
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

WOYWW 145: Art in my office

I've been really honest about how I use nearly every room in my house to make art. But one room I don't make MESSY art in, is my office. In fact, no glue, gesso, or paint is allowed. This room sits high above the other rooms, over the attached garage, in fact. Nine windows surround this room. At any time of the day, the sun is shining in from some direction, regardless of the season. It is here I write my blog posts, scan images, and upload photos to PS.

I thought I would give Julia our fearless WOYWW leader and you a tiny taste of one of my office walls.

I had to use the flash so you could see I have a lot of books. On this side, I have all my statistics and Human Factors books, along with a few engineering books. And you should be able to get a glimpse at no less than eight rocking horses, although they may be in various forms. Trust me, there are many more in this room.

I'm a pretty symmetrical person. What you see on one side, you also see on the other. This side houses the "business end" of the office, where my fax, printer, paper shredder, and scanner (not in the photo) are located.

I am not a 4 in 1 kind of gal. If my fax machine breaks, I don't want to have to replace the scanner and printer at the same time. That could be why all my business machines are old, but still work perfectly. I can't say the same for the scanner, since I've had four since I bought my fax and printer!! Books on this bookcase are all math and physics related. I have long ago gotten rid of my computer books because after a year or so, they are horribly outdated. I certainly don't need to reference a book on DOS!

Please visit Julia, spread as much love and support as you have time for this week, and please include your number when you visit. I have a very busy next two days, so it may be the weekend before I show up at your place.


  1. Hope you can get it sorted... you know how nosey we all are!! ;)

  2. dont you just hate computers when they wont work. I couldn't see the pictures on your last post either, not sure what is happening, hope you sort it soon


  3. Don't be sorry, I was looking forward to your symmetry! xox Corrine

  4. I love the sun streaming in - a beautiful and productive space :)

  5. Cool and now they are here!!!! Love that Mona Lisa screensaver. xox Corrine

  6. Interesting to see a different creative space. And that's one clean desk. It seems no matter how hard I try I can't keep the piles of paper next to my keyboard under control!
    Thanks again for the comments about my digital art. You liked my original photo - me too! That's part of my dilemma....if you start with a great image, does texturing really improve it? Or it's so subtle, why bother? Maybe I should work with more marginal images where stuff is out of focus or the contrast is bad or something....You're not the only one who preferred the unaltered original - it does make me think.

  7. This is a fantastic space and with all that light pouring in I'd be using it for crafting, not for office space! Linky or no linky we can still get round to each other!


  8. How lovely to see your immaculate office space!! It looks so inviting with all those books (I count them as old friends) and the sun streaming in through the windows!! 9 of them? 9 windows? Eeeek, I wouldn't want to be cleaning all them!! LOL

  9. Awwww, bummer, I can't see your pics. I want to see that lovely, sunny office!

    Happy Woyww,


  10. I can't see piccies either... blogger hates me! *lol*
    It's a beautiful description though... love the thought of all those windows - would love to see the view through some of them.
    Happy WOYWW!
    @ patchwork apples

  11. My word your office is a lesson in oh I don't know, precision, tidy, study, and stuff slowly spreads through the house!
    Im sorry about the Link idea why...have linked for you though, because I hope that your are sensibly in bed asleep right now!

  12. Hi Elizabeth, I can see your photos but I did have to wait a while for them to load. Lovely to see your office, love the effect of the sun streaming through the window. Your choice of reading matter is interesting, statistics, human factor, engineering ... what do you do for a living, I wonder? Your mention of DOS is a blast from the past, I remember interminable lessons at college learning about DOS, PASCAL, FORTRAN ... all consigned to history now :)) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x - no number as yet so here's my link:

  13. Hi Elizabeth - just checked and Mr Linky is up and working so here's my number - #13

  14. Nice to see your tidy well organized office hun! Just wondering if my parcel had arrived?Happy woyww and have creative week
    hugs judex 17

  15. Great office and I love the light streaming in those windows!! Thanks for stopping by my blog already ( pre linky, lol!) I got my spring clamps at the local £ store so very cheap - 4 for £1, but I may need some more if I get truly bitten by the AB bug (I think I will!)

