
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting photos off my camera

Today I'm heading to Botanica, our local botanical gardens, where I plan to replace a few photos I lost when I downloaded the camera to a virus infected computer. Since I wanted a full memory card today, I began removing the rest of my photos from my camera from when I couldn't access my external drives. It was sheer luck I found these. I promised awhile back to show the finished mixed media piece I made for my front porch when I removed my Christmas wreath.

There seems to be a bit of disparity between the scene shown in the reflection of my storm door,

and the message on the wall hanging.

Looking out on my yard, you see no snow anywhere, although it has now rained for two days and turned nasty cold and windy. But you see where I got the fodder for the porch hanging.

It is more than just a reminder to "let it snow." How is your weather? Sunny or snowy? My forecast is light snow possible early, then cloudy and windy the rest of the day.

Thanks for visiting and have a truly awesome weekend. I'll be hosting the Super Bowl with friends. None of us cares who wins, (as for me, if the Lakers aren't playing I could care less) we just want to laugh, have a fun time, bet on each quarter's score using monopoly money, eat too much, and enjoy each others' company.


  1. Very creative hanging for your door. Glad you were able to retrieve the pictures!

    No snow here. I saw on the weather channel last night that some might be coming your way though-be glad you are not in Colorado where the big one hit.

  2. So nice!Have a wonderful party!

  3. Love this snowman. I set out my snowman collection after I put away the Christmas decor.
    We have very few patches of snow. Too bad because J is turning 12 today and he's getting a sled. There was snow when I bought it!!!

  4. Oh it is so frustrating to loose photos. I hope you get some good ones.
    I once lent my boss my camera card to take a few of the store photos I had snapped for her off.....she gave it to a fellow employee and in one stroke of a key my entire Christmas that year was wiped. Sad story but true.
    We do value our photos.
    Keep smiling and creating, snow is slowly receeding here too.

  5. Beautiful sunny day with blue skies and clouds. NO snow - it has all gone again.

  6. The past for days in the Texas Hill Country have been overcast each morning and clearing by noon for 2 days when we have gorgeous 75 to 80 afternoons. Hope your virus are banished.

  7. No snow here in Memphis -- but we are getting the rain end of the storm. Rainy, thunderstorms, and bizarr-o 70 degree temps. Back to seasonable cold tomorrow and all next week (although all above freezing). No Super Bowl at our house either (I have never watched the Super Bowl, ever). We'll be watching Downton Abbey!

  8. No snow here!! I know, I am totally amazed and it is actually warmer here in Calgary than my son has in the UK and my Mum has in the South of France!! I would never had bet money on that scenario... even the Monopoly sort!!
    Love your bright and cheerful snowman... I am sure he will come into his own before winter is out!!
    Enjoy your super bowl (whatever that is... some sort of bowling tournament?) and friends, hope you have a fabulous time!!

  9. Sounds to me like the perfect way to enjoy an event..we do something similar for a televised. Competition here called the Eurovision song contest...the outcome is of no interest, the betting with breadsticks is pointless but the party's great. Its snowing here, I believe the entire UK will experience bitter cold and snow over the next 24 hours, I'm not a fan! But a very cheered by your 'snow' piece, it really looks marvellous. Have a lovely day at Botanica.

  10. We've got snow (Lancashire, UK), you can have it if you like. Dog's first experience of snow and even though it was only a quarter inch deep she had a ball. running, digging and rolling in it. Glad you got your camera sorted Elizabeth and hope you enjoy your party. Mr B likes American Football but I just can't get into it - mind you Monopoly money and eating too much makes it more attractive. Looking forward to the altered book tutorial tomorrow.
    Ann B

  11. the wall hanging turned out marvelously! we had rain that turned to snow today...very wet, heavy snowman-building snow...but I will be inside with my cup of tea and art journal!

  12. Yep, your snow guy seems a little lonely - but to me, no snow is a GOOD thing! :) Hope your computer doesn't eat any more photos! Enjoy the garden (you couldn't be doing that if you were buried in snow, now could ya?).

  13. Oh he look wonderful outside! I can't say I feel too bad that we have no snow here in NY either. Going to friends for superbowl tomorrow. Not much of a football fan, but it is more exciting since the Giants are in it. Enjoy your party!

  14. Your pictures are much like our weather. Here in OH it is raining and the rivers are rising. Our dafidilli think it is spring and will bloom any day now. Crazy. I posted some new knitted gifts on my blog. My friends are going through chemo or radiation and a warm scarf or hat is just the most welcome gift. Hope you had fun taking pictures. Jan

  15. I love your mixed media piece, Elizabeth! Is that a doily behind the snowman's head? It looks a bit like a halo - beautifully done.
    Enjoy Superbowl - for us non-football fans the best time to skate at the local ice rink since it's not crowded at all then!

  16. I still love your Snowman the best- it's much more creatively done and therefore a LOT more interesting to look at! As for OUR weather in Georgia, it's been more like Spring than anything else, lots of the flowering trees are blooming, and my azalea just started it's show yesterday. I sure hope we don't lose everything to a late freeze!


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