite busy with crafting this month but have not seen or heard from anyone! I know the 'traffic of people' is there, because of my stats but no one's commenting. This last couple of years I've lost well over 60 followers and only gained two or three, it used to be sooo busy, sometimes it was hard to keep up! Have a great week, we all love T for Tuesday! Hugs ((((Lyn))

  9. Happy 11th anniversary, dear host! You´ve changed my life A LOT!
    No idea what would´ve happened when I lost my job and not found you and with that a new outlet and help!
    I´m very sorry - I didn´t realize about the swap!
    And for the people not visiting anymore: Their loss.
    Or... who knows what happened? Life-change, change of interest?
    I think it´s always very sorry when people don´t say good bye and give a reason, happened to me, too...
    So... let us celebrate, there are still enough peeps who join and appreciate your work!

  10. Congratulations, and a happy T-Day to you!

  11. Dear Elizabeth, happy T-Day birthday! Don't worry because there are fewer participants at T-Day, I think there is less going on in the blogging world in general at the moment. Maybe it's because of summer activities, maybe because Instagram & Co have become more interesting for many than blogging. But the core group is here to celebrate with you! :-D
    All the best, Traude

  12. Happy 11th T Day anniversary. Thank you for making Tuesday a fun day. Happy T Day

  13. Happy anniversary!
    I still come by even when I haven't been participating and don't always comment. :)

  14. Happy T-day dear Elizabeth and happy 11th anniversery. I am back again from holidays. And I don´t think that you let anyone down...
    Have a good time and all the best

  15. Aaahhh Elizabeth I have not posted on my own blog since January much less the T Party... I have many things on my plate right now and some things just had to fall by the wayside... Believe me when i say i appreciate you and all the effort and love you put into the T party.. It shows. So its not you and i'm sorry you've gotten that notion. I simply do not have the time to make up a post and visit almost 20 lovely ladies and leave a meaningful comment on their blog.. I've been feeling the 'pull' of the T party and my blog lately but i don't want to start again until reasonably sure of myself that i will continue.. Hugs! deb

  16. I think we all have to live our own lives, and sometimes this means letting go of other things. Hugs, Valerie

  17. My congratulations and Happy 11th T Day Anniversary.

    All the best Jan

  18. 11 years is a long time and it's still goiing so I'd be happy with that. I'd assume the people that left either have stopped blogging (most of the people I started with have) or just weren't getting enough traffic - which is not your fault but more the other linkers not bothering to comment on other blogs. I did a link up the other week which had 9 hosts and I commented on all their posts and only 2 commented back. So I'd written a post specifically on their topic. I was quite annoyed so decided this month I'd only comment on the two that commented on mine. So celebrate you are still going and still getting a good amount of people linking up! Well done and happy birthday.


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.