
Monday, May 27, 2024

T Stands For Mugs and Cards and Honoring Memorial Day For those of us who live in the states, today (Monday) is the culmination of a three day weekend honoring Memorial Day.  It is a bit like a British Bank Holiday, except this is a federal holiday.  For those who don't know, Memorial Day honors all U.S. military personnel who died in the line of duty while serving their country.  Do not confuse this with Veterans Day, celebrated on November 11 each year, which honors all  military veterans, both living and deceased.  Memorial Day honors only those who died while serving their (my) country.

Now, please join me again at The Spice Merchant.

The last time I visited The Spice Merchant,

all the Mom and Dad mugs had been replaced with other mugs.  Looks like I found wild animals.

At the end of this specific section,

I found a rack of cards.

 I thought some were very clever and positive.

Then it was time to pick up my coffee and head to the cash register with my coffee card.  I seldom if ever find the same display twice.

Now it's time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. 

Don't forget to dig up your Second Look on the 2nd.  The only requirement is it must have been published sometime in the past.


  1. Happy T Day, Elizabeth!Have a good week, Valerie

  2. ...I hope that you have had a lovely weekend.

  3. Those cards are good aren't they!

    Happy T Day, I'm just off to the kitchen to make a cuppa :)

    All the best Jan

  4. Happy T day. Thanks for hosting the party. There are several mugs I would like to have. I don't know where I would put them, but I would like them. LOL The best sign, Life isn't about finding yourself..... I always wondered why people would say they are doing this or that to "find" themselves. Anyway, I hope your are feeling well and that your garden is growing.

  5. I hope you had a nice long weekend my friend. They certainly have a super selection of mugs at the Spice Merchant. Animals is a good choice for now, but of course Father's Day has yet to arrive. And those cards have great quotes. And I also noticed the yellow step stool. I love any place that has one for someone short. Being short myself that is. I hope you have a great T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

  6. A variety of mugs and cups and saucers is such a pleasant thing.

    I appreciate a handy step stool. They are rare in stores around here.

  7. I like our Spice Merchant outings. Cool sentiments on those racks!

  8. We - kinda certainly - don´t have anything like Memorial or Veteran´s Day. Which is not right, considering that most men were forced to fight. That or their families were in danger.
    I wish some day "leaders" are forced to step up themselves and not use "their people" to fight. The world would be peaceful, I reckon.
    Just imagine little Putin would stand eye to eye with Zelensʹkyj...

    Your Spice Merchant certainly does a great job, changing his display that often! I really would love to visit (or... rather not. It´s like a book store, way too "dangerous" - I would likely buy something every time!)....

  9. Those are some pretty clever sayings indeed!

  10. I hope your garden is growing beautifully this week. More nice mugs — and everyone already has too many!
    Thanks for hosting… mae

  11. Yes, I’m on my way..I enjoyed the card with the positive messages, especially the ‘don’t look back.You’re not going that way’.
    Happy T-Day,

  12. Dear Elizabeth, this place is truly a treasure trove! I like the animal mugs - but I especially like the cards with the wise sayings!
    All the best and happy T-Day, Traude

  13. Happy T Tea, hope you had a nice long weekend. We also had a four day weekend here for the Bank Holiday but it rained every day. I sent you a birthday card about 6 weeks ago, and I hope it hasn't gone missing. I sent Erika's at the same time and hers arrived a few weeks ago but I think mail to your neck of the woods seems to take longer so there is still hope. ~Elle

  14. wavez two ewe bleu N squiggles N hope all iz well in yur state what with de crazed weather
    and everee onez doin grate‼️😺🐟

    hi elizabeth, that’s a really cool store you get to visit, a person could spend a few dollars in
    there huh ‼️💙🍀

  15. Oh My!!! Those mugs are so brilliant, live the cat ones and all the others as well! I'd spend hoursin thos shop!! Have a great wek, Happy T day!! hugs ((Lyn))

  16. Spice Merchant always seems to have a nice variety of things. Happy T Day

  17. As I do not live in the US, we don´t have a memorial day here. Does not matter. I am retired, so every day is free LOL.
    So many mugs....I ask myself, who should buy all these and drink tousands of litres coffee or tea ?
    Have a good time and all the best
    P.S. Do you have a seperate link party for the Second Look?

  18. Oh I have the second look every second day of the month...I suppose

  19. I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend.

  20. I always have mug-envy from your trips to the Spice Merchant! The cupboard would be over full with cups if I ever got there in person. It's good you offer us arm chair visits. I have the second post up of the Chihuly glass exhibit it you get a chance to visit.

  21. I always love when you visit the Spice Merchant. Great mugs and other fun stuff from the store. Hope you enjoyed the coffee. Happy T-day and hugz

  22. Wow, so many beautiful mugs! It took a while looking at all the different designs - love them all 😊. I hope you are keeping well and sending you happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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