
Friday, February 3, 2012

Inspiration Avenue: Rocking Horses

If it's Friday, it's Inspiration Avenue challenge time on my blog. This week I am thrilled to co-host the first Inspiration Avenue challenge between a non-member and an IA team member. Thanks go to Shelly for inviting me to be part of this honored position. The theme I chose this week is rocking horses. I'm sure you already guessed, if you have ever been to my blog, especially during my weekly What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW), where I show one or more of my rocking horses each week.

Since I'm starting a new Altered Book (AB), as well as a free AB class (see the announcement here or here), I thought I would start with a double spread in my book. I started by creating a rocking horse made from an iris fold. If you have never made one, they are super easy once you have the image cut out.

I decided to cut the rocking horse directly from the patterned (stripped) paper using my craft knife. I never use a craft knife, so it took awhile to get used to it. But, in the end, I was pleased with what I did. By not using scissors, I was able to use the rocking horse I cut out on the left side of the page.

After I had established the opening, I cut several different colored papers into 1 1/2 inch strips and folded them in half. I know some places tell you to use four paper patterns only and to keep the papers uniform, but I am not a measure kind of gal. I have a habit of breaking the rules when it comes to art and this time because I had lots of little scraps of paper to use in the iris, breaking the rule was easy. I'm still on that "use what you have" kick!

I started in the upper ear area and worked around the piece, turning each paper at a slight angle, then taping each piece as I went. I worked from the back, so it was fun to turn it over once all the pieces were in place to see what I had created. At this point, everything was secure, and I glued the page to the book, effectively covering the back.

I painted the left side directly on the book page before I added the remaining image. I didn't have enough ribbon to go across both pages, so I had to improvise, something I seem to do a lot.

Once again, I want to thank Shelly and the entire IA team (including their latest team member Jennifer), for allowing me to co-host this awesome challenge. Please drop by Inspiration Avenue sometime after noon EST this Sunday to see what everyone has created for this challenge.


  1. Unfortunately your image is not appearing for me. I hope the issue resolves itself.
    Stay inspired!

  2. I really like the reverse rocking horse on the right. It's like a quilt :).
    Stay inspired!

  3. Haven't tried Iris folding so once again you have inspired me to try something new. Love the spread. I'm still dithering around about which book to use for you upcoming class. My rocking horse for the challenge is up on my blog today though.


  4. Me again... wanted to e-mail you, of course you can copy my rocking horse for your book. Better yet, if you send me your mailing address I'll take the page out of my sketchbook and mail it to you. My pic. isn't great, not dark enough, the real thing is better. I'll bet you could scan it onto fabric or something. E me at


  5. wonderful pages! Excellent use of repetition in color and pattern...and the iris folding technique is lovely!

  6. Nice job on the rocking horses! It's neat how you brought the two pages together with color, image, etc., yet they are each different and fun! I am new to Iris Folding, too; I'll have to check it out.

    I'm looking forward to Monday!

  7. Iris folding, where did that name come from? Anyway, that folding technique and the papers you chose made a beautiful rocking horse!

  8. I was out of the country and got back to find that you have many new posts that I have missed. Where to begin? With my favorite I guess. I love the quilted pieces with interesting literature and apple you stamped over it. All the pieces of the quilt are meshing together very well. As far blogger goes, I have not had any trouble lately but I do not store my pictures there. It would be a lot of work to change over and you are right, no fun in learning the in's and out's of a new program.

    You have longevity on your side Elizabeth. I'm wondering how old your grandfather was when he passed.

    Have a good time and make hay while the sun is shining!

  9. Love the iris folded rocking horse... must get my thinking cap on for a subject before the class starts... and a list of what I might need would be good... do I need one?

  10. This is so clever and looks amazing.

  11. I like this reverse kind of imaging. AND I'm happy to report I got the cutest book to alter from the thrift store. A bit thin but I think last time I was way to ambitious and that kinda stalled me. This is Charlie Brown's 'CYCLOPEDIA. earth, weather and climate. I'm quite excited about it. I'm ready when you are cause I'm now totally inspired by this avenue. LOL

  12. Fun page...I really like the iris folding. I've never tried the technique myself.

  13. Totally cool and the folded paper rocking horse ... um ... rocks! It makes for a fabulous couple of pages. Thanks for the inspiration and the cool project.

  14. I love this image! the way you've reversed it and I love the colour scheme!

  15. Iris folding is not something I'd heard of before, but I love it! Very effective and the combination of colours and patterns is wonderful :)

  16. Love the Iris folding rocking horse! I have not tried that, but I always love learning about something new and creative.

    Very nice!

  17. The reverse image effect of your piece and the patterning is very striking. I had not heard of Iris folding either, but it looks great! Pops out and pleases the eye (-: Thank you for the process description and being a fellow lover of rocking horses/toys.

  18. You did a fab job hosting & I love your Iris folding rocking horse - all those patterns working together to wonderful effect.

    Kat :-)

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