  16. What a fabulous room. I wish I had so many windows in my one room - I can imagine (and envy) the natural light you get.
    Happy WOYWW and Hugs, Neet xx
    ps and so tidy too

  17. Do you realise that you are responsible for a worldwide shortage of bulldog clips and other peg-type paraphernalia?? LOL. All I've seen so far are a variety of books, pages akimbo, in various stages of's book bondage! :D
    I am also a symmetrical person, wonky things annoy me sooooo much! As I'm good at maths too, wonder if it's something to do with that?? Symmetry rules ok :D
    Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

  18. Hi there; just thought I'd pop my head in to say hi! Wow, what a gorgeous and light space! Thanks for letting us peek!
    Neil #8

  19. Popped over to have a look now that Linky is working but I can't see any pictures, just big blank spaces, I'll try again later. Regards, Anne #27

  20. Love to see the sun streaming in like that :-)
    A x

  21. I loooove your office, I love how the light is streaming in and you caught, may I ask what type of camera you use and how you got that effect?
    Going over to see Pattys tea journey now, thanks for the link
    Bridget #11

  22. I love seeing different parts of your house. And yes I did think that you made art everywhere, but then I got to see other parts of the house, and there were parts you kept clean of art materials! Now who is that pretty girl on a picture on the shelf? Patsy from

  23. Your office is a lovely calm, ordered space.

  24. glad you got the photos sorted, cant stop to look now, I have a book to cut up. . . imean alter and very limited time doh!
    have a good week
    janet #25

  25. Love the idea of windows all round that will catch the sun no matter what the time of day!!

    ** Kate **

  26. Love your screen saver image ;) An amalgamation of some of my favourite images....especially Starry Starry Night.
    xoxo Sioux

  27. Love the feel of your office ...a sort of inner sanctum ...or should that be upper lol I hate the way computers and the like are out dated just as one gets comfortable with them. xx70

  28. How gorgeous with the sun pouring in like that!

  29. YOur office looks like it has such a calm serene feel with the light pouring in through the day,. I am loving working on the altered book.

  30. it's a scene saver, well, that took me ages to work out! Lovely picture! I have water on mine Monet Gardens and find it very calming! great office!, filled with sooo much art! Sure you haven't got a painting corner we can't see?!Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafting week.
    HaPpY wOyWw!!

  31. Such a light and sunny room to work in, you're very lucky! I love that we can see the beams of sunlight in some of the photos.

  32. wow, thanks for the tour of your beautiful office! Love the light, Love the screen saver! You are so, so lucky.

  33. Very pretty prism effect you have there, did you do it deliberate or did it just happen. Either way it is beautiful.
    Love your screen saver, I vary mine, sometimes it's my dog, sometimes a cute dormouse and other times birds - sense an animal theme her?
    Like Jan comment about you being responsible for the world shortage of bulldog clips - so true.
    Ann B

  34. A tidy office? Would you please come help the husband with that! I loath going into his office it's a deranged mess, I mean I can't even vacuum fully in there just a path and barely! Have a great day!

  35. Oh, I have to say that this would be my dream art studio--lots of natural light, and separate from the other rooms in my house--my own little haven.
    I love how organized you are!!!--I envy that!

  36. wow what a tidy office, I wish my office at work was as tidy as yours thanks for sharing.

    Becky #3

  37. Nine windows? How glorious! Lovely space.

    I just read your Google rant. I've been concerned about all of it also, and your post is much appreciated. :)


  38. Okay...I'm jealous. All that light, and having a bit of privacy/separation from the house?! Very nice space.

  39. The light streaming in is creating awesome effects on your pics, what a fabulous office. Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33

  40. Thanks for taking us to your tidy office space. How nice that the sun shines in always. I like your electronic outlook, I feel that way about my very old mobile phone, If its not broken I don't need to replace it. Keep smiling and creating

  41. What an amazing space it is almost ethereal with the way the light streams in. All that natural light, I don't think I could resist creating art there! Happy WOYWW! Robin Panzer Art Studio 33 #130

  42. Quickly watching all those lovely desks!!
    Have a happy WOYWW Wednesday :)))
    Watch mine too, I've an awesome announcement on my BLOG(click)
    Hugs Marleen ;-)

  43. Great office space with such beautiful light. Isn't it good to have a separate room for the computer. I couldn't manage with it in my craft space and it would be inked up in no time.
    Thanks for your concern over the tree.
    In the 2010 pic with the blossom, my apple tree was already failing and all the back branches were lifeless and brittle, no sap in them at all. We tried to say it but over a few years it deteriorated and last year we only had life in about a quarter of it. It still gave us some apples but I don't think there was a chance this year and it was a hazard incase it fell on the children. So sad and I miss it already but I'll think about filling the gap somehow.
    Lv JoZarty x

  44. thanks for sharing your corner of the world with us
    Have a fun WOYWW.

