
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Never forget


I always try to write a blog post on 9/11 about 9/11.  It was the deadliest terrorist attack in world history and the most devastating foreign attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.  While 2,996 people were killed that day, 2,605 were U.S. citizens, including 2,135 civilians. Three hundred seventy two were non-U.S. citizens.  Among those who died, 67 individuals were from the UK, 47 from the Dominican Republic, and 41 from India.  In total, more than 90 countries lost citizens in the four attacks.  This is truly a global remembrance, and one we should never, ever forget.  As long as I have a blog and am cognizant, I will try to remember to pay tribute to those who died on that day 23 years ago today.  

Looking back on some of the posts I have written in the past, I will simply share a few of the memes I found from that day.


 Feel free to share your own 9/11 memories on this day that is embedded in our brains and one we who lived through it will never forget.



  1. Never forget indeed. Events that are seared into our hearts and minds.

  2. I always also remember the horrible pictures. In TV-shops many people thought it´s an Action-movie and just walked by.

  3. Nice tribute, Elizabeth. I will always remember. Our son had worked in tower 7 until just 2 months before the horrible attack. He worked across the River in Jersey when it happened and watched. Both him and his wife and her brothers who all lived in Manhattan survived physically, but what a toll all those who were near the attacks paid mentally, and emotionally. We will truly never forget.

  4. event that united us. What has happened to us since?

  5. Lovely tribute, Elizabeth. It's a sobering day and we all remember where we were.

  6. I will always remember.

    All the best Jan


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