
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Treasire Trovember 3


I am late today because I have been without electricity for 2 1/2 days.  Before you ask, all my utilities are on auto pay, so I knew that wasn't the problem.  The problem was a transformer that blew in the neighborhood.  They thought the problem was fixed and I was online for about 10 minutes when the transformer blew again.  This time, they decided to fix it right!

Here are the images I found in relation to the prompts Kelly gave us.

These are the descriptions of the prompts.

As an aside, Kelly chooses large images, even larger than my vintage woman.  Then she covers over the original images until you can barely make out what the original looked like.  I prefer to show all my prompts, rather than covering over them.  However, I am running out of scanner space because my substrate is larger than my scanner.  Therefore, some of the images are partially covered over this week.

Thanks so much for dropping by, even though I am still having problems with "Failed to Publish."


  1. I do hope the transformer stays fixed.

  2. Well done, to laughs - but yikes on your electricity-problems! To a German this is hard to understand. (we lived in the Australian Outback so I know how it is without electricity and by 05-06:00 p.m. it starts getting dark there). Here we never have been without electricity. Good luck they solve the problem!

  3. That sounds terrible. I hope you didn't lose food in the freezer or it isn't terribly cold. I'm glad it's back.

  4. ...fixing things correctly the first time is always best.

  5. Goodness! Glad you finally all got electricity back! :)

  6. Fun collage. I hope the transformer stays fixed.

  7. I like the addition of the people. They really attract my eye. Hope you had a good week besides the loss of power. I know what it's like to go multiple days without power, but I don't think you have a woodstove or generator. If you were closer you could have come and stayed with me so you would have had some heat. Glad they fixed it right. hugs-Erika


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