
Monday, July 8, 2024

T Stands For Spice Merchant Again


I finally found a way to load my photos to the blog.  If I have a previously used image (like a scan), I can copy my photos to that file, then delete the scanned image after I place it on the blog post.  After I load the photos to my blog, I will go in and delete them from the scanned file.  Lots of extra work, but at least the photos can now go on my blog.  It's sort of a piggyback solution, but for now it is working.

Let's go back to the Spice Merchant.

I think these are coasters.  I didn't stop to feel them, so your guess is as good as mine.

I believe these are on clearance, or are mugs that are not selling well. 

I say that because this is the back of the store where there is very limited traffic.

I stumbled onto these Frida mugs as I was working my way back to the coffee. 

The guy in the back of the photo with the orange apron is filling my order.
Of course, I couldn't forget the birds, books, and kitties!

Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.

I'll ask one final time if anyone would like to trade an ATC with me for our 11th anniversary, please let me know.


  1. Cumbersome as it is I am glad you have found a solution. And would love to wander round the Spice Merchant.

  2. ...I'm glad that you found a solution.

  3. I must be dense as I can’t find the guy in the orange apron. Have a great week, and congratulations on figuring out the photo issue.
    best, mae at

  4. Glad you can get your pictures to upload on your blog. I would love to spend hours in the Spice Merchant just poking around. Happy T Day

  5. Tea shops are very dangerous places for me, or more for my wallet!

  6. I'm glad you figured out how to load your photos onto your blog. Blogs can be very frustrating, can't they? And the Spice Merchant must have a lot of storage space or sell a lot of mugs because they always have such a big and cool selection. It's always fun to see what they have. I hope you have a great T day. hugs-Erika

  7. Oh I'm glad you found a solution for your photos. And now we can have another wander through the Spice Merchant.
    Yes, I did see the guy filling your order n the right hand side of the photo. I bet that store smells good too if they roast coffee. Hmmm...
    Happy T-Day,

  8. Clever how you figured out how to accomplish that! Thanks for hosting aloha

  9. Now I get it — the iPad version of your blog cuts off the side of the photos, and therefore I could not find the man in the apron. When I clicked on the photos I was able to see the entire image including the man.
    best, mae at

  10. Blogger... but jipeee you found a work-around!
    Oh, I have a friend in Perth who would LOVE that Frida-mug!!!!

  11. Good that you can let upload your photos! I've got the feeling that you are living at the spice merchant's.....It's a fascinating place! I got a new mug from Andreas yesterday, very pretty, too! I hope I can get back to blogging more often, but right now I just need to get well again! Hugs, Valerie

  12. A wonderful shop to browse around. I love the Frida mugs.

  13. A wonderful shop to browse around. I love the Frida mugs.

  14. bleu N squiggles…eye am crackin up at dee look on de kittehz face ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™

  15. Glad you figured it out!
    Yes, those look like coasters. :)

  16. That's a lot of work with the photos. Although I have a multistep process as well...although it's self-inflicted. :)
    I love all the mugs. We actually pared down a few recently.
    Happy T day!

  17. Dear Elizabeth,
    I'm so sorry that you're having another problem with the blog - luckily you were able to find a workaround to upload your photos. The Frida mugs would be just what I like, especially the mug with the print all around.
    I'm sending you New Zealand beer and wine again today, and some New Zealand coffee too :-))
    All the best, Traude

  18. This does look like the most delightful store. I wish I could figure out what is going on with your blog but at least you have a workaround for now.

  19. So happy you found a photo solution!

  20. I really really love this shop, I could stay all day, there's so much loverly stuff!! Blogger, is still being a bit of a pain, on how I load pictures too. Last week they went back to their 'old' way of uploading, for about three days, this week it's back with that cloud, but at least its allowing me to load pictures from my laptop and not have to email and save them in photos, which takes ages. Hope you are feeling a lot better than last week! Happy T Day ((Lyn))

  21. The Spice Merchant looks like such an enchanting shop. Hope you are well, dear Elizabeth.

  22. The Spice Merchant must be a lovely shop. Those mugs are charmin̈g huh! I am glad you could find a solution, my friend.

  23. Sounds like a wonderful place to browse around. I love browsing around variety shops like this one.

  24. This is the BEST store! I always enjoy your trips there and photos. Frida mugs are great.


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