
Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Smiles 162: You asked and now I'll share

I should save these photos for a Second on the 2nd, but I'm working hard and have no time to share much else today.

A couple of weeks ago, several people asked me to show my rocking horses.  Now those of you who have been around my blog a long time know I share one (or more) each time I visit What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW).  Some of you are new to my blog, so I'm going to share a few of my well over 450 rockers with you.  I realize that Annie at A Stitch in Time, our host of Friday Smiles has seen all most of these before, so please bear with me.

Please be aware, too, these were mostly all taken with my old camera, the one that doesn't show a lot of detail.  Also, many of the photos don't enlarge, either.

If we start at the craft room door, you will see I'm out shopping till I drop.

Then we'll head to my desk in my craft room, where these candles normally live on the window sill shown in the photo.

Another WOYWW post with a rocking horse that lives in my craft room.

Here I'm doing rework on an ear on one of my ceramic rocking horses.  A metal Christmas one is on the right.

These came from blogging friends (JozArt and Cath in Cyprus).

This one came from Julia of WOYWW fame.

These rocking horse buttons came from BJ in the UK.

This one and other gifts came from Annette (Voodoo Vixen).

This one is both darling

and functional (albeit horribly out of focus).  That's why it actually lives in my office.

I did an organization post where I changed this entire area.  The rocking horses still live on the roll around cabinet, though.

In the same post, I shared my closet and the file cabinet that has yet another rocking horse sitting on it.

I know everyone loves to see my handmade paper, but I like to look at the rocking horses, including the candles I will never light.

This metal foil gift from Debbie (Crafty Moose) arrived at Christmas.

These beauties came from Chris (Pear Shaped Crafting).

This ATC came from Lyn who was my Pay-It-Forward partner during WOYWW one year.

I love this rocking reindeer

and this one I picked up at a thrift store in 2013.

Mickey and Minnie play tunes as they rock back and forth on this rocking horse.

I was repairing this one that lives in my bedroom after the "mane" came loose from this gentle, defenseless rocker.   Has anyone seen the "bleu"-grey offender?

I have quite a few wooden rockers.  They come out to play at night.

This beauty is SEW cute!

This one is mostly unseen, because it's a plastic place mat that lives under my sewing machine.

This is the cover to my rocking horse altered book (AB).

While we're on the subject of altered books, this is my Chinese New Year tip-in for the year of the horse.

This is the back of the Year of the Horse tip-in.

This is a double spread I made in my Rocking Horse AB.  I explained how I made the iris fold in a post.

I really should take a better photo of the bed in my guest bedroom, because there are so many in there, including three pillows and two stuffed horses that live on the bed.

Hiding behind the bed is my big brass

horse several people got together and gave me for Christmas one year.

This might be a better view of the horse that is nearly as tall as my guest bed foot board.

This recent one was taken in my guest bedroom.

This one sits in the "loo" among my birds.

This one sits at my front door.

This wall is right outside my craft room.

The rocking horse in the oval frame is the first one I made myself.

One of my favorites (although I'm not supposed to have favorites) is this stained glass horse I bought at an art fair in Tulsa, OK years ago.  The unique one on the right was given me by my friend Kathy.

What a dark and horrible photo of my grandmother's sewing machine.  It doesn't do much for the rolling horse, either.

The wall next to the sewing machine has several rocking horses.  

There's even one in the window above the etched glass hanging.  I got it in an antique store in Arkansas one year.

There are lots of rocking horses in this photo. Some on the top of the cabinet, some

on the metal shelf, and some

on the wall.

Below the cabinet, under the windows I created this vignette.

On the other side of the room, this photo should look familiar to those who were around at Christmas this past year.

This tiny rocker sits on a small table on the other side of the cabinet.  The story on this one is, I received it in the mail from a friend, but it was broken.  She felt so bad, she ordered another one for me.  I told her not to worry, I would find a use for it.  I created this "medal" showing how much it was loved.

These rockers sit on top of the cabinet.  The smallest of the three on the right is a signed Hummel.  The one on the far right is one of three music rocking horses I own.

This is a lousy photo of my tin cut candle holders.

This functional one in the kitchen holds all my keys,

while this one holds my napkins in place.  The one on the second shelf is not functional, just pretty cast iron, but you can't tell much from the photo.

Now we've headed to my office, where this shelf sits the entire width above my computer desk.  There are three showing in this photo,

but I have many more on that shelf.

These live on another wall in my office.

I found this single earring in a parking lot in Maryland.  It now lives on the jar I keep my paper clips in.

Although the cabinet holds all my office supplies, the shelf holds tons of rocking horses, including a mug for stamps,

a rocking horse frame, and one of my favorite rocking horses.  My friend Joseph is in one of the photos.  He is playing his steel drums on the beach in Florida.

The top of the cabinet gets its fair share of rocking horses, too. 

