
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Fantasy in the woods

I am joining Art Journal Journey (AJJ) for the first time this month with Chris's chosen theme of "Down in the woods."   Now I admit, I've been so busy, I haven't had time to join AJJ until now, and feel bad, because Chris is the first guest host I've known far longer than before she hosted AJJ.  I hope this will at least partly make up for the fact I am so late adding an entry to AJJ this month.

I call this one Fantasy in the Woods and it is created in my Coll-AH-ge Too altered book.

The polar bear is taking a dip in the springtime waters while shielding her young from the dangers of the world.

High in a tree, prepared for flight is this penguin from the other polar region of the world.

I hope you got a laugh from this view of my fantasy in the woods.   Materials include a calendar page cut to size, and two images from a National Geographic magazine.

Thanks for visiting and thanks for your continued support of my art.


  1. Fantastic page, love the bright colours and the cute animals. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Brilliant! This really is such fun - I love seeing the penguin flying high in the trees especially! Thank you so much for joining AJJ in the middle of your busy days - I am hoping that after today I can get a little more time(wink!) as one deadline comes to an end after a trip to the post office! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  3. I love this super page Elizabeth -- such cute images ... the babybear hiding behind mama bear - really cute! I always mix up the polar regions in my mind - can't get them right ...too difficult for me - lol! And now you confused me again - since the bear should be on top for north in my mind ---lol.
    Happy weekend and thank you for this fab entry for Art Journal Journey! Don't mind about AJJ - life gets so busy sometimes! Same to me ... my daughter is back from school-winter-sports - week with a broken hand .. how
    Thank you for reminding me to give credit for TIOT on my last spread... did forget it...shame on me.

    Happy weekend Sweetie!

  4. I did get a laugh- and I love that penguin jumping into the water. He looks like he is at the swimming hole and having fun cooling off in the water on a hot autumn day. This is fun. Have a great weekend. And have some fun too. ugs- Erika :)

  5. Lots of fun details -- I love the polar bear and autumn leaves!

  6. Fabulous altered page, I love the gorgeous background! I would love to see a penguin here in our Colorado woods! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Tammy x

  7. Very pretty images and they make up to such a fun page with your flying penguin!! LOL

  8. A magical, fantastic page. Love the reflections, I bet the penguin makes a mighty splash diving into the water.
    Yvonne xx

  9. This did make me smile. I love that leaping penguin!

  10. fabulous color and a delightful scene !

  11. Fun collage work on this one!


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