
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

*WOYWW 780: 15 years and counting*


Today I am joining the greatest head desker in the world, our beloved Julia at Stamping Ground

IF your blog has embedded comments, I will NOT be able to leave you a comment.  I keep getting "Failed to Publish" on all blogs with embedded comments.  Please be aware, it is blogger and not me.

 As you can see, in the past few years, I may only visit once or twice a year, but Wendy and I will never miss an anniversary.  We haven't missed one yet!

As for the obligatory rocking horse, this tiny pin is attached to WOYWWendy's bodice.

I made exactly two anniversary ATCs, one for Julia and one for my PIF partner.

Please note that I only go shopping once a week because of the pain I'm experiencing.  I have finally realized it is due to lupus, a disorder I was diagnosed with a few years ago.  Therefore, since I must buy stamps in order to send these to their respective recipients, it will be Monday before I mail them.


  1. Happy 15th! love seeing your WOYWWW collection, and of course the rocking horse. Holding you in the light with your diagnosis and ongoing pain management.
    Robyn 3

  2. ...I hope that you will be feeling better soon.

  3. I'll try to be cryptic...9 AM my time which would be 8AM your time. Does that work?

  4. So many lovely things. I'm sorry with all of my heart about the lupus. There are some OTC things you can take to help. Email me.

  5. Happy 15th. Did you see my comment on your last post on a possible solution to your blogging woes?
    I am sorry about the lupus and hope the pain eases quickly for you.

  6. Happy 15th!
    So sorry about the lupus pain. :(

  7. So sorry about your lupus pain.

  8. happy WOYWW I knew we'd see you today for the anniversary as you always drop by, it's good to see you. Sorry you are having such pain. I do always read your posts even if I don't always leave a comment, so knew the trouble you were having leaving comments in reply. Take care, and happy WOYWW Helen #6

  9. That rocking horse is so cute! Happy Anniversary!
    And so sorry to hear about that darn lupus - hope you manage... and somehow a cure will be found soon...

  10. What a great anniversary collection Elizabeth. Hope the lupus is under control soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW anniverary. Sarah #?

  11. Lovely to see you here Elizabeth, amazing WOYWW collection, it will be sorely missed. Hugs BJ#11

  12. Always good to see your post. Adorable photos. And I understand, I have been reading about Lupus, since Covid shot, ... I don't do a lot of doctoring, but I've something similar need to make an appointment...had 1 cavity my whole life and after a cleaning I've had issues...yesterday I had 3 teeth removed and on liquids for 2 days and healing process will take more time. I found a hot soaking with Dr Teals epsom salts really helps my other issues We missed all the terrible storms in Iowa but husband has replants for corn and beans planted LOTS of Water 7 inches within 10 days. SO BIG PONDS Wishing you the Best. I peek in when time permits.

  13. Hi Elizabeth, happy 15th Anniversary. Lovely to see you and Wendy too. Loving your cute little rocking horse. I am so sorry to hear things aren't so good for you and hope it gets sorted. Take care and sending hugs Angela x17?x

  14. Happy anniversary, Elizabeth. I did not know about lupus. Hope you will be OK. Please take care, my friend.

  15. Hi Elizabeth, happy anniversary! If you want to comment on my blog and can’t, you’ll find my email address in my blog today.
    So sorry to hear about your lupus pain.
    I always love seeing your rocking horses.
    Take care and happy WOYWW anniversary!
    Lynnecrafts 14 xx

  16. Breaking with long-standing tradition to comment even on Google-sign in blogs :D just for the anniversary!

    Sorry about the lupus flare. Love seeing your rocking horses each week even if I don't get to say so! Also nice seeing the historic badges. I wonder where mine is? I find it then lose it all over again before the next crop....Oh well!
    Happy 15th Anniversary WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  17. Happy 15th anniversary. I love that tiny rocking horse pin. I hope you are feeling better soon. We are so sorry to know that Julia is retiring but she has done a great job and deserves a rest! x x Jo

  18. How lovely to see you again! That rocking horse pin is adorable! Happy anniversary, Lisa-Jane #18

  19. Happy 15th! I always love your rocking horses!
    Susan #4

  20. Happy 15th WOYWW Anniversary! It's lovely to see your collection and I hope you feel better soon - Michelle #21

  21. WOW 15 years, congratulations. Feel better soon.

  22. Happy 15th Anniversary. I am sorry your are in pain, sending loving hugs. Angela #19

  23. Who cannot take ibuprofen?
    You should use ibuprofen with caution if you're aged 65 or over, breastfeeding, or have: asthma. kidney or liver problems. lupus.

    Just thought would let you know. I am not allowed to take it because of a high risk of heart Attack/ stroke.

    Angela xx

  24. I love that rocking horse! At least you are ready with your swaps! I'm still making mine!! Hope you pain gets better. Have great week! ((LYN)) WOYWW #23

  25. So Sorry to hear about your Lupis, and pain. I hope that you can find a suitable way to manage your pain that will allow you to live normally, or as normally as you can. My heart goes out to you. That is a cute little rocking horse pin! Happy 15th anniversary! Lindart #24

  26. I'm sorry about the lupus. I know it's hard.

    I wish I could help figure out what the blogger issue is for you 😢 I'm not having any trouble

  27. I've had a very busy, full on sort of day so I'm late visiting but determined to call in on every one to wish you a happy anniversary.
    Annie x #13

  28. You're the fourth person I've connected with recently with Lupus. I hope the pain eases up soon. Happy 15!

  29. It's nice to see Wendy again. I know she's for WOYWW, but it's fun to see her. It was nice catching up with you today also. hugs-Erika

  30. I am your person forward- do you have my address?
    Robyn 3

  31. My word Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear that the Lupus is causing you such pain, it's a beast. I hope you can find some way to manage it, long term pain is so debilitating. So lovely to see your lovely tidiness and Wendy doing her thing, weighed down by our WOYWW badges! I too will be a slightly slower post person this anniversary..the ATCs are ready but the 'inclusion' is not!

  32. Happy 15th WoywW Elizabeth, always good to see Wendy make an appearance, the wee rocking horse is very cute. I'm sure everyone will have lots of fun and laughter at the crop I hope it isn't the last.
    Take time to rest yourself, Lupus is so debilitating sending Hugs Tracey xx

  33. Hello Elizabeth, lovely to see you (and Wendy) though I must apologise for being late to the party. My guest arrived at 10.30 am and did not leave till 4. To say it discombobulated my day would be an understatement! It is very kind that she travels to see me but this week I had other things to do!! Yes I did take a lot to craft club this week. Because I have such a lot of basic kit I keep a bag packed - it was just easier to take the whole bag rather than unpack the thing I needed and forget to put it back so it was rather excessive this week!! I also came home with more than I went - someone is always bringing in donations and I just can't say no!! Sorry to hear you are in pain and finding it restrictive. Sending a gentle hug. I really hope someone picks up the banner for WOYWW. If not I shall just have to make more effeort to keep in touch. Love n hugs Cindyxx #20


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