
Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday Smiles 382: Silver does not go with copper and cobalt blue


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.    

As I've told you for the past three weeks, I have been unable to upload photos to my blog due to the "Cloud." If you were here for T Stands For Tuesday, you read I finally figured out a work around.  I simply copy my photos to a "recently used" file and am able to place them on my blog.  Extra work, but at least all these photos I have on my computer can now go on my blog.  Once I have published or scheduled my blog post, I go in and delete the copied files.

Some of you know my old refrigerator/freezer died recently.  It didn't actually die, it wouldn't quit running.  Not much fun when I'm trying to keep my electric bills low.  At least the food stayed cold and frozen, so I didn't lose too much there.

It was Memorial weekend and I needed something that was in stock.

This is the style I wanted, but not the color.  Many have read in the past that I am driven by color.

After a series of mishaps and missteps I won't go into here, you see where I got the title for today's post.  The step stool is there because I can't reach the top two shelves without it.

I needed a ladder to get the frufrus on the top of the fridge.

I obviously didn't think it through because I was so focused on getting a fridge with a freezer on the bottom.  Yes, I am that short!

This baby is HUGE compared to my old one.

My internet friend, Mae showed her magnets that she rotates as she gets new ones.

These are mine.  It's no secret I love anything Route 66, one of the original highways in the U. S. Numbered Highway System.  My house in Webb City, Missouri (MO) was on the direct route between Joplin and Carthage, MO.  I can only imagine what the road was like back then, especially when people went on vacation and traveled by my house.  Of course, I was not even born when Route 66 was in its heyday.  The two lane road, that ran through the town, garnered a lot of business for the local economy.  When the road changed to a four lane highway, many of those businesses died.  One of the businesses about three blocks from my home still called itself the Route 66 Meat and Deli.  The owners were willing to tell anyone who would listen about the old route and its significance.

Under the Route 66 magnets are a koala thermometer, our Wichita flag, and a hand-blown gift from a friend.
Look closely at the magnet below the turkey and you will see the presidents on Mount Rushmore.

Look at it from another angle, and the presidents disappear, leaving the mountain before it was carved.

The other magnets two of which are from Strataca, the salt mine museum I visited in the past, one from the Cosmosphere, and one from Australia sent to me by Sue, aka Elephant's Child.  
The turkey?  A magnet I failed to pack with my Thanksgiving decorations from last autumn.  I think I'll leave it on that note!!

I hope a few of these made you smile and I won't ask how you feel about my new fridge.  I want some white spray paint!  Thanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too. 


  1. glad you were able to get a new fridge/freezer even if it's not the right colour for your kitchen. also glad you found a workround for your photos.

  2. Blogger can really drive one nuts!
    Glad you found this workaround. But... "oh, boy"... how did this happen? Blogger was "perfect" for so long!

    I have an IKEA kid´s chair in the kitchen cause... I am short ;-)
    Cool new fridge. Ours is FULL of magnets.

    My Mom presented my Brother with a tour on a motorbike on Route 66 for his diploma.
    He never went cause he thought his English isn´t good enough....
    Saw a docu on Route 66 the other day, still quite busy.

    The "Pie"-magnet is cool.

    OMG, that cat magnet!!!! Have a happy Friday, dear Elizabeth!

  3. That is a BIG fridge.
    Thank you for sharing the magnet I sent you.

  4. Wow! that is one large fridge though sometimes I wish ours was bigger too. The funnies are brilliant and pleased you've managed to work out how to get the photos on the blog. There's something going on with the cloud thing it wants everyone to save photos to that rather than actually on your PC but I've managed to stop it on mine. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

  5. I love your big new fridge/freezer. Mine is actually stainless steel and I like it. I loved your collection of chilly funnies. Kate x

  6. Appliances are so big for those of us who live in little houses. When we got our fridge, it was too tall to fit under the cabinet space. Himself had to plane about 1/8 inch off the bottom of the cabinet so we could push the fridge under the cabinet. Enjoy your new, hopefully energy efficient fridge. Fun magnets.

  7. Your new appliance looks great. What color did you want? Sometimes when they never shut off they then end up stopping totally so you were smart to get a new one. I really like the silver. We're in the market for a new fridge and freezer too. Our freezer is cold, but not cold enough to freeze anything. My husband tried a few things to fix it but nothing fixed it. It's old and doesn't owe us anything, but it seems such a waste of the body and all the pieces. I hope you get used to the new color soon. hugs-Erika

  8. I love your new fridge freezer and those funnies are brilliant and certainly made me smile.
    Annie x

  9. That's a huge fridge! When we had to get a new fridge we had size as our primary consideration and then color. We were happy that there were fridges small enough to fit in our space that came in white.

  10. ...I always wanted to drive Route 66 when I turned 66, I missed the opportunity.

  11. What a lovely fridge. I actually like that color and mine is that color too. They do sell these american two door fridges here but most kitchens in Europe are too small. Yes,I too have a stool like you (and Iris) have as I am small too. I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me. I livve alone but I bought the biggest fridge I could get as a fridge is never big enough especially in a hot country like Spain. In fact,I have another fridge in the 'cave' where I keep all the beers and drinks for parties.
    I absolutely loved your photos about route 66. So iconic! And I enjoyed the funnies.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  12. I love the new fridge! We are keeping on keeping on with our old one. Its actually on my summer list to patch some of the dictionary pages on the front as they are looking a bit worn. :)

  13. Enjoy your new fiedge, it's really huge. Mine is only half of that size. You can chill it if the weather gets too hot to bear! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  14. Cute funnies--but I love your new refrigerator! At 5'1" I have trouble reaching things all over my place and have stools everywhere--lol! :)

  15. The size of refrigerators now is terrifying. I was forced to buy a much more expensive “counter depth” fridge because the standard size won’t fit in the door of my kitchen or any other route from outside to inside. I have an Ikea step stool handy too.
    best, mae at

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty and hope he's better soon. I always keep Canikur tablets in case of sickness. You can get this from Amazon for both cats and dogs. You will need to starve him for a few days and just give him the required tablets. They were prescribed by the vet originally but you do not need a vet's perscription to buy them. Good luck at getting him better. Hugs Angela xXx

  17. Hi there. I got your message but I’m out fishing and caught another fish. 👍. I’m skunking the hubby this year. Grin Tomorrow were taking my daughters in-laws out for a boat trip. Are you home Sunday? What’s a good time either Sunday or another day another day to reach you?

  18. You will end up enjoying your new fridge-we need new appliances too but have been putting it off. I had to smile seeing Munger Moss hotel-that is an historic place in Missouri.


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