
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's on YOUR Workdesk this 144th Wednesday?

Unlike last week, when I showed and talked about several of my completed Altered Book covers and monopolized your computer and reading time, this week is just a peek of what is to come in the near future, as well as

one little rocking horse, this one made using stained glass materials. I'm sure Julia, our fearless leader, will be happy I kept it short and sweet (just like me--tee hee) this week.


  1. Hmmmm - I see you have Traci's new are you liking it? And that's one adorable rocking horse for your collection!

  2. Love that rocking horse, and the book looks interesting too... do I need it? Are we going to be using it? Just thought I would check... I like to have stuff to hand!! LOL

  3. Love the rocking horse, thanks for sharing your space


  4. love your post!Love seeing what you are doing.Thanks

  5. Cute little rocking horse x Have a good week, Hugs May x x x

  6. Happy WOYWW to you! Got to ask: how many rocking horses DO you have? This one is cute!

  7. Book looks interesting! I put one on my "desk" too! Wondering what that white stuff is? (Too curious for my own good!) RosA#16

  8. The decorative tape is SUPER easy. Using waxed paper or freezer paper, stick on strips of masking tape. Decorate each strip of masking tape with paint/stamps, etc. Pull the tape off the freezer paper and attach to project. It's the "poor girls" version of washi tape which is just too rich for my blood. The decorative tapes are great for journals or holding something lightweight in place but since they've already been stuck once (to the freezer paper), they've lost a touch of their stickiness and won't hold anything substantial....they're strictly for decorative purposes. I'm sure I'll be using it in my AB! The nice thing about making your own is that you control the colors to coordinate with any given project.

  9. I love that rocking horse, bet it looks wonderful on a window sill with the light behind it.

    Brenda 6

  10. Thanks for telling me about the white stuff. I thought it might be something exotic. That book on my desk just arrived from Book Depository UK. It cost $16 (AUST) incl. postage, and it was $45 here!

  11. Short and sweet! me, too! lol

  12. Aw Elizabeth! I love this little horse! So beautiful. Hope your keeping safe in the terrible storms you have had of late. Have a good week! And my Mr Binxz says "Mee-oow" to Bluebeard!

  13. Hi there, trying to squeeze in as many visits as I can so just a quick visit today! Thanks for letting us in to see your world today!
    Neil #19

  14. LOL, i do try to keep it short and sweet. not very successful though! happy WOYWW Elizabeth!

  15. I'm short too, depending on which leg I stand on! Love the little rocking horse. Have a great week and thank you for my snoop! ((Lyn))

    Happy WoyWW #27

  16. Another shortie here! haaa. The little rocking horse is just too cute! Hmm, will have to look for that book....


  17. Great little rocking horse! The book looks interesting. dani33

  18. Elizabeth - I came across this quick but inspiring free "class" about finding your muse and thought of you. Here's the link if you'd like to see it:

  19. Fun teasers here! Sweet little horse!

  20. Your little horse is so cute and that book looks fabulous. You've got me curious about it now.
    Have a great week and can I see some open pages of that book????
    Von :) #36

  21. I know you are sweet, but short? Are you really short? :^) That rocking horse is cute! Patsy from

  22. Loving the Rocking horse.Hoping my package gets to you soon:(
    Have fab wednesday and a creative week hugs
    judex 9

  23. That rocking horse is adorable. The book looks very interesting too.
    Happy WOYWW and short and sweet is so not you. Love reading all you are doing.

  24. OH the book looks really cool! Sweet rocking horse too! Congrats on the number 2 spot! Come join my give away too.

  25. Such a sweet little rocking horse.

  26. I love the rocking horse. I started collecting Swedish Dalla Horses a couple years ago. Can only afford one a year they are rather pricey! Have you been to Lindsborg KS yet? Swedish out and out! Let me know what you think about Traci's book. I am thinking about buying one. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

  27. cute rocking horse,am guessing tissue paper for a AB? happy crafting,x

  28. Like the look of the book, as well as today's rocking horse. I've cleared the office out of large bull dog clips for myAB, must track some more down, or the proper clamps, but I wanted to make a start so I don't get left too far behind, lol!!

  29. cute rocking horse. thanks for sharing. Mrs.C. xx

  30. I love the latest little horse :-)
    A x

  31. Gorgeous rocking horse ...must be lovely when light is shining through the glass pieces.

  32. The stained glass horse looks very special indeed. Any estimate on the number of rocking horses currently within your home? For me it would be rubber stamps, too many to count and some even I don't know I won!!