I'm not sure you can tell there is a rocking horse in the frame.  It sits on one rung of a ladder I keep in my office for fru-frus and plants.

And here it is out of its natural habitat and photographed with a better camera.

Some of my smallest rockers sit on a shelf in my office directly above all my statistics books.  Have I mentioned how much I love statistics?  It's true, I do.

Although I have tons more photos and rocking horses,

I'll leave you with photos of my porch, both in summer

and the cold snowy, windy winter.   Kids love to ride in this one when they visit.

And finally,

here are a few I love that came out to play together.  Please click to enlarge.

I'll save the rest for another day, but I'm sure you now know my rockers (and rollers) come in all shapes, sizes, and materials.  No one ever has to ask what makes me happy, because every one of them puts a smile on my face. 

Now let's join Annie for a much shorter and just as joyful start to the weekend.  And thanks for visiting while I'm off making art.


  1. Wow, what a huge collection! Have a happy day, hugs, Valerie

  2. It's a lovely collection you have. And I enjoyed seeing all your antique furniture, too. You have a beautiful home. My best wishes to you, Pat

  3. I truly didn't realise you had so many but I just love them....each and every one. I can see why they make you smile because they have made me smile too....thanks for sharing them with us.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  4. I like your wall of wonder next to the old treadle sewing machine. I've got a few walls like that in my house. Wall of Flowers, Wall of wonder, wall of old folk, wall of inspiration, wall of innocence. Need I go on.
    I thought I'd seen it all with mum's owl collection but you've beaten her haha.
    Have a great weekend xx

  5. Wow- you do have some wonderful rocking horses. What a great collection! Keeping this short as I am running late this morning. Hugs! Erika

  6. Stupendous collection - and clearly only part of it! I think that large brass one is fabulous, the one that sits by your front door is very quirky, and some of the smaller ones are so cute too. From now on I will always think of you when I see a rocking horse!

  7. I'm not just smiling - I am chuckling. I never imagined you had soooo many! They are all lovely and I can see why you like to keep them. So nice that folks around the globe like to send them to you too. x Jo

  8. Wow! That is some collection! They really are a sight to behold! So many different types and colors and sizes. I have a collection of small turtles. They have been in boxes since we moved from the UK in 2011. As soon as our appartment is ready, a lot of them are going to be exhibited. I have asked someone to small tiny shelves in a pillar in the kitchen. When it's done I will take pictures and share.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful rockers and thank you for visiting earlier.
    Have a lovely week with lots of smiles,

  9. Although I've seen them before, I had no idea you had so many, it's a brilliant collection. Thanks for sharing them with us and have a great weekend. Big hugs, Angela xxx

  10. Wow! I am totally impressed! I love seeing people's collections and since I'm a new follower to your blog, these are all new to me!

    And your paper collection is terrific, too!

    And a quick note of thanks for your lovely comments on the Gypsy posts. It IS hard to catch up, isn't it! So I appreciate your visits all the more!

  11. Oh my gosh, I never knew you had that many. You are a collector indeed. Collections are quite interesting, always amazed that something goes that deep into our dna that we need to have it around. I have fallen for vintage linens and just love the feel of the well worn fabric with stories in our hands. xox

  12. WOW! That's a lot of rocking horses! How long ago did you start your collection? response to your question on Tuesday about art journal vs AB, I decided to write a post about my thoughts on the subject. Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Not only a large number but a wide variety! Wonderful collection :)

  14. What a very fine array of rocking horses all displayed so nicely too!
    It must be a challenge to find one you do not already have ;-)

  15. fabulous post dear friend! love seeing all of your really have a wide variety! ♥

  16. That is a fabulous collection. I knew you liked them but had no idea you had so many. It was fun to have a sneak peak around your home. It is a beautiful reflection of you. Thanks for sharing.
    Kate x

  17. Oh Elizabeth I have so enjoyed my visit today. Your horses are all treasures, you have a wonderful collection, thank you for showing us around your home and seeing where they live.
    Yvonne xx

  18. So I came back to really look at these rocking horses since I slept a little too late this morning to get a good look. Wow- what a collection. Do you alternate which ones you keep out or do they all stay out all the time. I loved seeing them all and some peaks of your house. Hugs! Happy weekend:)

  19. Have seen some of these on WOYWW Elizabeht, but rather think the large one at the end of the guest bed is one of my favourites, had a chuckle that the Bleu offender caused a mane to come loose, naughty Bleubeard, living up to his name. Lovely to see...
    Thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  20. You weren't kidding when you said you collected rocking horses! What an amazing collection. Thank you as always for your kind and encouraging comments on my blog but I'm a little puzzled as to who Rani is. Rani is a generic term for a queen or princess ( the female equivalent of a Rajah). It is also an Indian female name but I don't know which Rani you were referring to in your comment.

  21. How lovely of you to share your horses. I have seen some but not all. I know the one I sent you is in good company!!


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