
Monday, May 13, 2024

T Stands For Mom and Dad Mugs


Blogger has stopped me in my tracks again.  IF your blog has embedded comments, there is a very good chance I will NOT be able to leave you a comment.  I keep getting "Failed to Publish" on all blogs with embedded comments.  Please understand I have tried every few hours for three days and still get the same response. 

Today we are heading back to The Spice Merchant.

The last time I was at The Spice Merchant, they had 

most of their Mom and Dad mugs 

front and center, tempting customers to buy their parents a mug for either Mother's Day or Father's Day.

If you couldn't decide, why not get matching Mama and Papa bear mugs.

Dad mugs seemed to come in sets of two.

If you couldn't decide,

get a set of two.

I hope each of you were able to do something nice for your mother this year (if she is still alive) and now you have some gift ideas for your father (if he is still alive).  In the states, Father's Day is always the third Sunday in June.

It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. 




  1. ...there are mugs for everyone!

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    It’s sad that you are still having so many blogger problems. All those mugs look amusing, as always in your photos of the shop where you like to go.

    I’m sad that you did not post any St.Louis photos. I was there for 3 days and took vast numbers of photos. So many interesting things to see and to post on my blog. Unlike you, I didn’t go to the Arch, though.

    You’ve probably given up on my blog by now, as you have a problem with commenting. I’ve had so many challenges with the blog in the past, that now that it’s not giving me trouble, I’m afraid to change anything about it (like the comment page).

    I read something interesting about your home city in today’s Washington Post: “The most representative county [in the US] … is Sedgwick County, home of Wichita, the major city closest to the geographic center of the contiguous United States. It squats squarely on the 100th meridian, the less-precise-than-it-sounds line that splits the verdant East from the arid West, in a state hotly contested by Northern abolitionists and Southern enslavers. It has spent its entire existence in the literal middle of everything, so of course it’s the most averagely American county.”

    best, mae

  3. I have blogger and don't have those issues; don't understand why you do. You did comment on mine last time I posted a post. Love all the mugs. I really have to get to the Spice Merchant, someday! Happy T Day, dear Elizabeth!

  4. I guess the Spice Merchant is ready for mother's and father's Days. I know Mother's Day has come and gone, but depending when you visited I bet they sold a lot of Mom mugs. I can't believe you are still having problems with blogger. That stinks-big time! I hope you had a nice mother-s day since you a kitty mom. And have a super T day. hugs-Erika

  5. Love those mugs.
    I have found a way round the commenting issues that 'might' work for you.
    Open the blog.
    At the top of the screen you will see the blog address (yours is To the right of that address there is an image that looks like a shield. Click on that and turn enhanced tracking off.
    Sadly you will have to do that individually for each blog, and when it is done you should be able to comment.
    I hope this helps.

  6. Hi Elizabeth. Since I got my new PC I am having trouble leaving comments with the embedded comment too. So I know what you are talking about. There are some cups that I would like to have. You are so lucky to have this shop. Hope you are feeling well.

  7. Blogger and it´s hiccups... sad. Frustrating! Sometimes it takes a few HOURS and your comment pops up.
    Both my parents are long gone. But cute mugs. And maybe better than self-made ones, despite kids put a lot of effort in them ;-)
    Have a great and hopefully non-frustrating blogger day!

  8. Dear Elizabeth,
    I'm sorry that you're still having problems commenting with your program. I don't think anyone else has such persistent difficulties. Maybe your computer needs to be rebooted?
    The collection of Mom and Dad mugs is very nice. My parents and my husband's parents are no longer alive, but I had a Mother's Day visit from my daughter, who is a mother herself, and I got a heart-shaped cake. I didn't get a cup, I'm glad about that because my cupboard is overflowing with cups ;-)
    All the best and a very happy T-Day, Traude

  9. The Spice Merchant has the nicest selection of mugs. I like the ones with the birds and I just spotted a Best Mom with a paw print. Sweet. Happy T Day

  10. Seems odd that they kind of assume the Dads drink but the mothers don't--LOL! Those look like what my long ago MIL drank in--highball glasses she called them. Just thought it was funny.

    I can't help you with blogger or computer issues. Blogger does things to me every so often, but your problem has persisted for some reason. If it wasn't for Dagan and Leah I wouldn't even be online at all anymore--lol! ;) Hang in there! :)

  11. So many mugs, so little cabinet space ;)

  12. Hi Elizabeth, your lupus comment came through.

  13. thoz are some really neat coffee mugs that store has

    I decided to get my mom three english daisy. put them
    in the ground, mid afternoon….each one had several
    flowers. monday morning my mom sent me a text…the
    rabbits had eaten each one, flowers, stems, leaves, all
    the way down to the soil 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  14. These mugs remind me that I have recieved a special mug for my round birthday some years ago. And reminds me too, that I should show it in one of the next posts. Happy T-day dear Elizabeth. I took my mother out to theatre.
    All the best and a good time

  15. Dear Elizabeth, I'm sorry that you're also having trouble translating my blog. Maybe this link will help you? Try it:

    All the best, Traude

  16. I have had to get my old tablet out again as my computer wouldn't let me access the comments box!! I'm wondering how big this place is - they have such an amazing display,
    I have e-mailed you, did you receive it.
    Hugs, Chrisxx

  17. The Spice Merchant certainly has a wonderful selection of mugs.
    Sorry you are having problems with blogger.

    All the best Jan

  18. What a bummer that you are still having these blogger problems. I hope you can fix it soon.
    Lots of mugs for mother's day or Father's Day or just to honour your parents. Here in Europe There are different dates for these days in different countries. In the Netherlands it's the second Sunday in May. In Spain the first Sunday in May. In the UK it's also known as Mothering Sunday, and it is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday.
    Don't ask me about Father's Day as I don't know. We've never celebrated that.
    Sorry I'm late in commenting. Life gets in the way sometimes,
    Happy T-Day,

  19. Elizabeth, will you please email me and tell me the kind of message you get when you comment on my blog? I want to see if there is something I can do. I have pop-up window, not embedded. I notice some come in as anonymous and sign their name but most blogger people can do it regularly.


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.