    ** Kate **

  33. I love the little sweet gal made me an angel from the same material and she's too good to put away. Is the new book good? The cover is enough to make me swoon!

  34. gorjuss little horse, well done, how many do you own now lol xx

  35. Love the rocking horse its so cute :) Thanks for sharing.

    Becky #44

  36. Another great post and a fab creative space :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  37. What a sweet horse ;)
    xoxo Sioux

  38. Sorry I haven't been around lately - I am trying to follow the altered book but I think I must have missed one or two lessons - been away! I will catch up!
    Love your rocking horse!
    Lots of hugs,

  39. Oooh that horse is so frickin' adorable! Warmly, Tracy WOYWW #96

  40. Love the rocking horse. I imagine it sitting in a window with light streaming through! Thanks for sharing!

  41. Beautiful horse and that book is just my sort of reading. Interested to know if it is as good as it looks.
    did you see my comment on previous post about the bronze rocking-horse statue in Trafalgar Square, London?
    Ann B

  42. Love the look of the rocking horse and the book too, hope you enjoy reading it. #86

  43. Fab rocking horse!

    Happy woyww

    Debs '104

  44. Ooohh, can't wait to see what you're up to with that frothy white cloth and the book/magazine...intriguing! I like the stained glass rocking horse too!

  45. Ah - you knew I would love the face on that cover and you put it there especially for me didn't you (not that I have an ego the size of a planet or anything) after I have finished visiting my keyboard is going into safely stashed mode and the glue is coming out....

    the stained glass window off cuts unscaled beautifully into a very attractive rocking horse.


  46. Oh wow! I've never seen a stained glass rocking horse before. It must look beautiful on a windowsill catching the light :o)I missed getting here last week, so will definitely be checking out that long post later.
    Fiona #103

  47. Hi Elizabeth - I see you have an inspirational book out to read ... and the rocking horse is beautiful as usual. I'm off to catch up on the AB lessons - read 1 & 2 so now onto to #3. Hope you are having a great WOYWW day. Elizabeth x #22

  48. Love that glass horse. That book looks intriguing...

  49. Pretty rocking horse. Like the way the light is shining through it.

  50. such a cute thing to collect, i love it! have fun with your traci book!! happy belated tea day!

  51. What a fab little horse! Take care, enjoy this WOYWW & I'm off to snoop! Wonder how many I'll get round today? Zo xx 60

  52. Short and sweet it is! Just like you! waving hi from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)

  53. Aww! What a cute little rocking horse!

  54. that doodles book looks interesting. Did you make the rocking horse?? cute. Thanks for the peek
    Have a great Day

  55. hello treacle, havent been popping in recently to WOYWW but I gotta say hello to you and what do I find but a book I have been wondering about - need you to tell me what you think x

  56. Your rocking horse is so lovely! Thanks for sharing!

  57. Ooooo, you've got a copy of Doodles Unleashed......lucky girl

  58. OH! Traci's new book what do you think? I have the first one... I'll be anxious to see what your thoughts are . thanks for sharing.

  59. doodles unleashed! I 've never heard that!! Very cute rocking horse,

  60. doodles unleashed, now there's a pandora's box if ever i heard one!
    looking forward to the next AB lesson

  61. Nice backlight on the little horse! Have a great week.

  62. The doodles book looks great...But i love the look of the table covered in the brown paper! So lovely and tidy and clean. Love the brown paper look!

  63. Wow! what a cute little rocking horse...Nicely done!

  64. I love the little rocking horse!

  65. Today is the first day for me in WYOWW's so exciting to visit everyone's desk.
    I'm starting at the beginning of the list and working my way through so I don't miss anything...Yep I'm nosey like that.
    I think you're rocking horse is brilliant. Thank you for sharing...

    Have a great crafty week...must dash and check out a few more desks! :D

  66. I love that rocking horse. I bet it looks amazing with the light behind it. Thank you for your visit, Elizabeth and your suggestions on the mica problem. Does that glue work when you want to apply the mica purely to a stamped image for the line art? I am very late visiting this week. I seem to have been playing catch up all week, and not doing very well. Have a good time with your altered books. xx Maggie #8

  67. Hi your rocking horse is fab, thank you for your visit hope your computr is behaving to day
    Anne-marie no 17

  68. Howdy,
    Haopy WOYWW!

    Nifty workspace - thanks for the peek. Doodles book looks like a good read!


  69. Such a cut rocking horse! Haven't been able to go book hunting yet. Too busy last Tuesday throught Thursday with granddaughter trying to have her first baby. Finally came on Thursday, much of my time spent at hospital. But all is well and a precious girl added to family.


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