
Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I'm saving the date because
homecoming is right around the corner.

According to Wikipedia:
Homecoming is an annual tradition in the United States. People, towns, high schools, and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents. It is built around a central event, such as a banquet and, most often, a game of football.
At my undergrad university there's always a banquet and dance the night before the Saturday afternoon football game.  Everyone gets all dressed up and enjoys an overpriced meal of rubber chicken.

I'll be attending my undergrad homecoming this year in another state (thankfully not until early October).  The photos above are actually from my alumni magazine from Wichita State University (WSU), which no longer has a football team, so no homecoming.

However, at WSU, the downfall of the football team can be tracked to, according to the Wichita Eagle, our local newspaper, the tragic events of 1970.
Two planes carrying Wichita State football players, coaches, administrators and fans refueled on Friday, Oct. 2, 1970, in Denver. The team was headed to Logan, Utah, for a game the next day against Utah State.
The pilots of the “Gold” plane changed their flight plan, deciding to give their passengers a scenic view of the Rocky Mountains. But they could not pull the overweight plane out of a box canyon. It crashed around 1 p.m. about 40 miles west of Denver on Mount Trelease.
The two aircraft were named "Gold" and "Black" after WSU's school colors.  "Gold," the aircraft that later crashed, carried the starting players, head coach, and athletic director, as well as their wives, other administrators, boosters, and family. The designated "Black" plane carried reserve players, assistant coaches, and support personnel.

The pilots of the doomed aircraft were blamed for the accident by the National Transportation Safety Board.
Thirty-one people died as a result of the crash: 14 players, 14 WSU staff and boosters, and three crew members. Eight players and one of the pilots survived.
After that, the football team never recovered and lost most of its games for the next few years, including every game in 1970, even though freshmen were allowed to play due to a special ruling.  WSU pulled the plug on football in 1986 due to lack of funds and fan support.  Therefore the only thing WSU students and alumni can do is reminisce about what was.

I covered up the word RSVP (which is from an original WSU invitation from sometime before the program was discontinued), with Homecoming and a stamp of a van (although it's not really legible).

Other materials include a sheet of ledger paper, a heart shaped paper clip, and a calendar page.

Bleubeard and I appreciate your visit today, and we'd love to see you at Art Journal Journey where you still have ample time to join us as we head Back to School.


  1. Great to hear about Homecoming as I never had a clue what it was. There was a song with Homecoming Queen in it but I never bothered to find out what it meant. I am learning so much with this theme Elizabeth.

    Great ideas on the artwork as well

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. What a tragic story about the Wichita State football team. But hope your other homecoming is fun. I've never been to one of mine-either high school or college. I always figured it would be too crowded. I do go back to my undergrad college usually at least once a year because we really enjoy following the hockey team. Love the page too. Those vintage photos are cool. :) Hugs-Erika

  3. Wonderful page, and good to learn about homecoming. Sorry about that team, that was sad. Take top marks again for your AJJ piece! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I often heard about homecoming in films but no glue what it is exactly! A tragedy - so sad this accident - the whole team and all the others....
    Your page is just super - you are a so good in making page that speak for themselves! - I laughed at
    "overpriced meal of rubber chicken"
    We call such a meal Gummiadler..the direct translation:
    Rubber- or gum- EAGLE

    Your ideas for BACK TO SCHOOL seem to be boundless!
    Happy Wednesday dear hostess!

  5. Great post, E, and I am sure many do not have a clue about Homecoming... just catching up on your posts ... vacation was lovely, but I am behind... love the photo of you! and hope Scott's Father is recovering well. x

  6. I love this page but I especially enjoyed finding out about Homecoming, something I have heard mention of but never knew what it was. Thank you for your brilliant explanation! How are you going to get to a different state - is it drivable? Such a sad tale about the footballers though - what a tragedy! Thanks to this comment box being in the corner I see I have missed a post so going backwards now! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. That's such a tragic story. I have no connection with that school, but I remember when it happened.


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