
Monday, September 16, 2024

It's all about Elle (eotc) T


  Nothing has changed, so I am once again sharing why no one on blogger/blogspot has heard from me. 

Today's post is all about Elle, also known as eotc or Empire of the Cats.

The only thing that didn't come from Elle is my beloved PBS Kansas mug they only gave out the first year if you supported all the British programs, which I do every year.  After all, I'm a Brit at heart and have the DNA to prove it.

Let's get into the story of this package, shall we?  When I saw how defaced the stamps were, I nearly cried.  I sent a message to Elle I had received the package, but was not going to open it until I ripped the mail carrier a new one.  I told my foodie friend Sally it was as bad as defacing the Mona Lisa.  She didn't share my same sentiment, but she doesn't have the same love of cat stamps I have.

I was angry and saddened that the carrier had defaced the stamps and I finally was able to see mine last week.  I explained to him how I and many of my mixed media artists use the stamps in our art.  Unfortunately, he was a new carrier and had only been on this route for two weeks.  I explained how Elle had spent extra to get real stamps instead of the ones that the UK post offices normally issue which look like QR codes.
Fortunately for me, he said he would leave a message in my postal box at the Post Office that asked not to deface foreign stamps since I used them in my art.  I hope he did. 

 These are the stamps issued in 2022 and called Fauna Cats.  I swear the gray cat looks a lot like my first cat I named Dog, but he was a Russian Blue.

Then it was time to open my card.  What a lovely and charming birthday card.  I love how Elle used corrugated cardboard for the backing and spring leaves.  She also embossed the "Happy Happy."

Tucked inside were these other adorable goodies perfect for any tea day.

Elle's signature cat  graces the back of the card.

There were cups for tea and a plate of cupcakes to share at tea time.

I love the card.  Today's good mood sponsored by coffee.  Elle knows me (Valerie, too).  LOVE death before decaf.  Love the spritzes she used and the colors, too.

Next, it was time to deal with the stamps.
I wasn't sure it was going to work since it clearly shows the nail polish is non-acetone.  However, I thought it did a decent job of getting rid of the dreaded marks.

It's now time to share your own drink related post.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.


  1. Elle was really nice to send all those works of art to you. I hope you find a way to solve your issues with commenting. Maybe blogger has simply not retained compatibility with your hardware/software setup.
    best, mae at

  2. Well, it's great to see you here friend! I hope you are able to solve your issue. Aloha

  3. Those stamps and Elle's art and generous heart are beautiful. I do hope that future stamps are not defaced and am glad that you could rescue these ones.

  4. Does acetone take off the printing of the stamp too? That stuff is pretty tough, so maybe it's a good thing that your nail polish was acetone free. And are you sure it was the carrier who defaced the stamps? I always though that was at the post office itself. But I don't know. I'd use them even with the line because it'spart of the page's story, but I know a lot of people don't like the line. And that was sweet of Elle to send you that package. It's quite a lot of great art supplies. Very nice. I didn't know you've done your DNA either. I find it fascinating how if you go back a few hundred years there are all kinds of surprises for many of us. Oh well, I've babbled enough. Hope you get your commenting straightened out. Perhaps you need to do an programing update. hugs-Erika

  5. ...Blogger doesn't treat you well.

  6. Sad with the stamps, but you found a way! Beautiful ones, too. Such nice pressies from Elle!
    Blogger... what more to say. Have you tried another device? Smartphone, tablet...? Someone else´s PC?
    At least you can blog yourself still...

  7. A little later you'll get a real comment from me! 😊
    All the best and have a good week, Traude

  8. Enjoy the beautiful stamps and presents from Elle! The stamps are damaged, but it's still a beautiful gift! Enjoy and happy T Day. Hugs!

  9. Dear Elizabeth, you did a great job with the stamp cleaning 👍🏻 Now I understand where your love for stamps comes from 😊 - I could have guessed that you need them for crafting, but somehow that didn't quite sink in 😜 Have fun with it!
    As for your problems with the Blogger program, I don't believe patiently waiting will improve anything. I think there's a bug in your program that someone who knows about computers and their inner workings should take a look at.
    Hugs my dear and happy T-Day,

  10. Lovely goodies inside. It's too bad about the stamps, but the Sharpie is a necessary mark when the stamps aren't cancelled properly. The marks are made so the stamps can't be removed and used again. It's too bad the clerks just couldn't use the hand cancel rubber stamp. I doubt it will change any time soon. You may try to embrace the marks to use in your artwork.

  11. So sorry about the stamps and your blog issues.
    You did a sympathetic repair.

  12. How wonderful to receive this happy mail and I love the postage stamps too 😊. Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

  13. I hope they did put up the notice at the post office for you.
    Those are lovely cat stamps. :)

  14. I'm so glad you finally opened the mail! I think it is the post office that cancels the stamps not the postman. Glad you liked the card and the tea/coffee things. That card was made for you caffeine lovers, I love my decaf! I'm sure I said this on a previous post but I think your problem has to do with your cookies. If you don't allow third-party cookies then it causes problems for google/blogger. I will put a link on my post today for you to check out. Happy tea day!

  15. I've been told it's not "defacing" but marking as cancelled so they can't be reused as postage. I'm surprised they'll refrain from marking the stamps when they don't get properly machine cancelled. Nice!

  16. Dear Elizabeth, I have just thought of a possible "solution" to your problem or at least a temporary help if you want to leave a comment for bloggers but the system refuses to do so: Leave the bloggers a comment HERE. (I assume you can comment on your own blog...) Once we know, we'll just come back here to read what you wrote... How do you like that?
    Hugs Traude

  17. Don't know what happened to my comment.... but here is the gist of it:
    That was real happy mail from Elle! So many nice things!
    But a real bummer that they cancelled the stamps in such a crude way. I suppose it was missed by the machine and the mail carrier thought he/she would do a better job. Horrible! But what a good idea to use nail polish remover. I didn't know that hack. Thank you.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  18. So sorry you're having Blogger problems! Grrr!
    What an awful way to cancel such gorgeous stamps!

  19. Although damaged it's a lovely gift.
    So sorry about the continued blogger issues.

    All the best Jan


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.