
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Honoring my instrumental music director (for CB and AJJ)

Today we are visiting the Craft Barn where the latest alpha letter, X, has been chosen.  Thankfully there are no twists, so it didn't take me long to determine the word I would use.  I wanted it to be a word I could use for Art Journal Journey, too.  I confess I had a brain fart, which is better than a brain aneurysm because I forgot that I was supposed to create this in my dedicated book I have for the Craft Barn challenge (one of the rules we are asked to abide by), and instead, created it in the journal I dedicated to my Back to School offerings.  I hope I don't get kicked out of the "club" for this faux pas because this one is very personal to me.  Of course, I sized everything to fit this size page, too.

Mr. Lily was my real instrumental music director when I was in Jr. High and High School.  In High School in the fall, we marched on football fields, in parades, and at the state fair.  When football season was over, we moved indoors and played in the orchestra.

Technically, Mr. Lily didn't encourage me to play the Xylophone, but he did encourage me to expand my horizons and play all the percussion pieces the school owned.  Originally, I only played drums, but after awhile, I began playing more percussion instruments in the orchestra, including marimba, timpani, and tubular bells.  So, thank you Mr. Lily for all you did for me.

The Xylophone is just one of the percussion instruments I learned to play.
Here is a table model made of wood with mallets.  The one I played was on a roll around stand, similar to the marimba.

My added X barely made it.  It looks like it's about to fall off.  But at least you can see the definition.  Looks like I was a xylophonist when I played it!

Materials I used for this project began with purple pigment ink that I spread all over the words on the original page.  I then sized and printed the Xylophone I found on Wikipedia to a piece of vellum.  The words were computer generated, then outlined with purple pigment ink.   I cut circles from a dictionary page, then spaced them on the page.  I added the purple letters, then added the dictionary definition and the small X.

Since we've already honored the art teacher, it's now time to honor our musical directors, whether it's instrumental, vocal, or both.

Once again I visited everyone during the last Craft Barn challenge.  It's courteous, and the proper thing to do.

So let's visit both the Craft Barn where the latest alpha letter is X,

and Art Journal Journey, where this month the theme I'm hosting is Back to School.


  1. What a fun page, and I am sure you had fun. I used to love music lessons, instruments and choir singing, so it stirred some memories for me, too. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Your xylophone page is awesome! I am sure Mr. Lily (even his name sounds like music) would feel honoured for sure!
    I love your page and the personal story to it in your super narrative style ! You never cease to amaze me Elizabeth!
    Happy Thursday Miss September - Back to School Queen-hostess!
    oxo Susi

  3. Clever ideas to bring the two challenges together Elizabeth. Love the image.

    Chrissie xx

  4. Lucky you plying the drums. That's what I wanted to play but my mother refused to let me. No drums in her house. So my parents picked up a used piano and I took lessons with that. Not the drums, which are still on my one day wish list, but I enjoyed the piano. Your page is a nice tribute to a man and a part of your life. Do you have xylophone and still play-or drums? Hugs-Erika

  5. What a clever tribute! And I'm very glad it was just a brain fart and not an aneurysm because that is NEVER a good thing!

  6. Wow! Is there no end to your talents E? I love your xylophone and your story about the inspiration from your music teacher! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. What a lovely trip down memory lane for you. Thanks for sharing with the Craft Barn Challenge and good luck in the draw xx

  8. I'm glad you went for xylophone and I love your page and story!

  9. Love the inspirational story Elizabeth. I tried learning how to play the guitar in my teens but didn't get too far with it, I don't think I'm very musical although I love music and my parents sing beautifully!

  10. I love the back stories you write in most of your posts, and this is no different. I really regret giving up the piano when I was about 14 as I didn't like practicing all the scales! Great collage piece.

  11. I was always fascinated with xylophones when I was younger. What a lovely way to honor Mr. Lily.

  12. You are a lady of many talents E!
    I enjoyed what you created here along with the great story(ies) behind it.
    I'm off to find out what a "timpani" is :-)

  13. Hi. What a lovely page. A great word. I've not yet decided on my word. I don't usually look at anything until I've done my tag, but I've had a look at all the entries so far! Lol! I too played on percussion at school and had t play timpani drums for our performance of the Pirates of Penzance! Best wishes, Anne O

  14. Great use of the word Elizabeth and I enjoyed reading about your school days! Sorry I didn't get round to visiting last time but computer and crafting time is so limited these days! xx

  15. Lovely memory page and double entry. X was never going to be easy, I have used the same as you for my in the dictionary entry which I'll publish in a few days.

  16. Hi again Elizabeth. I hadn't even noticed where you said about visiting blogs on your post!
    I was just apologising as you always visit me and I felt bad that I hadn't made it to yours last time! I actually agree with you, I used to visit everyone but it wasn't being reciprocated so now I don't! xx

  17. What a lovely tribute to Mr Lily. I was inspired by my flute teacher. I wasn't that good but he never gave up encouraging me. People like that influence our lives more than they probably realise.

  18. A fabulous back story to your art piece Elizabeth. Love it when there is a personal memory to go along with the art.

  19. I love the story behind your page - a very personal piece and a great tribute to your teacher. No one is going to kick you out - we would all miss you too much and I don't think it matters that you created in the wrong book. It's a great page wherever it happens to be.

  20. A lovely homage to Mr Lily. I really don't think it matters which book your page is in - aren't rules there to be broken!!

  21. Wow! What a lovely story to go with a great choice of word for the letter X. I am impressed that you learned to play all those percussion instruments, some I have never even heard of.


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