
Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Smiles 390: Playing catch up


It's Friday, which means it's time to join Friday Smiles, hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time).  Let's visit Annie and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.   I haven't played in awhile because I haven't been able to leave comments.  I'm still getting a few "Failed to Publish," but not like before.  Today I'll try a bit of catching up from the first part of the month.  This is from August 6, where I voted in our primary.  The church where we normally voted had no AC, so the election office diverted us here.

Here is where we were diverted.  This is the new gym at the high school in my neighborhood.  It was here we voted in our primary election.

I'm not sure my international readers understand what a primary election is.

In Kansas, you have up to two weeks before the primary to declare your party affiliation.  Other states have different time lines.  If you haven't declared a party before the deadline, you either cannot vote (if you are a first time voter), or you must stay with the party you declared the last time you voted.

If your party has no candidates on the ballot, you won't be voting.  The major parties in the states are Democrats (primarily liberal and centrist) and Republicans (primarily conservative, at least in the past).  Now they consider themselves the party of Trump.  
In the primary, there are two or more candidates vying for the same position within their own party.  The winner of that race faces the candidate from the opposing party in the general election, which will be held in November.  I hope I haven't confused you.  
This is the first year in ages that I have had to stand in line to declare my name and show my driver's license.  I also had to stand in line to get a voting booth.

I wish the glare from the doors in the background had been less noticeable.

I was in awe of these lamp posts.  I was a bit worried when I first arrived that the railing on the stairs would be too hot to touch.  Yes, it was HOT that day.

I'm not sure you can tell how many cars there were in front of and around the gym.

However, people seemed to be in a festive mood and very courteous.  It was the first time many had seen the new gym.

Although it took longer than expected, I was very glad I voted. And I got a couple of stickers to prove it.

Now for a few funnies:

I think I'll leave it with the above meme.  Bleubeard, Squiggles, and I wish you a very happy and fun filled weekendThanks for spending part of your Friday here.  Bleubeard and I would love to see you at Friday Smiles, too. 


  1. Thank you for voting - even on a hot day.

  2. It is always good to vote. People voting in the UK elections had to show ID this year for the first time,but I am glad our system is a little more straightforward than yours. Kate x

  3. Elizabeth, I get that blogger-message often, too. I save what I wrote, click F5 and try again - it often works! Sometimes maybe wait a while.
    Blogger sucks, but we can beat it! (Oh great,now I have an ear-worm).

    East Germany is voting now. Hmm, let´s see.
    We´ll vote later - I hope East and West will be one again and find a proper solution!
    Our "chancellor" really is a smurf, promises are made, not kept, or just minimum.... reckon it´s the same world-wide. Allthey want is THEIR pay-check.

    Let´s hope you don´t need to wait if a shadow is there or not after your voting (one of my fav movies).

    Ohhhhh,the cat!!! Big smile! And yes. The Count can help! The Simpsons come to mind...

    Our elections won´t do much to the world. Yours will do. If a certain someone wins... Putin will win, also.
    I hope you have many sane voters....

  4. while you still can!

  5. Well done you for voting. We always take the time to vote but I'm not sure anyone listens lol. Have a great week.
    Annie x

  6. Nice that they were able to send you to a place that was cool (I assume AC in the school?) Most of our schools are not air-conditioned, but we don't usually have the excessive heatwave you had. I voted in the MA primary by mail. I hope it's cooled off a bit for you. Enjoy the weekend.

  7. It seems really strange that there are only two options in the voting system and that you have to declare your preference right at the start.
    But of course it's good you went through the trouble of going to vote. Women have fought for this privilege.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  8. Always good to vote, people who don't have no room to complain when things don't suit them. Your voting system sounds a bit complicated but we had to take proof of identity this year too but when we got there the place was quiet but I guess it probably gets busy in the evening when everyone is home from work. Love the funnies, I'm sure the first one is a photo from Ground Dog Day. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  9. Have a fun weekend, Elizabeth! Thanks for the funnies, hugs!

  10. I'll be glad when November comes and goes.

  11. Love the cat in line to vote! LOL! :)

  12. Our primary is Tuesday. I'm an Independent, but I seriously thinking of just becoming a democrat because I I can't support the party of a felon running for president. Really?

  13. I love those lamp posts. Our early voting starts soon and I always vote absentee. (Over 70 you can for no reason). A relief.

  14. I voted in the primary in person. We don't have to formally declare a party in Tennessee.

  15. Yes, I like those lamp posts too.

    All the best Jan


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