
Monday, May 20, 2024

T Stands For H.M.S. Pinafore


I suspect you are gettiong tired of reading this, BUT IF your blog has embedded comments, I will NOT be able to leave you a comment.  I keep getting "Failed to Publish" on all blogs with embedded comments.  Please be aware, it is blogger.  I wish google/blogger would get its act together.  Until then, I will try to notify you a different way.

Today I'm joining Valerie and Erika at Art Journal Journey while we share our drinks this T Tuesday.

This is the tale of the H.M.S. Pinafore, Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera in two acts.  If you aren't familiar with it, I'll provide a brief synopsis.

Act 1, Noon

Josephine, the daughter of the Captain of the Pinafore, is in love with a common seaman, Ralph, but knows she must marry Sir Joseph Porter, the First Lord of the Admiralty, whom she finds despicable.

Buttercup, a maiden who sells her wares on board the Pinafore, hints things aren't always what they seem, but her warning is met with deaf ears.

Ralph decides to kill himself because he knows he can never have Josephine.  Josephine sees Ralph and runs to profess her love to him.  They decide to leave and elope that night.

Act 2, Night 

The Captain expresses his concerns and Buttercup offers him her sympathy. He tells her that he would return her affection if their social standing was different. She warns him that things are not all they seem, and a change is in store for him. He fails to understand her cryptic warning.

Buttercup replies:

Sometimes things aren't what they seem. 

Skim milk masquerades as cream.

When Ralph and Josephine try to leave the ship, Porter has Ralph locked in the brig.  He also had the Captain confined to his quarters.

Buttercup then reveals her secret.  When she was younger, she took care of two infant baby boys.  She accidentally got them mixed up and the pompous Porter is really of low birth, while seaman Ralph is of noble birth.  All turns out well in the end.

Please share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants. 





  1. Happy T Day, have a great week. Fun idea with Gilbert and Sullivan!

  2. “Things are seldom what they seem,
    Skim milk masquerades as cream;
    Highlows pass as patent leathers;
    Jackdaws strut in peacock's feathers.

    “Black sheep dwell in every fold;
    All that glitters is not gold;
    Storks turn out to be but logs;
    Bulls are but inflated frogs.”

    What a great song. Now you have me singing all the Pinafore songs. I have been a G&S fan since I was a child and heard the “patter songs” on old 78 RPM records (which were black and fragile and often scratched).

    Have a great week… mae

  3. No things are not always what they seem. Thank you for hosting the party. I am hoping you are feeling well and not in so much pain. Have a lovely evening.

  4. No milk today...masquarade milk...sounds funny but how does it taste.
    Have a good time and happy T-day dear Elizabeth
    all the best

  5. You may be getting tired of my offers to help, but have you tried using a different browser? I'm not having any trouble at all with blogger, and looking at their help center I can't find anybody reporting the issue you're having.

    I enjoy Gilbert and Sullivan musicals 👍

  6. This is a fun way to join AJJ and also share T. I've heard of the HMS Pinafore, but I don't really know anything about it. Until now. Do they really say skim milk masquerades for cream? Thanks for this fun T day post and poem too. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

  7. Clever post!
    Happy T day!!

  8. ...and nuts masquerading as milk!

  9. I never knew this story, so thanks!
    Have a great week, Elizabeth! :)

  10. What a bitter-sweet story (and yes, blogger still sucks! I understand your frustration!).
    Love the sign, though :-)
    Happy T-Day and don´t give up, blogger is for free and still gives us lots of joy, right?

  11. Happy T Day, have a great week. Fun idea with Gilbert and Sullivan!

  12. Dear Elizabeth,
    I'll get back to you a little later!
    All the best from Austria

  13. My Daughter buys the oat milk, 'we don't need to drink cows milk!' I did try it, for a while...but went back to the real thing... Hope you're feeling a lot better! I will miss WOYWW, I hope it doesn't end just yet! And your garden reminds me of the garden where my youngest daughter once lived when she lived just outside Seattle-there was even steps and that seating area around the house. Have a great week/ ((Lyn))

  14. Pinafore such a fun operetta. I love the reference you made. Happy T Day

  15. Dear Elizabeth,
    I've now had time to read your post - I'm glad the story ended happily! Let's hope that your blogger problems can also be solved. Since you recently had problems with the translation of my blog, I'm adding the link to the translation here again (just copy and paste) and hope it helps you:

    All the best, Traude

  16. So true about "things aren't[always] what they seem."
    Oh dear--Blogger does have issues of late.
    Hope it is fixed soon.
    Thank you for hosting!

  17. I do like "Pinafore" and I think your connection between the song and your milk is perfect and extremely clever! Thanks for coming by the other day. I'm glad you can still comment on my blog!

  18. The story pared well with the skim milk masquerade:)
    How are you doing? Think of you often.

  19. Thank you for the synopsis. I wasn't familiar with the story. Nevertheless I didn't understand the connection with the milk until Mae published the song. Now I get it (I think).
    Happy T-Day,

  20. Did you get my previous posted message on your blog last week? I changed it so I no longer have embedded comments. Thanks for sharing the story; it had been years since I had seen the play. Love how you used it on your blog for tea.

  21. Hello my friend! Missed you.

    I love how this all sounds and need to watch it/read it soon. I love how you did your scene here - so fun. Always fun to visit you Elizabeth.

    Hugz and sorry I am late (really late - lol).


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.