
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Seven days tea

If you recall, I started this tea journey last Tea Tuesday. I figured I had collected enough tea bags, or had enough saved that had been given to me, I could once again take a seven day tea journey with Kimmie and all my tea drinking friends.

Our first stop was on Wednesday when I reviewed Traci's b00k. The tea was so hot,

I spent a LONG time trying to show the steam

coming from the cup. Trying to show the steam was more fun than the Lipton green tea I drank!

Two things happened on Thursday. The first was, I went looking for a different tea cup for the day, then made an executive decision to use the same cup each day. So, unlike Patty's traveling cup, mine only went from room to room and got very few scenic views along the way.

The second was, even though my camera is so horrible, I still decided to take both long shots and close ups of the various teas I drank.

This hibiscus tea I drank (compliments of Annette) turned an awesome color in the cup and the bag. I love the slightly acidic, almost orange-like taste I got from the tea.

As an aside, did you notice the "sandwich" shown in the photo above? I know some have asked about it. Yes, it is a set of coasters. I hate coasters that look like coasters, and this one is so much fun. It is made by Hallmark and I bought it in the late 80s. At the time, they had two styles, one of which was a hamburger in a bun. But I thought the bun top would pose problems when someone set their ice water on it, so opted for the "white bread" sandwich instead. There are six coasters, plus the plate they sit on.

Here I'm in my dining room on Friday, as the snow drifts down, this time

drinking some incredible peach tea that smells like heaven. Sadly, it's decaffeinated.

Saturday morning there was still a bit of snow on the ground before my friend Sally and I went shopping for free paint.

It was very early in the morning, and this green tea tasted more like dirt than tea.

You can see how dark it was because this is the natural light from my kitchen window and

this is the reason I don't use a flash!

Sunday was a short day because of the time change. It threw me off balance although I ate when I was hungry, not when the clock showed lunch time.

This tea was quite good. I love the smell and crisp taste. I cooked penne pasta for lunch and also made my own sauce. I used my own tomatoes (frozen from my summer garden) and herbs, along with some parmesan, to make the sauce.

This was the best close up I could get with this camera! You can still SORT of read it.

Monday morning I was up early, enjoying English Breakfast tea

from Crabtree and Evelyn.

I like this dark, rich tea and it was caffeinated, too.

Today we are someplace I seldom allow people to see. I don't know why, I guess because it's one place I keep off limits to my art supplies, so never think to take photos when I'm in my office. Guess that makes this tea even more unique. This final tea is "mystery tea." No external packet, no little tag, nothing to indicate

what type of tea it is. And it doesn't taste like anything, either! Luckily, it doesn't taste like dirt!

However, here I am in my office, where glue, paint, gesso, and such are simply not allowed. Digital images. printed images, and scans are permitted, but NO wet things. That's why this cup of tea will be moved very, very soon. In fact, right about NOW!!

Now please join my other tea friends on their Tuesday journeys this week. I'm sure a few of them will be less wordy than I.


  1. How lovely to have a quick round up of your tea drinking!! This would not be possible in my house... tea is all I drink except maybe a cup of coffee about 4 times a week. You will have some interesting teabags to dry now too!! :)

  2. Oh what fun U must have had making this. I enjoy ur fun attitude and banter. I'm your newest follower.

    Kathy Reimer XOX

  3. Lovely week of tea. I assume you kept your tea bags for late experiments...
    Have a great day!

  4. Tastes like dirt! eeuww! My grandmma used to tell me that that grandad used ground acorns as 'coffee' in the war, and I can only imagine a similar taste!!I don't like green tea at all, in fact, Im not good at a straight Assam, too strong for me. Liked the journey of the cup in and around your various working days, lovely section of your life!

  5. What a fun tea post! Love how hibiscus tea makes everything red! Have a good tea day and week.

  6. It is truly amazing how many different types of tea there are these days. When I was young, there was just tea. I could not wait to get to each cup to see what you were having this time. The technique I am trying to achieve with the Versamark and the mica, is to stamp the Versamark on the clarity shiny black card (as I saw Barbara Gray do last Sunday) then sprinkle and brush the mica powder to cover the image. You leave it for a while and then brush it off and rub over with kitchen roll. I am now waiting for my Perfect Pearls to arrive so that I can try to match what Barbara Gray was doing. thanks for you interest and help. See you soon (no snow down here, - in fact, the heating is off at the moment). xx Maggie

  7. what a fun post! your lunch looks delish! happy tea day, E!

  8. I loved this peek into your life and your tea enjoyment. I'm not much of a tea drinker (unless it's filled with alcohol :) but once again blogger is misbehaving and none of the photos show up for me. I'll check back in later to see if it's fixed.

  9. I love the colour of hibiscus tea more than the taste... but red raspberry is awesome... I am delving into a strawberry and cream one today... should be interesting... liked seeing your week of tea, but if I did that my post would be about a million miles long... yesterday was lady Grey, Earl Gray, Buddha ball jasmine, green tea with jasmine and pear and a white tea with rose... looking at that maybe 5 different teas in a day isn't always a good thing...xx

  10. Hi Elizabeth !! I know it's been too long. Thanks for dropping by, I have not paid a visit for a while, my apologies, sometimes life just gets in the way. Love your 7 day tea stories and images, what a great idea. You do make me laugh with some of your comments eg. tastes like dirt ! I just never seem to have to time to do tea posts anymore but I quite often visit Kimmie on Tuesdays to see what every one is up to. Hope you're staying warm, oh and your pasta sounds delicious, can't beat home grown tomatoes. xx

  11. I love the tea tour! I think the hibiscus tea would have been my fave! ... and I have always wondered about the sandwich in the background - I knew it wasn't a real sandwich but had no idea it was coasters - cute :)

    happy tuesday!!!

  12. WHEW took me three tries to get Google to load the comment button! The new changes are wreaking havoc right now. Do you like spicey teas? Send me your addy and I will send you a sampler of different teas I just bought. I think I am going to have to do an altered book everyone seems to be having such a good time with them. Hope you have a great week. Vickie #4

  13. Lovely tea tour, I now fancy a cup, so many varieties out there gosh I only drink good old PG Tips going to give some of these a try, Have a good week, Hugs May x x x

  14. The tea tour is so fun. I would love to try a tour! Your workspace is so tidy and organized.

  15. I like the idea of a tea journey ... virtual and real! Cute set of coasters. Hope your week is a good one. Tammy

  16. Cool roaming tea cup! great idea! Mx


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