
Sunday, September 1, 2024

A little birdie told me anything goes


Yesterday I was able to leave seven comments before I got the dreaded "Failed to Publish."  Thanks to everyone who stops by even when I can't leave comments.

I want to begin by thanking the extremely talented Jo from Let's Art Journal for hosting the entire month of August at Art Journal Journey.  She was both a gracious host visiting everyone, as well as creating many inspirational pages.  We were so lucky to have her host. 

This month we have a second time host.  Please give a warm welcome to Aimeslee who lives in Texas in the states (USA).  You will find her at Paper-Paisleys Art Adventures. This talented artist is known for her cards and art projects, but she makes amazing and colorful journal pages, too.  Aimeslee's theme is Anything Goes.  That makes it easy, so now I can pursue different ideas this month.

I am beginning with this little birdie.  I have some rather blurry detail shots below.

I spent four days creating the nest.  I built it up slowly from threads left over from my recent sewing adventures.  I even added bits of lace.  Each day I added more glue and threads, then turned it over so there was no obvious front or back to the nest.  When I was satisfied with the shape, I glued it to the page that was left over from July that I had covered with dressmaker's tissue.  I had a gifted die cut bird I colored and outlined with a black Posca pen.  I computer generated the text and adhered it to the page.  While out watering my herbs two days ago, I found this bird feather.  I thought it was the perfect addition to the page.

Aimeslee, Erika, Valerie, Bleubeard, and I are delighted you joined us and hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey as you share your own interpretation of Anything Goes.
We welcome art journal pages that meet the theme requirements, altered book pages, canvases, loose, or stand alone pages including fabric and digital art.  I (and some of the administrators) cannot leave comments on Facebook or Instagram entries.  We do not allow cards, tags, index cards, ATCs, or ATCoins, unless they are part of a journal page, and as much as we don't want to, will be forced to delete your entry.  Please remember if your blog is not in English, we ask that you translate it for us since the translation tool doesn't work on some blogs, including mineHope to see you and your anything goes entries soon at Art Journal Journey



  1. LOVE your bird and its brightly coloured nest.

  2. Thanks so much, I really enjoyed joining you last month! The little bird is so pretty and the nest you made is amazingly beautiful - love it 😊. Happy September! Hugs, Jo x

  3. A cute nest! I have two feathers at my work PC I found at ALSTOM. Makes no nest,of course.
    Ack. I get the same message as you. I save the text and try again. Blogger at times allows you after some fails.

  4. Fun piece, ! love the nest. Sorry if I took you by surprise, but I just need to rest for a very long time!! Hugs!

  5. Told me the same thing. Happy Sunday.
    i invite you to SundaySmiles link party


  6. The last photo is clear enough to see your cute nest. I saw a hummingbird on a nest on utility wires one time — it’s neat when they do that.
    best, mae at

  7. That is such a cool nest!!!! This is a great page Elizabeth. I like everything about it. And that is a fun little bird in the nest too. I am also looking forward to Anything Goes. It should be a fun to see all the various creations people come up with. Happy September. hugs-Erika

  8. The nest is really fun and I like how you laid this out. What a great theme this month!

  9. Love your cute little bird's nest and adding the real feather, too. :)

  10. Clever way to make the nest and I like the feather message.

  11. I adore your little bird on its beautiful nest! The bird feather was waiting to be found!! I hope to get back top making some pages, been having a bit of a tough time lately but hopefully all resolved now! All I need to do now is get my art room tidied - it's more like the room of gloom and doom at the moment! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. I especially like the nest.
    Happy September wishes.

    All the best Jan

  13. Thank you so much for the welcome and I'm awed by your thread nest! Love how you built it up and put it on (real!) pattern paper. I love the old sewing patterns and still have a few vintage 1960's ones from my mom. I hope Blogger starts treating you better! That happened to me once, hope never again, xoxo

  14. I love your little nest against the sewing pattern paper, it's lovely. Hope blogger behaves itself, you have so many problems with it, have you thought about wordpress? Happy September!


Your thoughts are very important to Bleubeard and me. I appreciate it when you care enough to stop by and even more when you leave a short message letting me know you were here.

I don't want to ever turn on comment moderation, so when I find comments that don't relate to my blog content, your comment will immediately be deleted.