
Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Smiles 383: A look at the overgrown herb garden


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.   

Although I tried to get an overall shot of the herbs,

it was completely impossible, no matter how far back I stood.

I should have photographed the herbs around noon, but the sun didn't come out until late afternoon.

I had planned to cut both my Italian and my Thai basil, but that will need to wait till tomorrow morning when there is less heat. 

The flowering plant is bee balm.  Rosemary and oregano are below it, while the spider (sometimes called airplane) plant sits on the stool behind it.

A front to back row of chives.

Mint, mint, mint. Peppermint, apple mint, and Margarita mint.

Lemongrass. Behind it is more oregano.

From left: Milkweed grown from seed, dill grown from seed, rosemary.  Black pot in back has a dead plant. 

Back to the center, where I have more oregano and ???

The plants in the cart have lost their tags.  I'll have to go to the plant ID web site to figure out what they are.  The large white pot in the back is thyme.

My dead lavender that I tried to overwinter inside is next to the lavender I purchased this year.  Not sure what the small blue pot holds but the large black one has rosemary.  The brown pot in back is more dill.  The tree in the small pot took over and killed the sage plant I purchased this year.

The plants on my cart are cilantro grown from seed and fennel, also grown from seed.

The plants on the table are a dead geranium and the rosemary I overwintered inside.  Ignore the "gift" from the bird.

I have a new watering setup this year, too.

My  sweet next door neighbor ran a line from my yard to his well.  Now I can water the plants and not use city water for which I would have to pay.

Now for a few funnies.
Two Men and a Little Farm: GARDENING IS MEDICINE | Garden quotes, Garden, Garden seeds

Dig Holes Meme

Garden Dog Meme

Garden Sprinkler Meme 
Gardening in Snow Meme

Spring Flowers in Snow

Impatiens Humor
Gardening is Cheaper than Therapy

Lawn Mower Meme

Garden Rule Meme

  I think I'll end with this bit of wisdom and wish you a very happy and fun filled weekend.  Thanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too.


  1. I used to love my garden, but in the meantime I am happy I just have my balcony, as gardens are a lot of work, as you will know!😁 Have a lovely Friday! Hugs!

  2. I LOVE mint! And I have some on the balcony.
    And what a nice neighbor (reckon it´s not the one with the wall...)
    Thyme....time... fun! As is the "fertilizer", LOL.
    And the digger... Love the snow pic with the tulips!
    Well ... when you have a job to do. Couple of weeks ago it was very windy here and a man used a blower to "clean" the street... I wanted to cry...
    Smile, to happy times,dear Elizabeth!

  3. Yes Friday again, it does seem to come round rather quickly! Great idea having a well though we have had so much rain I have had to take water out of the pond this week. I love the garden but it does need lots of looking after. The funnies are brilliant. We have small dogs so the holes are not quite so big Lol! Hugs Angela xXx

  4. I am really, really envious of your herb garden and wish I could ever get my basil to grow that well.
    Thanks for the funnies - and the truisms too.

  5. Well done on all your herbs, They are doing better than my little patch though my basil is groing fast, and the rosemary looks healthy. The parsley and cilantro bth suffer in the heat but are ahanging on in there just, and the mint is bolting although I pinched out all the centres. But it is better than I have managed before.
    I loved your gardening puns and funnies. Kate x

  6. So many amazing herbs...please tell us what you do with all you dry?
    Love the funnies.
    Abbie x

  7. ...keep smiling and growing.

  8. You have such a lot of herbs! Do you use all of them in the kitchen?
    Of course you managed to get garden funnies, well done. They made me smile.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  9. Amazing herbs and spices.
    The photo of the gentleman in the yellow raincoat watering reminded me a bit of me when I have something planned!!
    I'm having a really hard time canceling it!

  10. You certainly have an amazing herb garden. That was so nice of your neighbor to let you use their well to water the plants. I have crappy neighbors on either side of me. Enjoy the weekend.

  11. Wow! Must be fun to cook at your place!
    What an extra nice neighbor!!
    Great funnies. :) Stay cool!

  12. Lovely herbs and thanks for the fun smiles.

  13. I'm impressed by your herb garden. You inspire me to do better next year 👍

  14. I think your basils looks super. I know cutting them down promotes mreoe growth, but they are just the right side in my mind. Everything is growing well. And ha ha with the dog funnies. I know about that. My yard has holes from both dogs, and the chipmunks too, which causes the dogs to dig more mores to try and catch them. Well Pete is the chipmunk catcher. Maddie just likes big holes to take a nap in. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  15. Your herbs are looking fantastic, Elizabeth. You must have them in just the right spot and care for them well, too. Thanks for popping over today!


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