  45. Hi Elizabet, you have a lovely cheerful office and so very organized. Love the screensaver and you WOYWW to the side. #148

  46. The light coming into your room looks amazing!

  47. With all those windows, this must be a glorious place to work! Plenty of light for taking photos, too. Looks very organized!

    Thank you for answering my question about thinning the extra pages--now I know just what to do!

  48. The light coming in that room is amazing! I would love to create in there.

  49. Now thats what I call light

    thanks for the snoop
    Judie xx

  50. How do you find time to read this many comments? LOL
    I love that collage!!!!

  51. fab pic of the sun coming in your room,have a great week,x

  52. What a nice, cozy work space and loving the light you get! :)

  53. Howdy,

    You're space is lookin' very productive. Thanks for the office tour - happy WOYWW!


  54. That is a great office, you must love all the natural light! Have a great week.
    Barb #90

  55. Wow! I would totally have that room be my art room...with all that light! Natural light! Of course if it's no bigger than a postage stamp that would not be good but with nine windows it should be pretty decent size! I've been a cleaning machine this week...not much on the art side of things.

  56. Beautiful pictures of your room! I love the sun streaming in, its so pretty! Very clean and organized space, nice to have somewhere that remains clean I would imagine!
    xoxo Karen #175

  57. That room is wonderful with all the light streaming in, shame it is wasted for an office. I would love to park my easel in there and paint all day long. My office is on the wrong side of the house and it doesn't get a lot of light, I often go into the dining room in winter. I really love the picture on your computer screen, it's really clever.
    Have a great day, even if you are really busy.
    Von #67 :)

  58. Wow, such a sunny room to work in. I like the light streaming in those windows! Love your work are a lucky duck:)

    Gaby xo

  59. It's always fun taking a peek into others workspaces. I have taken over our sunroom for all my painting but keep an upstairs bedroom soley for computer/office related stuff.

  60. WHAT a WONDERFUL space... all that sunshine and tidiness!! I LOVE these photos. Thanks for your continued support

  61. I have photos...did not the first day of post. Love the screen saver! Looks like a great place to work!

  62. Wow, what a gorgeous post. The sunlight streaming through the blinds looks like liquid light... Also, I do love your "mixed art" desktop wallpaper! Amazing to see the Mona Lisa against a Van Gogh background!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #173

  63. now that is one nice bright clean and inspiring room and HUGE screen (yes I am jealous) happy woyww!

  64. great space, & i have to ask where o where did you find that amazing screensaver/wallpaper? LOVE it! :)

  65. I finally found time to re-visit after the lack of pictures. I love your 'office', although I'm amazed you dont have it as your creative room with the wonderful light you get in there. Thanks for your comments on my blue necklace this week, it is actually made from seed beads, sewn together one at a time into little squares and then the little squares sewn together. . . very time consuming, but relaxing which is why I love it.
    Hours go by and I forget to eat, so it's great for the diet.
    The AB is coming on well looking forward to the next lessson :)
    janet #25

  66. Enjoyed my tour today and your screen saver is awesome with that light streaming in...also loved your week in recap post...sounds like a lovely week! I am afraid mine would be something like, got up, went to work, went to bed...repeat LOL!

  67. Loved the "art" in your office! I have an office and craft room all in one! Sorry I am so late commenting! Tomorrow I have my last physio ( for now) so I will start with the altered book - I noticed you are already at lesson 4!!! Scary! I will have so much to catch up but I know I will enjoy it!
    Have a lovely week - looking at your other posts I think you already did!
    Lots of hugs,

  68. Love your arty office - especially the rainbow halo effect! Thanks for stopping by - fingers crossed that Blogger stops making life hard for you this week....


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