
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Accountability: a 2014 retrospective

It's time for my annual accountability post.  This is the one where I see how well I did the previous year, and how well I think I might do in the coming year.

Let's begin with my word for 2014, which was Utilize.   As I explained on January 2, 2014, utilize means to put into action or service  [we need to utilize all the tools at our disposal].  Looking back on my previous three years' words, I'm going to continue to try to inspire others, document the processes, utilize my tools, techniques, and time to my advantage, and this year, I'm going to represent (my art).  

Represent, which is a verb, means to stand for or symbolize, to indicate or communicate by signs or symbols, and possibly most important, depict in art, portray, and be an example of.  I hope I can live up to this word I've chosen for 2015.

As for accountability, let's see my accountability intentions I made on January 2, 2014, and how well I did:

1. Continue to make art that I hope some will find meaningful and show the process along the way.
I spent a lot of time with many of my posts making certain I documented everything along the way.  With a new camera, it was much easier, too.  So I feel I have lived up to that commitment.
2. Create at least one tutorial each month.
I can't be completely certain I created at least one tutorial each month, but I am certain I created at least 12 this past year, and probably more.  I know I created several in April, 2014, and I'm sure at least a few during Art Every Day Month in November, 2014.   I hope that took the place of any individual month I may have missed.  I believe I have fulfilled that commitment, too.

3. Utilize my tools and equipment.
I tried to utilize products and tools I had not played with for a long time, but I know I can do better in that respect. So, for 2015, I will determine what tools and products I have not used in a long time, and utilize them, possibly finding new ways to do so as I reacquaint myself with the tool or product.

4. Create several mixed media pieces each month.
I am NOT sure I created several every month, but I know I created at least 12 mixed media pieces over the course of 2014.  If you add the collaborations I was in, such as Journal 52, Summer of Color, Altered Playing Cards, Craft Barn's Quotes and/or Lyrics, and Index Card a Day, I made more than enough to put this one in the fulfilled column.

5. Create at least one scrappy journal each month.
This one was my downfall in 2013, and it was also my downfall in 2014.  I continued to create/sew page after journal page, but I just don't like to make the journal covers.  There's too much measuring, something I don't enjoy at all.

So, what are my plans for 2015, you ask?  As my focus on art shifts between fabric and paper, I hope to fulfill these intentions. I feel this is a far better word than "resolution," which just sets you up to fail as soon as you say it.

1. Continue to make art that I hope some will find meaningful and show the process along the way. 
That leads to my second intention.

2. Create at least one tutorial each month.

3. Utilize my tools and equipment.
Not just utilize my tools and equipment, but find new and better ways of using them.

4. Interview one artist a month.
Let's see if I can make that happen this year, since I was unable to do that two years ago.

5. Create a bridge between fabric and paper, hopefully finding new ways of working with both at the same time.

6. Create at least one abstract art piece each month.

Because I was successful with four of the five from last year, I'm going for a perfect record in 2015.  Of course, you'll have to wait till January, 2016 to see how well I did in 2015.


  1. Love your #5 since I am going to be doing that too in 2015 and #6 for you, I loved your abstracts so that will be a winner for me to watch. Good list. I have a couple things and we will see where it all goes. xox

  2. Fab list Elizabeth, looking forward to commenting along your journey:-) xxx

  3. I admire this ... you are really organized .. I am a chaotic type and go just with the flow.. if I write down a To Do list I can be sure that I ignore it - lol.. so I never made resolutions or something...just let it flow...
    but sometimes I would need more organization ....

    I am looking forward to your blogyear!
    Your artful blogging makes me happy and inspires me nearly every day!
    Thank you for this Elizabeth!

  4. í don´t have strict resolutions, but i want to try your number 5 of last year with number five from this year... my weak Point also is making covers for collecting loose pages together... they stay loose... i really want to Change this. and what is in my mind is to make fabric covers or fabric+paper covers. we´ll see...

  5. These are great! I would luv to combine paper and fabric better myself!

  6. Honestly E, that you and Bleubeard show up each day and work not only on art but on the blog and keep up with all of us, that makes you a big star in my book... whether you fulfilled the rest makes no difference to me! Happiest New Year dear, E!

  7. You did fantastic!!
    Here's to as equally productive 2015!! :)

  8. I am very impressed with how you have kept track of your goals and self commitments. I would forget - and indeed HAVE forgotten what word I chose for 2014. I lose gifts in the house, so it's no wonder I lose something intangible, haha. Have a super Sunday :o))

  9. You did well....I look forward to following this year's progress.

  10. It is good to "take stock" of the goals we've made. You did a good job of stating and meeting yours.

    I am one of those who have greatly benefited from your generous tutorials and other posts--you know how much I loved making my travel AB.

    Looking forward to seeing your abstracts!

  11. 'Intentions' much better than resolutions and a word I can fully get behind. A very ambitious list but one I have no doubt you will accomplish. Looking forward to an art filled and inspiring 2015 with you.

  12. Love your accountability posts. It's always good to look back and take an honest look.

  13. Love the word and how you have your intentions! I worry about resolutions- being away at the caravan is great but sometimes gets in the way of crafting and blogging - not going to get hung up about it!!! I hope!! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. I really like the idea of 'intentions' instead of the term 'resolution.' and you have indeed fulfilled most of them through the year! you provide a lot of inspiration for your readers...thanks for that, and for your friendship! here's to a great year ahead!

  15. Elizabeth you do so much and share it so generously too!
    And on top of that you are very organized which gets extra points in my book as well.
    I tend to fly by the seat of my pants (funny expression that!) and like the way that usually leads me...I can of course think of exceptions to that too.
    I always enjoy paper and fabric...they seem to marry so well.
    Here's to another fun and creative year...

  16. I'm betting you will be successful!


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